Wigan CCGGP LCS Post Payment Verification and Quality Audit Report Dicconson Group Practice Tuesday 28th April – 9:30am Contents 1. Fitness to Practice 2. Patient Experience 3. Anti-Coagulation 4. Asylum Seekers 5. Choose & Book 6. Continuing Care 7. End of Life Care - EOL 8. Near Patient Testing 9. Ring Pessary 10. Proactive Screening for Patients Aged Over 75 11. CSU Post Audit Recommendations 3 Practice Name Dicconson Group Practice Practice Number P92003 Practice Address Boston House, Wigan Health Centre, Frog Lane, Wigan, WN6 7LB Practice Telephone Number 01942 482070 Lead GP Name Dr P Southern Practice Manager Janette Cooper (Practice Manager)& Gail Harrison (Deputy Practice Manager) CSU Team Member Job Title Amy Durrant Contract Support Assistant RAG Rating Rationale Red Doesn’t meet the expected standard, action required. Amber Partially meets the expected standard, improvement required. Green Expected standard has been observed, no action required. 1. Fitness to Practice 1 GMC GNMC Registration Renewal Date Professional Indemnity Renewal Date Name Role Dr P Southern Lead GP No.xxxxx 01/08/2015 MPS No.xxxxx 31/05/2015 Dr K Hosie GP No. xxxxx 04/08/2015 Dr L Hosie GP Dr J Davies Evidence of CPD Date of Safeguarding Training Safeguarding Adults refresher – 12/03/2015, Child Abuse training – 07/08/2013 DBS Status No. xxxx - 08/04/15 Full and up to date training record observed. MPS No.xxxxx 31/05/2015 Child Abuse training – 12/09/2014 No. xxxx 31/03/2015 Full and up to date training record observed. Noxxxxxx 01/08/2015 MPS No. xxxxxx 31/05/2015 Safeguarding Adults refresher – 14/03/15, Mental Capacity Act training – 19/03/15 No. 0xxxxx 23/03/2015 Full and up to date training record observed. GP No.xxxxx 01/08/2015 MPS No.xxxxx 31/05/2015 Child Abuse training – 17/07/2012 DBS has recently been applied for Full and up to date training record observed. Dr J Graham GP Noxxxxx 01/08/2015 MPS No.xxxxx 31/05/2015 Child Abuse training – 17/07/2012 DBS has recently been applied for Full and up to date training record observed. Dr A Tolba GP No. xxxxx 04/08/2015 MDDUS – 31/05/2015 Safeguarding Adults Level 3 – 16/03/15, Child Abuse Training – 16/03/15 DBS has recently been applied for Full and up to date training record observed. Sister Carole Mason Practice Nurse 31/07/2015 AVIVA No. Oxxxxx Child Abuse Training – 30/03/15 Sister Clare Twist Practice Nurse 30/09/2015 AVIVA No. Oxxxx Child Abuse Training – 13/03/15 DBS has recently been applied for No. xxxxxx27/07/12 Full and up to date training record observed. Full and up to date training record observed. Public Liability Renewal Date AVIVA No. xxxxx CQC Registration Status Registered CQC Inspection Status Not yet inspected 2. Patient Experience 2.1 Patient satisfaction questionnaire 2.2 Complaints log and action record. RAG Rating Comments Observed - received a copy of the questionnaire and results via email. The practice uses the Friends & Family questionnaire; copies are distributed to every patient at reception and are also available on the practice website. If a patient makes a complaint or compliment, they will also be encouraged to complete a questionnaire. The results are then collated by the Practice Manager (PM) and a record of performance is documented every month; statistics of the results are also created and analysed. Comments made on the questionnaire are also collated and discussed with the Practice Participation Group to see if there any action points for the practice to implement. On a quarterly basis, a sample of comments will be taken to see if there are any common themes to focus on, and the questionnaire will be adapted accordingly. A comments board is also currently being developed so results can be clearly displayed in the practice. Observed - received a copy of the complaints log and action record. If a patient makes a practical or administrative based complaint, the Deputy PM will try and resolve this at the time of the complaint. Clinical complaints are dealt with by the PM who will organise a meeting with the patient in the first instance. The meeting minutes and outcome are recorded and sent to the patient within 3 working days; a full response is also given within 10 working days. If the complaint is regarding a GP, that GP will also call the patient to apologise. Once the investigation is complete, the patient will be telephoned patient to see if they are happy with the resolution. If they still wish to take it further, the details of the CCG will be passed on. 2.3 Complaints / compliments procedure is clearly displayed for patients. Observed – complaints and compliments procedure is clearly displayed in reception; it is also included in the new patient pack and published on the website. 2.4 Serious Incidents are recorded and reported Observed – received a copy of the Serious Incidents procedure via email; the practice has not yet had any Serious Incidents. 2.5 Up to date health promotional/educational material is made available to patients. Observed – full and extensive range of health promotional materials are readily available on reception. 2.6 Demonstrate that 100% of SUIs are reported to the CCG within 72 hrs. See section 2.6; the practice has not yet had any serious incidents, but has a procedure in place. 3. Anti-Coagulation 3.1 Evidence that an up to- date register of all anti-coagulation monitoring service patients is in place. 