Demetri English 12 Topics for the Medieval Research Project

English 12
Topics for the Medieval Research Project
Choose one of the following topics for your research project. Due date is Monday, February 7.
There will be a 10 point per day penalty for late work. You need to get this done on time.
taking, not just printing out websites) AND AN MLA WORKS CITED (done on
You may NOT use Wikipedia or Askcom.or websites that are just blogs. You must have at least
six sources.
1. European castles of the Middle Ages, 1066-1485. In this project, you will build a model castle
that includes several accurate architectural elements based upon your research. The model must
be sturdy enough to withstand transport to school. The base must be a minimum of 12”, and the
model must be able to fit through the classroom door. Instead of a working model, you may also
make a 10-15 minute PowerPoint presentation with detailed illustrations.
You will present your model and explain how it is accurate and what you learned about castles
from this time period, including facts about materials used, time it took to construct them, special
details, etc.
2. Medieval weaponry- European. What did fighters from different regions use? You may
prepare a PowerPoint presentation (10-15 minutes), make models, make posters and give
speeches, etc. What were their weapons made of, and which ones were the most popular or
effective? What were any innovations?
3. Medieval armor/helmets/shields- European. What did they use? What were some of the
different styles. What were the strengths and weaknesses? Of what were they made? Sketches or
illustrations from the internet, models, posters, etc. are allowed.
4. Hairstyles and/or clothing/fashions/jewelry from the Middle Ages. What did people look like?
How did class make a difference in what you wore? What were the fabrics they used? How did
they keep warm? What were shoes like? What were some of their accessories? Models, images
from online, posters with speeches, PowerPoint are all allowed.
5. Food in the Middle Ages. What did people eat? What didn’t they have? What were luxuries?
How was food prepared? What was a typical meal? Provide some medieval recipes. Models,
posters with speeches, PowerPoint presentations are all allowed.
6. Inventions from the Middle Ages. What did they invent during this time period, and what
influence did each invention have? Provide a model, posters with speech, PowerPoint
presentation of 10-15 minutes, etc.
7. Music from the Middle Ages. What were the popular forms of music during this time period?
Provide examples (live, taped, PowerPoint presentation)
8. Art. Discuss art in the Middle Ages and the influences of the Church. Provide examples of
famous Medieval Art. PowerPoint presentation, detailed posters with presentation (10-15
minutes), etc.
9. Role of women in the Middle Ages. Discuss the rights and responsibilities of women in the
Middle Ages. What were their roles? Who were some famous women from this time period?
PowerPoint presentation, posters with 10-15 minute presentation.
10. The origins of drama. Research medieval plays, mystery plays, morality plays. What was
their purpose? What evolved from these religious plays? PowerPoint presentation of 10-15
11. The Crusades. What were they, where were they, when were they? Who was involved? What
happened? Make maps and give a presentation, give a PowerPoint presentation (10-15 minutes).
12. The Black Death. Learn all about the bubonic plague in England from 1348-1349. Discuss
the cause and effects. Posters and presentation or PowerPoint presentation of 10-15 minutes.
You will be given library time for research and to create your Works Cited the last week of the
January cycle.