Health Science Program Immunization

Health Science Hospital Rotations Immunization Policy
It is the policy of the Health Science Program and participating health care facilities in accordance
with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, CDC guidelines, and Advisory Committee
on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommendations, a student who may have potential contact with air, body
substances, environmental surfaces, supplies, and/or equipment in the health care facility environment must be
immunized against specific vaccine preventable diseases in order to protect the health and safety of patients,
employees, volunteers, and students.
A student must be up to date on all of their immunizations prior to participating in hospital rotations/clinical
observations. The student’s immunization record will be assessed by the school nurse along with the Health Science
Instructor. A permanent copy of the student’s up to date immunization record must be on file with the Health Science
Instructor prior to attending any hospital rotations/clinical observations.
Required Immunizations: Texas Statue requires that the facility specify mandatory vaccines.
The following are mandatory vaccines:
MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)
Varicella (or proof of chicken pox)
Hepatitis B
Influenza (seasonal)
1. Student is required to provide documentation of current influenza immunization to Health
Science Instructor.
2. These dates may be extended depending on seasonally of influenza.
3. Student is required to wear a mask when within 6 feet of patients beginning Oct. 1st through
Mar. 1st if they do not receive influenza vaccine.
Tuberculosis Test Policy
It is the policy of the Health Science Program and participating health care facilities that in accordance with the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations and CDC guidelines, a student with direct patient
care or has the potential for exposure to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) through air space shared with persons with
infectious TB disease will receive the tuberculin skin testing (TST) and comply with the Tuberculosis Policy.
According to CDC guidelines, pregnancy should not exclude a female from receiving the TB test as part of the
screening program.
TB test results:
1. A student must obtain a TB test and provide a copy of the Negative TB results to their Health Science
Instructor prior to participating in hospital rotations/clinical observations.
2. The TB test must be recent (within 2 months of starting hospital rotations/clinical observations).
Positive TB test results:
1. A student with a positive result must seek medical attention from the local health department or their
own medical provider for evaluation and treatment.
2. A student will not be allowed to participate in hospital rotations/clinical observations until a negative
chest x-ray is verified by a medical provider and no signs or symptoms of active TB are documented.
3. The student must provide the Health Science Instructor documentation from the medical provider
stating the student has a negative chest x-ray and no signs or symptoms of active TB prior to being
able to participate in hospital rotations/clinical observations.
4. For the student who has a positive chest x-ray, signs and symptoms of active TB may not participate in
hospital rotations/clinical observations until documentation from the medical provider confirming the
student is not contagious is provided to the Health Science Instructor.
History of BCG vaccination:
1. The student will not be able to participate in hospital rotations/clinical observations until the students
has provided the Health Science Instructor with documentation from a medical provider stating that the
student has a negative chest x-ray, no signs or symptoms of active TB.
2. If the student has a positive chest x-ray, signs and symptoms of active TB may not participate in
hospital rotations/clinical observations until documentation from the medical provider confirming the
student is not contagious is provided to the Health Science Instructor.
History of documented TB test:
1. The student must have a chest x-ray and provide documentation from a medical provider confirming the
student has a negative chest x-ray before being able to participate in hospital rotations/clinical
2. If the student had a chest x-ray within the last 12 months, the student must provide documentation from
a medical provider that the chest x-ray was negative before being able to participate in hospital
rotations/clinical observations.
A student is responsible for compliance with all required vaccinations.
Failure to comply with the immunization requirements by the designated due date will result in the student being
unable to participate in hospital rotations/clinical observations.
Reference: THR Tuberculosis Prevention Policy
THR Comprehensive Immunization Plan
HR Immunizations for Employees/Health Care Worker (paid or unpaid)
Denton ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, or disability in providing education or providing access to benefits of
education services, activities and program, including vocation programs, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended: Title IX of the
Educational Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Inquiries
regarding these policies should be directed to the Executive Director of Human Resources (940) 369-0000.