a learner-centered instruction in terms of new content of education

S.I. Sadybekova
The Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University
Importance of learning new teaching technologies, trends in methods of
teaching English at the present stage, the ability to use the professional
achievements of domestic and foreign methodological heritage, modern
methodological directions and the concepts of learning foreign languages are
obvious. Reforming in the field of education system in general and in foreign
language education in particular, and at the same time, a changing of paradigms of
teaching foreign languages involves a peculiar kind of a dynamic breakthrough and
an accelerated innovation. Thus there is a review and inventory of all the major
conceptual categories starting with the definition of the essence and content of
teaching foreign languages and ending with the changes of methodological,
technological, substantial (content) foundations of foreign language education.
Key words: innovative trends, new content of education, learning foreign
languages, methods of teaching, learner-centered approach, methodological tips.
New innovative trends of updating the content of education lead to training
the prospective expert as a versatile intellectually developed person possessing a
professionalism and ability to search and solve tasks [1, p.6]. Modern specialist
cannot exist without language skills. A major role in the successful resolution of
this problem belongs to the latest educational technologies, allowing students to
master the teaching material most effectively [2, p.7]. In the given paper we focus
on some methodological points coming from the transformation of education as a
learner-centered instruction in terms of new content of education.
Today the professional language teacher has a good grounding in the various
techniques and new approaches, and he knows and understands the history and
evolution of teaching methodologies.
The modern teacher will in fact use a variety of methodologies and
approaches, choosing techniques from each method that he considers effective and
applying them according to the learning context and objectives. He prepares his
lessons to facilitate the understanding of the new language being taught and does
not rely on one specific “best method” [3, p.15].
According to academic research, linguists have demonstrated that there is
not one single best method for everyone in all contexts, and that no one method is
inherently superior to the other methods. Also, it is not always possible - or
appropriate - to apply the same methodology to all learners who have different
objectives, environments and learning needs. At the moment there is no universal
method of teaching because the effectiveness of any method depends on many
factors. There is an integration of methods at the present stage of methodology
development [3, p.17].
It should be noted that under the choice of teaching methods the teacher
must consider not only their own preferences but above all he should focus on the
age, abilities, interests and psychological characteristics of learners. An
experienced professional language teacher always adopts, deciding on the most
suitable technique and applying the most appropriate methodology for that
learner's specific objectives, learning style and context. Such an orientation allows
to select the most appropriate and effective method.
At present the following main methods of teaching English: communicative,
intensive, project-based, activity-based techniques and a method of distance
learning should be recognized as the fundamental methodological principles [4,
Nowadays the very essential methodological tip is to find a method fitting to
the learner, not vice versa.
In this regard it’s necessarily to note that the learner-centered approach is one
of the most effective methods of learning foreign languages. This approach puts
the individual learner at the center of the learning process. At the same time his
abilities, inclinations, possibilities are taken into account as well.
Along with the above-mentioned approach it’s important to follow the most
common educational model. It is the functional-notional approach which
emphasizes the organization of the syllabus. This breaks down the use of language
into 5 functional categories that can be more easily analyzed: personal (feelings,
etc.), interpersonal (social and working relationships), directive (influencing
others), referential (reporting about things, events, people or language itself) and
imaginative (creativity and artistic expression). These 5 broad functions are then
delivered by the teacher in the classroom using the '3 Ps' teaching model, which
stand for Presentation, Practice and Production.
It‘s obviously that the independent cognitive activity of learners plays an
important role in modern methods. Providing the learners with a ready material is
discouraged; they should demonstrate more independence as it helps to memorize.
Take into account that now the teaching of English should be based on a new basis
which carries out the shift from the transfer of ready knowledge to the learner to
extraction of them in active learning and cognitive activity, thereby forming an
active person with creative thinking.
The main idea of these methods and approaches is the same: the best way of
learning is communication.
The modern teacher’s activity focused on a learner-centered process is to
 giving learners an initial set of relevant sources and teaching materials;
 encouraging learners to ensure that they complement the training material by their
ideas shaping them into context and discussing these ideas with other students;
 a critical attitude to learning materials and ideas and work with each other;
 building a bridge (connection) between academic education (institution) and
promoting a cognitive personal experience of the learner [4, p.10].
It is quite appropriate to emphasize the fact that a successful implementation
of the above-mentioned basic levels of learning, needs the additional elements of
the use of technology. They can be listed as follows:
use of technology to provide educational material via video, web pages,
presentations, video-rolls and demonstrations;
use of software aids to create a collaborative learning community and interactive
creation of an electronic conversational space;
use of the Internet to research the relevant examples; using video to create a
situational problem study;
involvement of students into self-assessment activities undertaken by the teacher
according to course curriculum and into assessment offered by a teacher.
Thus, by analyzing trends in methods of teaching foreign languages at the
present stage we can identify the following methodological tips: an increasing
differentiation of methods, techniques and learning content depending on the
objectives and target levels of proficiency, the characteristics of a learner as a
central figure of the teaching process and his cognitive and creative activities under
the learning environment; responsibility of a learner for learning activities success
(a learner is not just a recipient, he’s a discoverer); strengthening the role of
interaction and speaking activity of learners and development of self-realization,
self-creative thinking and making important decisions for themselves; the
application of new learning techniques; the integration of elements of different
methods in a modern education [5, p.34].
We have seen that international experience of using different methods in
combination with other forms of teaching a foreign language demonstrates a
positive learning impact on learners and promotes the full development of their
personal and professional autonomy. It is important that language learners as well
as teachers understand the various teaching methods and techniques so the learners
are able to navigate the market, make educated choices, and boost their enjoyment
of learning a language.
Thus, the problem of innovation in all sectors of education is directly related
to the practical course of foreign language in high school. It should be noted that
the development of new technology knowledge and information transfer its affect
to the education system causing significant changes in the methods and forms of
Therefore, the implementation of these tasks, improving the structure of the
educational process and improving its efficiency, improving its methodological
foundations should be directed to the transformation of education as a learnercentered instruction in the new content of education. These questions are in the
focus of educational technology.
According to the postulates of the Bologna process to ensure
"harmonization" in the field of education, the higher education system of our
country should become "transparent" and the most comparable to the European one
[6, p.9].
We consider that owing to the above-said all the factors will contribute to
the successful implementation of the significant and important goal of education matching of native education to international standards.
1. N.A.Nazarbayev. "Zhana Alemdeghі Zhana Kazakhstan," A Message to
Kazakstan people. "Akikat" national social-political journal. - Almaty, 2007.-№ 4.
2. The concept of foreign language education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Almaty. 2004.
3. Arthur W. Chickering, Stephen C. Ehrmann. Implementing the Seven Principles:
Technology as Lever. AAHE. - 1987.
4. Jeremy Harmer. Principles of foreign language learning and teaching.
5. Galskova N.D. Modern methods of teaching foreign languages. - M.: ArtiGlossa, 2000.
6. Europe's universities beyond 2010 - the diversification of the overall objective
(IV Congress of the European University Association, Lisbon, Portugal, March 2931, 2007).
В данной статье рассматриваются современные методические направления
и тенденции развития зарубежной и отечественной методик обучения
иностранному языку в условиях нового содержания образования; в частности,
анализируется личностно-ориентированный подход, центрируемый на