Minutes Albany Area Chamber of Commerce General Membership Meeting August 21, 2013 Albany Area Junior Senior High—Media Center Village Bean Members present: Bonnie Wenker, Mary Sauerer, Lisa Groetsch, Jennifer Komis, Tom Schneider, Ross Voit, Melissa Gerads, Kathleen Magel, Aaron Smith, Kim Lange, Katie Dirkes, Lynn Pennie, Lori Lehn, Ron Paulsen, Matt Kreuzer, Donna Lutgen, Shelly Pierson, Mary Eisenschenk, Alexis Lutgen, Tim Jopp, Ben Dalsing, Kitty Eickhoff, Renee Thelen, Gaylene Hanson, Holly Pundsack, Kelly Neu, Michael Rien, Dean Mitchell, Lynn Jenc, Ann Schultz, Diane Noll, Scott Hansen, Paul Tomszik, Timothy Milo, Steve Dooley, Steve Stromme and Susan Iverson. Meeting called to order by Chamber President, Laurie Dingmann @ 12:10 p.m. Steve Dooley took control of the meeting and welcomed everybody. He announced that they are excited to be able to put names to faces of the new staff. Steve also thanked the three school board members who showed up. He expressed his excitement towards the potential of the upcoming year. Introductions by all chamber members present were made. Laurie Dingmann opened the introductions. Matt, Avon’s Chamber of Commerce President, thanked everybody for the invitation. The general membership reviewed the minutes from the July 17, 2013 meeting. No changes or corrections. Motion to approve the minutes made by Mary Sauerer and seconded by Kathleen Magel. Treasurer report including January through July was available for everyone to see. Aaron Smith reported light activity for July. The Blattner Golf Tournament donation was paid. Also, there was money in and out for the Bike Run that came to town. Motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made by Melissa Gerads, seconded by Renee Thelen. Albany Buck Report was presented by Melissa Gerads, little activity was reported. The balance is $1815.55. NEW BUSINESS Becky Bartz, On Your Own Transition Program—Becky introduced herself. She has been teaching in the district for 12 years. She restarted this “On Your Own” program which is for students 1821 years old. There are currently 2 students in the program. The focus is on independent living skills and also job skills. The program was created because kids are having a hard time transitioning what they learned into real life jobs. Becky is seeking businesses who would allow these students into their business to volunteer and learn. The program is ideally looking for janitorial work, or something similar. It would be the 2 students and 1 supervisor. Avon businesses will be considered, transportation at this time isn’t an issue. Any interest in opening up your business to this program, please contact Becky Bartz @ 320-845-2171, ext. 5246. Steve Stromme, New Staff Introductions—Steve introduced himself once again and called on the new staff, one by one. Introductions of the staff included the name of each staff member as well as where in the school district they will be working. Once all staff was up front and introduced, they were welcomed by everybody present. Mr. Tim Wege, Technology Integration—Tim started off by reintroducing himself as the Albany Area Senior High School Principal. He announce that technology is everywhere in the school. Currently the school offers hybrid courses, ½ of which are online. 47 schools combine to offer these, and other, online courses. Tim mentioned that there is a free program available to help monitor the progress of kids. He also mentioned that IPADs are available for all students. These IPADs are used for research only, no other apps are used. The school is looking into getting Chrome Books next—these work much more like a computer. Tim stressed that the face of education is changing every day. The free program the school uses was showcased. This program allows teachers to give out their test on these IPADs—allowing for instant results. Kim Lange, from the Avon Chamber of Commerce, asked Tim what age he thought kids should get cell phones? Tim commented that of course it is up to individual parents, however; he suggested any time after elementary school. Steve Dooley, AAS Levy Information—Steve stressed that this AAS Levy is the key financial part of the district. The current local operating levy of $405 per student has been the same for the last ten years. This will be the last year the school receives that. It was announced that this year is the last year of “house payments” so $12 million per year will be freed up. 2015 will be the ideal year to add on to buildings. Voters need to understand that taxes won’t go up with these additions, however; they won’t go down either. Most importantly, they shouldn’t go up. The board passed a resolution for a $300 per student levy which they were able to do without going to the voters. This levy allowed the district to forgo going to the voters THIS YEAR, but a deficit budget is expected for next year. OTHER BUSINESS Albany Fire Department—Dean Mitchell spoke about the excellent turnout at the Blattner Golf Tournament. He thanked all the businesses and personnel who showed up to support this great cause. It was estimated that both the Albany and Avon Fire Departments will be receiving $17000 each. Dean reported that the new tanker pumper has arrived. This new piece of equipment cost $198,000, $70,000 of which came directly from fundraising such as the dance, charitable gambling, the Blattner Golf Tournament, etc. Dean ended with an additional THANKS for the support. Railroad Avenue Update—Tom Schneider mentioned that the second phase has started. November 1, 2013 is the deadline to get it done. Tom mentioned that it should be expected for the intersection of Church Ave and 2nd Street to be busy during school transportation. Detours will stand as Church Avenue and also 360th Avenue (a township road.) Mary Sauerer asked about extra patrol during Pioneer Days. Avon police is scheduled to help patrol during the busy Pioneer Days weekend. Tom mentioned that the city appreciates the patience of everybody and he encourages everybody to continue to Shop Local. Announcement of September meeting: Noon, September 18, 2013 at the Albany Bowling Center—back room, order off the menu. Winner of the Drawing—Tim Jopp. Meeting adjourned at 1:00pm Respectfully submitted, Susan Iverson - Executive Secretary