Requirement document ESS reference Optimizations of the superconducting linac Creation date : 2010/07/13 Page 1 / 6 Requirement document for the framework of the optimization of the geometrical betas and number of cells for the superconducting linac resonators WP 2 ESS Accelerator PBS code: and Originator Name Fonction Date Visa Reviewer R. Duperrier Name S. Peggs Approver Name System engineer of the Fonction WP 2 leader of the Accelerator Fonction Accelerator Design Update Design Update 2010/07/13 Date Date Visa Visa M. Lindroos Coordinator of the Accelerator Design Update This document is the property of the ESS AB. It can copied or disseminate without the authorization of the ESS AB. Reduced ESS reference RD for Optimizations of the superconducting linac Page 2 / 6 Release No. 1 2 3 4 Date Revision Description 2010/07/13 Distances between cryomodule wall and cavity have been changed. 2010/07/14 Two different currents have been included. 2010/07/15 Frequencies for the different sections are added. 2010/09/12 Additional informations for the constraints of the optimisation DISTRIBUTION LIST Internal External Mats Lindroos, Steve Peggs, Mohamad Eshraqi, Aurélien Ponton, S. Bousson, G. Devanz This document is the property of the ESS AB. It can copied or disseminate without the authorization of the ESS AB. Reduced ESS reference RD for Optimizations of the superconducting linac Page 3 / 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Scope of the system ............................................................................................... 4 1.1. Identification ............................................................................................................................ 4 1.2. Purpose .................................................................................................................................... 4 1.3. Stakeholders ............................................................................................................................ 4 2. Requirements .......................................................................................................... 4 2.1. Functional requirements......................................................................................................... 4 2.2. Performance requirements ..................................................................................................... 5 2.3. Interface requirements (definition of the interfaces) ............................................................ 5 3. Verification methods ............................................................................................... 6 4. Traceability matrix ................................................................................................... 6 5. References ............................................................................................................... 6 This document is the property of the ESS AB. It can copied or disseminate without the authorization of the ESS AB. Reduced ESS reference RD for Optimizations of the superconducting linac Page 4 / 6 1. Scope of the system 1.1. Identification The framework of the optimization of the geometrical betas and number of cells of the superconducting linac resonators establishes the guidelines to conduct the single particle studies that allow determining the values for these parameters in agreement with the requirements described hereafter. 1.2. Purpose The described framework allows defining clear and documented pre-requisites to conduct the optimizations and establishes a common basis for the layout comparisons. It is an essential part of the selection process for several important parameters of the superconducting linac. 1.3. Stakeholders The system engineer, WP2 and WP5 define the framework. The optimizations are performed by WP2. 2. Requirements 2.1. Functional requirements The sought efficiency is the best real estate gradients. The layouts must respect the state of art for designing high current proton linac: o continuity of the longitudinal acceptance, o low rate for the phase advance per meter evolution, the zero current phase advance change has to be negligible compared to the zero current phase advance for each focusing period, o the provided acceptance has to be large enough to avoid loss in presence of imperfections. The layout has to provide realistic spaces for the insertion of magnets, cavities, beam instrumentations, pumping systems, bellows. Number of cells per resonator and number of cavities per cryomodules will be optimized. Transverse focusing will be based on either two warm magnets in a warm section (SNS like) or two superconducting quadrupoles in a common cryomodule (Tesla like, no warm to cold transition). This document is the property of the ESS AB. It can copied or disseminate without the authorization of the ESS AB. Reduced ESS reference RD for Optimizations of the superconducting linac Page 5 / 6 2.2. Performance requirements The proton superconducting linacs will have to cover two possible energy ranges [50, 2500] MeV and [100, 2500] MeV. Two peak currents will be studied, 50 and 75 mA. Layouts based on the energy range [50, 2500 MeV] will contain: one section with spoke resonator and two sections with elliptical cavities. Layouts based on the energy range [100, 2500 MeV] will contain three sections with elliptical cavities. Sections with spoke resonators will use one single geometrical beta and a frequency of 352.21 MHz. Sections with elliptical cavities will use either one or two or three different geometrical betas and a frequency of 704.42 MHz. Spokes will be based on either 2 or 3 or 4 stems. Elliptical cavities will be based on either 4 or 5 or 6 cells. No limitation for the power coupler per resonator will be considered. The longitudinal acceptance has to provide a safe factor equal to 8 times the expected rms bunch size, the longitudinal rms emittance (zz') is assumed to be equal to 0.5 .mm.mrad. Two maximum accelerating gradients for each resonator will be considered: o 6 or 8 MV/m for the spokes, o 15 or 20 MV/m for the high betas elliptical cavities, the low beta sections being scaled according to the law Eacc [MV/m] = g*(18,2-5,7*g)*B[mT]/50. 2.3. Interface requirements Distances for the warm magnet version: o distance between quadrupoles equal to 400 mm, o distance quadrupole and cryomodule wall equal to 200 mm, o distance between cryomodule wall and cavity equal to 300 and 450 mm (spokes and ell.), o distance between cavities equal to 300 and 400 mm (spokes and ell.), o quadrupole length equal to 250 and 400 mm (spokes and ell.), o cavity length equal to the number of cells times 0,5x with the geometrical reduced speed and the wavelength of the resonator. Distances for the cold magnet version: o distance between quadrupoles equal to 400 mm, o distance quadrupole and cryomodule wall equal to 250 mm, o distance between cryomodule wall and cavity equal to 300 and 450 mm (spokes and ell.), o distance between cavities equal to 300 and 400 mm (spokes and ell.), o quadrupole length equal to 250 and 400 mm (spokes and ell.), o distance between quadrupole and cavity equal to 400 mm, This document is the property of the ESS AB. It can copied or disseminate without the authorization of the ESS AB. Reduced ESS reference RD for Optimizations of the superconducting linac Page 6 / 6 o cavity length equal to the number of cells times 0,5x with the geometrical reduced speed and the wavelength of the resonator. 3. Verification methods and outputs An algorithm to obtain optimized layout in agreement with requirements has to be established and documented. Parametric plots showing that the algorithm allows finding optimum values will be detailled. The required production yield for each resonator will be provided. 4. Traceability matrix This is a table that traces the requirements in this document to the higher level requirements or if this is a top level requirements document, it should trace to the User Requirements or needs 5. References M. Eshraqi, All the ESS cryos, SPL/ESS meeting, Lund, Sweden, june 2010. This document is the property of the ESS AB. It can copied or disseminate without the authorization of the ESS AB.