Genetics Quiz Review-Quiz on Monday 4/13/15 An organism`s

Genetics Quiz Review-Quiz on Monday 4/13/15
1. An organism’s physical trait is a Phenotype
2. A characteristic that distinguishes one organism from
another organism is a Trait
3. The alleles for an organism’s trait is a Genotype
4. A eukaryote cell contains DNA enclosed in a nuclear
5. If the majority of a population possesses a certain trait,
usually that trait is dominant.
6. Eye color, nose shape and hair color are all inherited
traits. The language and accent someone has is a
learned behavior.
Review the sample genotypes with the corresponding
Brown eyes are dominant.
B=brown eyes
b=blue eyes
Brown eyes
Homozygous dominant
Brown eyes
Blue eyes
Homozygous recessive
7. Human control of breeding for specific traits in an
organism is called selective breeding.
8. High reproduction, genetic variation within a species,
and competition among individuals of the same
species will all affect natural selection
9. Describe Mendel’s Law of Dominance Heredity
information for 2 different forms of a trait can coexist
in one individual; one form will mask the expression
of the other.
10. Differentiate between the genetic variation of Asexual
and Sexual reproduction: organisms that use asexual
reproduction will have no genetic variation between
parent and offspring; whereas, organisms that use
sexual reproduction will have offspring with genetic
11. If an amoeba uses the process of asexual reproduction,
describe how much genetic material it will receive in
the process of fission: it is genetically identical to its
12. A dichotomous key is a tool that helps its user identify
natural objects such as birds, trees, rocks, and insects.
13. A dichotomous key consists of a series of steps with 2
statements each.
14. The chromosomes in an organism are located in the
nucleus of a cell.
15. A hydra reproduces asexually through the process of