January 23, 2015

PALS Winter Business Meeting
January 23, 2015
Southwestern College
Winfield, Kansas
Members present: Jane Ballagh de Tovan (Donnelly), Mary Hester (McPherson), Sheila
Battin (Benedictine), Darla Meyer (Benedictine), Jeanette Parker (Newman), Steven
Gromatzky (Benedictine), Beverly Kelley (Central Christian), Jan Lee (Ottawa), Gloria
Creed-Dikeogu (Ottawa), Alicia Lillich (Southwestern), Dalene McDonald (Southwestern),
Janet L. Williams (Tabor), Kathy Delker (Friends), Mary Ann Buhler (Manhattan Christian),
Ray Walling (Baker), Kay Bradt (Baker), Max M. Burson (Friends), Steve Hamersky
(Newman), Kate Wise (Kansas Wesleyan).
Ray called the meeting to order, all briefly introduced themselves.
Approval of the Agenda
Darlene moved to approve the agenda
Kate seconded
Motion passed
Approval of Minutes from the October 31 meeting
Kathy suggested a wording change for the minutes from the last meeting.
Darlene seconded.
Jeanette moved to accept the minutes as amended
Jan seconded
Motion passed
Committee Reports
Treasurer/Membership Report (Kate Wise)
o The balance as of the October 31, 2014 meeting was $1,142.87.
One membership was renewed and no expenses reported, for a
balance on December 31, 2014 of $1,149.87.
o Members were reminded to check the status of their membership in
order to maintain at least 25 members for the section
o A second email will be sent to those on the email list to confirm and
correct the email list for PALS
KLA Council (Kay Bradt)
o Of note: amended bylaws were passed unanimously
o Also: what issues we ought to present to the legislature. Members are
urged to call to participate with the legislative committee and look at
direction of our legislative concerns.
o Next KLA council meeting is Tuesday January 27, 2015, and will be
State Library Board (Max Burson)
o (see handout)
o The state library will be migrating to new cataloging system;
Evergreen. They are also working with some libraries, and the
Missouri State library, to use Evergreen.
o Budget cut 4% again.
o There may be a call on certain libraries to financially meet consortial
i. Instructional Initiatives (Jane Ballag, Danielle Theiss)
The goal is to have conversations on state-wide instructional practices. One
of the concerns is everyone uses different platforms. Some libraries don't want a
standardization of library instruction.
ii. Special Projects Committee (Steve Hamersky, Steven Gromatzky)
(software for reference, libguides, etc). Committee hasn't met, but with
different libraries using different platforms; professors/students get used to using one
platform and don't like change. Institutional repositories were discussed. It is noted at a lot
of these committees have overlap. A lot of the committees are at the survey stage to find
out what libraries are doing already.
iii. Digital Scholarship (Bruce Flanders, Gloria Creed-Dikeogu)
Gloria asked if there was anything anyone wanted to contribute, please
contact her. They are talking about institutional repositories, and group purchasing.
Other topics - Digital archiving/curation, Digital humanities (collections of digital
resources based on humanities subjects)
iv. Collections and Resource Sharing (Max Burson, Ray Walling)
There is a difference between what Regents schools and smaller schools can
afford. PALS schools are encouraged to look at which databases they get the most
out of, and using that as a start to go to vendors to get consortial pricing, but there is
a lot of difference between PALS schools. The committee has looked at databases
and video streaming. Another meeting in March at Hutchinson, committees will
report back as to where they are in conversations. Challenges will be with pricing,
but there isn't expected to be fast movement.
Poll taken on who has Opposing Viewpoints, and who wants it., also Credo
Core, and Credo 100 titles.
A website has been set up for KCALDD, executive committee will post there.
Old Business
a. KLA Annual Event/Meeting
o Ray contacted Kelley Fan to look at the KLA schedule, or have it on the same
day as CULS. He will keep us updated.
New Business
a. Bylaws concern.
o Dan Ireton is concerned about our bylaws ammendment process, specifically
that PALS bylaws state we only need a majority vote to ammend, but that
Robert's Rules of Order states you need a 2/3rds vote.
o Darlene moved to leave it as is
o Gloria seconded
o Motion passed.
b. Next Meeting - May 29 : Doanne College, Crete, NE
Gloria mentioned that there will be 5 $100 scholarships from CULS to attend, KLAEF
also takes applications for grants (not a set amount for CULS) A poll was taken to see if
enough PALS members were planning on attending CULS in order to hold the PALS spring
meeting. Enough members verbally confirmed. The suggestion is to have only a meeting,
not a breakfast or dinner meeting.
o Mary Ann moved
o Kay seconded
o Ray adjourned.