3.2 Identify what referral policies are in place to other services. E.g. WWL service for patients requiring hospital level care RAG Rating Comments Observed. The practice’s clinical system has searches that checks patients’ INR readings at 4, 8, and 12 weeks. If a patient falls out of these checks, the Health Care Assistant will contact them; if the patient cannot be contact the Warfarin clinic will be contacted instead. No repeat prescriptions are issued to patients without their latest INR reading. If patient needs treatment for an anti-coagulation related illness, they will already be in the practice system as requiring this. If a patient has a new diagnosis, they will be referred back to Secondary care. There are also a couple of practices in the local area who will soon deliver Level 5 Interpractice Anti-coagulation; once these have been set up, referrals will be made to these practices. 3.3 Ensure management plans are in place and that they are recorded in the patient’s yellow anticoagulant record book. Yes – each patient has an individual management plan recorded in their yellow book. Both staff and patients know the importance of documenting everything in there. 3.4 Evidence that an annual review of patients’ health is carried out. Yes – all patients are on the clinical recall system, and are automatically called in for an annual review. A dedicated member of the practice staff checks the chronic disease recalls to ensure they are efficient and up to date. 3.6 Inter Practice Referral Anti Coagulation The following additional evidence should be made available for assessment by providers who offer the Level 5 service: A signed Inter Practice referral agreement between participating GP practices N/A – the practice does not deliver Level 5 Inter Practice Anti Coagulation. 3.7 A call and recall system is in place that is able to operate across practice boundaries N/A – see above 3. 8 A single IT anti - coagulant management system is in place which has the functionality outlined within the service specification N/A – see above 3.9 Clinic sites are used which provide easy access to patients registered with any practice in the collaboration N/A – see above 3.10 Post payment verification audit to include: a number of patients Invoices and supported documentation verified and reconciled for: Quarter 4 2014/15 – 114 patients: 4. Asylum Seekers 4.1 Evidence that a provider offers a period of time to allow registration to be completed outside of the clinical process RAG Rating Comments Yes - many Asylum Seeker patients will not turn up for their new patient check, so on their initial appointment they are given a new patient pack and offered another appointment for their new patient check to include extra time for registration within that week. The practice has dedicated slots for Asylum Seeker patients every week that are 20 minutes longer than normal appointments. If it is clear a patient needs urgent help, they will be automatically referred to a GP. 4.2 Evidence that a comprehensive mental and physical assessment to identify any serious ongoing problems and the physical or mental effects of ill treatment is undertaken Yes – the new patient check includes a comprehensive mental and physical assessment; if any serious issuesare flagged up, the patient will be directed and referred appropriately. 4.3 Provide an up-to-date register of all patients eligible for the asylum seeker service. Yes – observed a copy of this. The practice’s clinical system will also flag up patients that have not had their new patient checks, therefore could be eligible for this service. 4.4 Evidence that records are maintained of the performance and result of the service provided. Ensure that all clinical information related to this service is recorded in the patient’s own GP held lifelong record. Yes – observed performance records of this service. Full clinical records are made for each patient. 4.5 The Provider must ensure that all staff involved in providing any aspect of care under this Enhanced Service have the necessary training and skills to do so E.g. General awareness raising training of issues affecting Asylum seekers / Equality & Diversity Observed – Equality & Diversity Tier 1 training certificate for Dr L Hosie – 27/01/14 4.6 Post payment verification audit to include: a number of patients Invoices and supported documentation verified and reconciled for: Quarter 2 2014/15 - 1 patient: 5. Choose & Book 5.1 Evidence that a Referring Clinician, normally the patient’s GP, initiates a choice offer and discusses the clinical aspects of choice with patients. RAG Rating Comments Yes – if the referral is to a speciality clinic or provider, patients will be offered a full and comprehensive choice of prospective places. The GP will have a discussion of preference of location and private providers, and give the patient a list of choices within a 50 mile radius of the practice. If a patient wishes to be referred to a provider that cannot be found on Choose &Book, the practice will contact the provider directly to enquire if the patient can be referred there. 5.2 Evidence that patients are given access to meaningful information to support their choice decision e.g. signposting to provider website / NHS Choices or Leaflets Yes – observed a copy of provider information that is given to the patient. Information of all suitable providers is presented to patient to aid their decision. 5.3 Ensure that all Provider Staff are suitably qualified and competent. Internal arrangements must be in place for maintaining and updating relevant skills and knowledge base Yes – all staff are competently trained and qualified in order to deliver this service. 