Third Sunday in Lent
March 8, 2015
Psalm 19
Classroom Kits
Do you remember the excitement of getting new school supplies at the beginning of the
school year? Many children have no idea what that feels like. With the help of UCC
Disaster Ministries and Church World Service (CWS), more students across the world will
get to experience that joy. More than 4,500 school kits—which include pencils, notebooks,
scissors and crayons—have been created by congregations across the nation.
Federated Church of Rochester, Vermont—a church that has been involved with CWS for
more than 30 years—made the commitment to provide children with the basic tools for the
classroom. Taking advantage of a $250 CWS grant program, Federated set a goal of 75 kits,
nearly double the amount they had produced in the past. Church members Lynn Thomas and
Estelle Holmquist worked with Rev. Greg Homan to develop a special drive to achieve their
"I reminded folks about how we know firsthand about the great work that Church World
Service does," Thomas said. "It was after all only three years ago that Hurricane Irene hit
Vermont and devastated our own area. They sent kits of all kinds up here to help out. Some
of our own church members received that assistance, myself included." At the end of 6
weeks, the congregation exceeded their goal and produced 116 kits. Whether those kits end
up in the hands of children in a developing country or students who have lost everything in a
natural disaster, Church World Service and UCC Disaster Ministries continue to bring
comfort to those in need, with your help through gifts to Our Church’s Wider Mission.
St. John’s United Church of Christ; Schwarzwald
Church Phone: 920-565-2631; Pastor’s Phone: 920-809-7265
Email:; Website:
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Sunday, March 8, 2015
March 8, 2015 Third Sunday in Lent
Pastor: Rev. Melinda Feller
Ministers: All the people
Organist: Janet Wesener
*Those who are able may stand.
Today’s bulletin is sponsored by Marge & Carl Johnson in gratitude for the warmer days promised this week.
*CALL TO WORSHIP (based on Psalm 95)
L: Let us raise our voices in song to the Almighty.
P: Songs of joy and words of praise will ring out from our hearts.
L: Let us rejoice and celebrate all that God has done.
P: Let us worship and honor the Creator of all.
SONG #397 – Thank Our God for Sisters, Brothers
RESPONSIVE PRAYER – The Well by John van de Laar
L: Around the well of your grace, O God, are those who thirst for friendship and love;
P: Help us to offer them the living water of community and connectedness.
L: Around the well of your life, O God, are those who thirst for joy and safety;
P: Help us to offer them the living water of playfulness and protection.
L: Around the well of your mercy, O God, are those who thirst for wholeness and peace.
P: Help us to offer them the living water of comfort, healing and welcome.
L: Around the well of your presence, O God, are those who thirst for meaning and connection;
P: Help us to offer them the living water of service and worship.
ALL: May the life we have found in you, be the gift we share with all who hunger and
thirst, with all who are outcast and rejected, with all who have too little or too much,
with all who are wounded or ashamed, and through us, may this corner of the world
overflow with your living water. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
SCRIPTURE (The Message)
A READING FROM THE GOSPELS – John 4:5-30, 39-42
Traveling through the region of Samaria, Jesus asks for a drink of water from a woman with a
questionable past. The two embark on a theological conversation that leads the woman to a new
understanding of God. Treated with love and respect, this woman then becomes the bearer of Good
News to her people.
MESSAGE – A Woman With A Past
SONG OF REFLECTION (on TV’s) – Beautiful by Mercy Me
Sharing our Joys & Concerns
A Time for Silent Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer (debts and debtors)
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
*PRAISE RESPONSE #780– Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow
Every good gift is from your hand, O Lord. May we become more fully aware that the
air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat are from your hand. The gifts
we bring are but a portion of your gifts to us. Even in our giving, we proclaim that
you are Lord of all. Amen.
*SONG #539 (v. 1-5) – Won’t You Let Me Be Your Servant?
*BLESSING RESPONSE #393 (v. 1) – Blessed Be the Tie That Binds
Welcome to worship at St. John’s United Church of Christ! It is our hope and prayer that in this
morning’s worship service you will find God’s peace and the light of Christ in your life.
If you are interested in making St. John’s your church home or need pastoral care, please contact
the church or Pastor Melinda at the phone numbers on the front of the bulletin.
Name Tags. Help our new and longtime members learn your name by wearing your name tag.
Please deposit name tags in the baskets near the outside doors.
Recycle your Bulletin in the container under the name tag board.
There will be a special congregational meeting today, March 8, 2015 following worship
service to discuss and act upon a proposed budget item to be listed as the Harold
Reineck Scholarship in the amount of $750.00 per year.
The Sunday School children can report to their classroom today at 10:15 am. Sunday
School will conclude TODAY at 11:15 am.
Please hold in prayer…..
Marilee Brockmann, who is in hospice care.
Roy Luebke, scheduled for surgery on Tuesday.
Shirley Imig, recovering from a broken hip at Pine Haven.
Emily Wagner, studying abroad in Spain, through the end of April.
