20 February 2014 From: Senior Safety Manager To: General Manager Subj: #08-2014, ACTIVITY HAZARD RISK ASSESSMENT FOR PEST CONTROL FOGGING OPERATION AT CBRE SINGAPORE POST CENTER Ref: (a) Ministry of Manpower Regulations Regarding General Safety and Health 354A 1. Per reference (a), this risk assessment was completed to identify hazards that pose risk to workers, evaluate those hazards for severity and likelihood of occurrence, and recommend corrective actions that will eliminate or minimize hazards associated with pesticide fogging at CBRE Singapore Post Center. This project is projected to be completed tomorrow evening and the actual fogging will last approximately one hour. 2. The following areas are addressed in this risk assessment: Inventory of Work Activities………………………………………………………………………………….Page 2 Activity Risk Assessment Matrix……………………………………………………………………………Page 3 Activity Based Risk Assessment Form……………………………………………………………………Page 4-5 Listing of Competent Persons……………………………………………………………………………….Page 6 3. Please address any questions or concerns to me at 8205 8249 or lee_wilson@pnhgrp.com. Respectfully, T. L. Wilson 1 Risk Assessment Form #08-2014, ACTIVITY HAZARD RISK ASSESSMENT FOR PEST CONTROL AT CBRE SINGAPORE POST CENTER Inventory of Work Activities Company: PNH Resources PTE LTD No. 1 2 3 4 5 Process Description Assemble equipment and materials at the work site Site Preparation Apply Fogging Material Clean-up Site Clean-up 20 February 2014 Work Activities Assemble pesticide application equipment and pesticides to be used. Ensure that spaces are clean and that all food service preparation areas are covered prior to pesticide application Pesticide NUFU (Dichlorvos) will be applied over approximately a one hour time frame. Contractor shall remove pesticide application materials. Removal of all food preparation area coverings, wipe down surfaces thoroughly 2 #08-2014, ACTIVITY HAZARD RISK ASSESSMENT – FIVE POINT MATRIX EMPLOYED TO QUANTIFY RISK – 20 February 2014 Risk Criteria Severity (1-5, Lowest – Highest) Likelihood ( 1-5, Lowest - Highest) 1-Negligible Injuries: slight injury or health effect, 2-Minor Injuries: Injury or ill health requiring first aid treatment only 3-Moderate Injury: Injury requiring medical treatment or ill health leading to disability 4-Major Injury Disability: serious injury or life threatening occupational disease 5-Castrophic: serious injury resulting in fatality or irreversible health damage with death 1-Rare: very unlikely to happen, 2-Remote: not likely to happen most of the time, 3-Occasional: likely to happen sometime, 4-Major Injury Disability: likely to happen several times regularly, 5-Almost Certain: Likely to happen Risk Level (Severity x Likelihood) Trivial Risk : Tolerable Risk : Moderate Risk : Substantial Risk : Intolerable Risk : 1 to 2 (L) 3 to 9 (L) 10 to 19 (M) 20 to 24 (H) 25 (H) - First aid treatment injury, minor cuts or bruises, clean-up effort for environmental impact - First aid treatment Injury, minor cuts or bruises, clean-up effort for environmental impact - Temporary disability, lost time injury, outpatient treatment, minor or short term environmental impact - Serious Injury, permanent disability, major disruption and damage to equipment or structure, significant environmental - Fatality or fatalities, serious injury, permanent disability, major structural or equipment damage, detriment environmental The table above provides numerical methodology to better prioritize hazards. These values are the criteria for the Activity-Based Risk Assessments beginning on the following page. No catastrophic risk of any certainty was identified. Risk is calculated mathematically by multiplying severity of the operation by the likelihood an accident will occur. Generally risk levels calculated at 9 and below are considered acceptable, manageable risk. This does not preclude the need to try and mitigate all risk to the lowest possible level. However, those above nine should receive additional scrutiny to determine what steps are available to reduce overall risk including, administrative controls, substitution of a higher hazardous material for a less hazardous material, use of engineering controls or use of personal protective equipment (PPE). 