SC Enrich IEP Fall 2015 Configuration Updates-Final

SC Enrich IEP
Fall 2015 Configuration Updates
Location and Description of Updates
Location: IEP (All Types)
Description: The service provider title will
map to the IEP print document.
Location: IEP (All Types)
Description: Parent/Guardian will now
print under the participant list on the Notice
of Meeting.
Location: IEP (Transition)
Description: State Certificate was removed
as one of the options under high school
projected outcome in post-school
Location: FBA Add Action
Description: “Date” has been changed to
“Date Completed” and a box to add
evaluators has been added to the FBA
information section of the FBA.
Location: FBA Add Action
Description: The Guidance Tip for the
FBA has changed on the input screen.
Location: FBA Add Action
Description: The consent options have
been changed for the FBA print document.
Screen Shot
Location: FBA Add Action
Description: “Consent Refused” has been
added as an outcome choice for the
functional behavior assessment (FBA).
Location: End Special Education
Description: “Received a Certificate” has
been changed to “Received a Credential” as
an option under End Status in the End
Special Education tab of the SC Enrich IEP
Location: BIP Add Action
Description: There is now an open text
box that will appear if yes is selected for
the question, “Is a crisis plan necessary?”
The text box will allow the user to describe
the plan and add who is responsible for
implementing the plan.
Location: IEP (All Types)
Description: Only the first two contacts in
Manage Guardians will print under the
parent/guardian information on the IEP.
The mailing address will be used for the
parent/guardian section of the IEP instead
of the residence address when it is available
through PowerSchool.
Location: IEP (All Types)
Description: “Per Semester” has been
added as an option in the Services drop
down menu.
Location: IEP (All Types)
Description: The start date and projected
achievement date for goals now map to the
print document as Start Date and End Date.
Location: COSF Add Action
Description: On the Child Outcomes
Summary Form (COSF) there is now a
section under Team Members for other
team members. Click +ADD to add
multiple team members.
Location: IEP (All Types)
Description: Direct/Indirect will be
suppressed on the print document when
Additional Educational Assistance is
Location: IEP (All Types)
Description: When “Add Placement Date”
is selected in the LRE Section, all LRE
Settings with the start date will now appear
on the print document.
Location: IEP (All Types)
Description: There is now a separate print
document for accommodations and
modifications. This print document can be
accessed from the navigation pane in the
IEP under “Documents”. The update also
allows for batch printing of the
accommodations and modifications for
student groups.
Location: IEP (All Types), Various Forms
Description: A comma maps to all print
documents that include the district’s
address in the header. Some districts have
opted to not include the district’s address.
The comma will no longer map to the print
Location: IEP Amendment
Description: When amendments to the IEP
are completed, the new reevaluation dates
do not show on the amended IEP. As a
result, the OSES changed the IEP
Amendment cover page so that the
information regarding the new reevaluation
date can be documented on the IEP
Amendment cover page.
Print Document
Location: Administration>Special
Education>Compliance Checks>IEP
Review (Edit)
Description: “Scheduled to graduate at the
end of this term” has been added as a delay
Location: IEP (All Types)
Description: The question to defer the
decision for ESY has been moved so that it
appears at the beginning of the ESY
Location: Evaluation Report Print
Description: “Date” has been replaced
with “Date Completed” for each section of
the evaluation report when additional data
is obtained.
Location: Evaluation Report Print
Description: The header on the print
document has changed from “Date
Completed” to “Evaluation Completion