5.4 Post payment verification audit to include a sample number of referrals are made via Choose and Book Observed documents of every referral made via C&B; for example: 16/02/15 – 11 Choose & Book referrals, 17/02/15 – 1 Choose & Book referral, 18/02/15 – 4Choose & Book referrals 6. Continuing Care RAG Rating Comments 6.1 Any provider falling below performance level C (see below table) will receive a 40% reduction in payment. Practice unsure of what needs to be evidenced; CSU to clarify with CCG. 6.2 Post payment verification audit to include: a number of patients To follow. Key Performance Indicator CHC Description The number of multi-disciplinary meetings attended as a percentage of GP Pro-formas completed Performance Level A B C 95% 80% <80% 7. EOL – End of Life Care RAG Rating Comments 7.1 Evidence that practices have received in-house education on Advance Care Planning and that Advance Care Planning document/leaflets have been received. Observed copies of the Advanced Care Planning documents. 7.2 Evidence that the provider has the minimum end of life care data set. Observed the minimum data set on the practice’s clinical system; the practice is currently in the process of ensuring all patients are correctly coded for this service. The practice also has meetings to discuss the data set. 7.3 Maintain and keep up to date EPaCCS for all patients with life limiting palliative care condition. N/A – EpaCCS has currently not been implemented by the CCG. 7.4 Ensure that all clinical information related to the use of EPaCCS is recorded in the patient’s own GP held lifelong record, including the completion of any Adverse Incidents; N/A – see above. 7.5 Evidence that the practice has at least one named GP coordinator for Palliative and End of Life Care. Yes – Dr LHosie. 7.6 Post payment verification audit to include: a number of patients The practice has yet to make a claim for this service; Advanced Care Planning training invoice observed for all GPs. 8. Near Patient Testing - NPT 8.1 Ensure an up-to-date register is in place that includes an individual management plan for each patient. RAG Rating Comments Observed a copy of the NPT register – searches are set up in the practice’s clinical system corresponding to each of the NPT drugs that show a list of all patients receiving that drug and what blood tests are needed. The HCA will monitor the NPT patients in the same way as they monitor the AntiCoagulation patients (see section 3.1). 8.2 Evidence that patients received advice on the importance and frequency of blood test monitoring and are informed of how to access relevant information. Yes – all patients receive written and verbal information on the importance of frequent blood test monitoring. 8.3 Post payment verification audit to include: a number of patients Invoices and supported documentation verified and reconciled for: Quarter 4 2014/15 – 30 patients - 9. Ring Pessary RAG Rating Comments 9.1 Evidence that staff delivering the service have appropriate clinical experience and training The practice GPs satisfy at revalidation that they have the necessary experience and training to deliver this service. The practice nurse is currently undertaking a gynaecological course. 9.2 Evidence that consent is asked for from any patient repatriated from secondary care The practice is currently not repatriating any patients from secondary care; the GP is currently waiting for any patients from secondary care to stabilise before they are seen at the practice. 9.3 Evidence that the provider issues a clinical discharge letter informing the patients registered practice of the care delivered to the patient (Inter Practice referrals received only). N/A – the practice does not receive any Inter Practice referrals. 9.4 Evidence that Read Codes are used for each procedure/patient and attached to any correspondence to the patient’s registered GP Practice. Yes – observed a copy of the register; all patients are correctly read coded. 9.5 Post payment verification audit to include: a number of patients Invoices and supported documentation verified and reconciled for: 1 Aug 2014 – 1 Feb 2015: 18 patients - 10. Proactive Screening for Patients Aged Over 75 10.1 Evidence that call and recall processes are established to support screening all patients aged 75 and over registered with the practice. RAG Rating Comments Observed – the PM runs a report on all patients over 75 that excludes patients on admission avoidance, housebound patients and patients with a chronic disease. Dedicated staffwill look through this report weekly to determine who needs to be called and recalled for this service. Patients called in for this service will be seen by the nurses; if a patient is attending for their diabetic annual review, extra time will be added on to their appointment. If a GP needs to see a patient, they will have an allocated appointment time for patients on this service. For anything urgent, the practice has a duty doctor system; the patient will see a nominated GP on that particular day to deal with acute problems. 10.2 All patients who are screened should have a Read Code placed into their notes that will enable the CCG to monitor the healthcare utilisation of patients prior to and after being screened. Yes – observed a copy of the patient register with the Geriatric Health Screening code. 10.3 Evidence that patients are subject to GP referral and follow up irrespective of their Edmonton Frailty score when changes to their medical condition are identified via the supplementary health questions or Urinalysis. Observed – see section 10.1. 10.4 Evidence of what approach/tool is taken to review patients with Polypharmacy issues Yes – patients with Polypharmacy issues are subject to a full medications review with their GP. 10.5 Post payment verification audit to include: a number of patients Invoices and supported documentation verified and reconciled for: 1st September 2014 - 31st January 2015: 11. CSU Post Audit Recommendations Issue Identified Recommendation No CSU recommendations. 1