3 Risk Assessment Form Activity-Based Risk Assessment Form Company: PNH RESOURCES PTE LTD Process/Location: #08-2014, Pesticide Fogging to be conducted at CBRE Singapore Post Center Approved by: Samsor Bin Sudir (Name, designation) Senior Pest Management Specialist (Date) 20 February 2014 1. Hazard Identification Conducted by: (Names, designations) (Date) Lee Wilson Senior Safety Manager 20 February 2014 Last Review Date: Next Review Date: 20 February 2014 2. Risk Evaluation 1ST July 2014 (As needed) 3. Risk Control 1a 1b 1c 1d 2a 2b 2c 2d 3a 3b No Work Activity Hazard Existing Risk Control (if any) SevErity Likelyhood Risk Level Additional Risk Control Action Officer Designation Assemble equipment and materials at the work site Musculoskeletal – Sprains, Strains, ligament damage or other types musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). Possible Accident/ Ill Health & Persons at Risk Pesticide workers assigned to complete this project 1 2 Prepare the spaces to be treated with insecticide Potential for causing human harm Personnel who routinely work in this space. All PNH workers undergo regular training on how to avoid these types of injuries multiple times over the course of the year as part of their routine training. We have had 0 injuries requiring lost time x 3+ years. Ensure all food products are removed from exposure. Cover all food preparation surfaces. 4 2 2 2 2 4 Training should includes Specifically: 1. Lift with the legs, 2. Keep back straight, 3. Hold all loads close to the body, 4. Don’t twist while carrying the load, 5. Review your path prior to moving the load Senior Safety Manager 4 Pesticide to be used is Trade Named NuFu with the active ingredient being dichlorvos. The treatment period is of short duration and in the form used this pesticide is of low toxicity. Senior Safety Managers No 3 Work Activity Hazard Application of NuFu pesticide. Worker exposure to pesticide . Possible Accident/ Ill Health & Persons at Risk Persons assigned to apply pesticide even though the material is of low toxicity. Existing Risk Control (if any) Workers wear full body covering with organic vapor cartridges equipped with prefilters to filter out mists. Severity Likelyhood Risk Level 3 3 9 Additional Risk Control Short duration of exposure to pesticide and work is conducted by certified operator. The following guidelines should be observed with exposure: Action Officer Designation Senior Safety Manager Skin: Wash with soap and water Eye: Flush for 15 minutes Inhalation: Respiratory support Ingestion: Medical Attention 4 Worker Cleanup Musculoskeletal as indicated in section 1 above. 5 Clean-up of spaces to be conducted by office staff Potential low exposure to any residual pesticide. PNH Workers removing the application equipment Persons removing coverings from food prep areas and performing cleanup. Current Training to avoid these types of injuries. 2 2 4 Senior Safety Manager Chemical resistant gloves – While exposure is expected to be minimal, precautions are indicated. 2 2 4 Senior Safety Manager 5 QUALIFICATIONS AND POINTS OF CONTACT FOR THIS PROJECT FROM PNH RESOURCES PTE LTD AND GOODMNAN ENVIRONMENTAL PTE LTD FEBRUARY 2014 Competent/Qualified Personnel: Lee Wilson - 8205 8249 QP/ First Aid CPR/ Heat Stress Program/ Respiratory Protection Program/ Hearing/Sight Conservation Program/Training Coordinator Samsor Bin Sudir – 8128 6011 PNH Project Manage/Senior Pesticide Specialist Equipment Used: Ladders/Scaffolds Hand and Power Tools First Aid Kit Eyewash Station LOTO Kit Fire Extinguishers Inspection Requirements: Training Requirements Inspect PPE daily and before use. Inspect first aid kit at least weekly. Inspect electrical extension cords before use Visual inspection of Fire extinguisher daily Daily Housekeeping of work areas Daily site safety inspections by Safety Manager and project Quality Control 6 Ladders/Scaffolds Proper Lifting Techniques First Aid/CPR Emergency Telephone Numbers Daily/Weekly Safety Tool Box Meetings