Churches of the Northeast Association…
St. Paul’s UCC, Sheboygan with Rev. Mark Jaberg
Hope UCC, Sturgeon Bay with Rev. Richard (Rev. Peg) Feyen
A thank you from Martha Meise….
“I want to express my heartfelt appreciation to St. John’s UCC congregation for the lovely service,
the warm blanket and the cake and coffee reception in honor of my birthday.
The children’s songs and their gifts to me were such a special touch…even the birthday hat was so
cute. It was so good to be with my church family on my birthday.
With love and thanks, Martha Meise
The flowers on the organ this morning are sponsored by Susan Bitter.
The March 2015 newsletters are available in the basket under the bulletin board in the Narthex.
Lenten Worship March 11, 7:00-7:30 p.m., “I Am the True Vine” Knowing God’s
Power”. Where does our power come from? How do we stay encouraged and connected to
Tuesday, March 10
Wednesday, March 11
Saturday, March 14
6:00 pm Pastoral Relations Committee
5:30-6:45 pm Confirmation Class
7:00 pm Lenten Worship Service
8:30 am Adult Study @ Log Cabin, Howards Grove
New Member Sunday will be March 22, 2015. If you are interested in becoming a member of
The Sunday School is paying it forward! Check out the slips on the board in the Narthex.
St. John’s, please see Pastor Melinda.
The children have recorded their good deeds and have them for all to see! We are always looking
for more slips to fill up our board!
Easter Lily Sign Up Sheet is in the Narthex on the back table. The price is 8.75 each.
Seroogy's Chocolate Sale! The confirmands will take pre-orders to help fund their summer
Beanie Babies. Please take a beanie baby to someone who is ill, having surgery or just having a
difficult time. You can take any beanie baby from any church pew.
mission trip to Chicago. Chocolate will arrive in time for your Easter basket. Orders can be placed
before and after worship in the narthex. Samples (look, don't eat!) are on display. Next Sunday
(March 15th) will be the last Sunday to order your Easter candy.
Confirmation Mission Project…The Confirmation Class is receiving donations to purchase
supplies for Church World Service School Kits. If you wish to help them, please give donations to
Pastor Melinda. The confirmands will then shop for the supplies of scissors, paper, rulers, pencil
sharpeners, erasers, pencils, crayons and school bags. This is the last Sunday they will be
collecting for this.
Annual Meeting of the N.E. Association of the Wisconsin Conference UCC. St. John’s is
looking for delegates for the meeting on Saturday, April 18th from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm. In Sheboygan.
If you are interested, please see Pastor Melinda.
will be made by 7:00 am on the stations listed below:
WCUB - Radio 980, Manitowoc Radio Station
WLUK – Channel 11, Green Bay TV station
WISN – Channel 12, Milwaukee TV station
The cancellation will be sent via email; on Facebook and on the church
website. You can always call Pastor Melinda at 920-809-7265
or any Council Members. Please use your own discretion in deciding
whether to go out in inclement weather.
Welcome to worship at St. John’s United Church of Christ! It is our hope and prayer that in this
morning’s worship service you will find God’s peace and the light of Christ in your life.
If you are interested in making St. John’s your church home or need pastoral care, please contact
the church or Pastor Melinda at the phone numbers on the front of the bulletin.
Name Tags. Help our new and longtime members learn your name by wearing your name tag.
Please deposit name tags in the baskets near the outside doors.
Recycle your Bulletin in the container under the name tag board.
There will be a special congregational meeting today, March 8, 2015 following worship
service to discuss and act upon a proposed budget item to be listed as the Harold
Reineck Scholarship in the amount of $750.00 per year.
The Sunday School children can report to their classroom today at 10:15 am. Sunday
School will conclude TODAY at 11:15 am.
Please hold in prayer…..
Marilee Brockmann, who is in hospice care.
Roy Luebke, scheduled for surgery on Tuesday.
Shirley Imig, recovering from a broken hip at Pine Haven.
Emily Wagner, studying abroad in Spain, through the end of April.
Churches of the Northeast Association…
St. Paul’s UCC, Sheboygan with Rev. Mark Jaberg
Hope UCC, Sturgeon Bay with Rev. Richard (Rev. Peg) Feyen
A thank you from Martha Meise….
“I want to express my heartfelt appreciation to St. John’s UCC congregation for the lovely service,
the warm blanket and the cake and coffee reception in honor of my birthday.
The children’s songs and their gifts to me were such a special touch…even the birthday hat was so
cute. It was so good to be with my church family on my birthday.
With love and thanks, Martha Meise
The flowers on the organ this morning are sponsored by Susan Bitter.
The March 2015 newsletters are available in the basket under the bulletin board in the Narthex.
Lenten Worship March 11, 7:00-7:30 p.m., “I Am the True Vine” Knowing God’s
Power”. Where does our power come from? How do we stay encouraged and connected to
Tuesday, March 10
Wednesday, March 11
Saturday, March 14
6:00 pm Pastoral Relations Committee
5:30-6:45 pm Confirmation Class
7:00 pm Lenten Worship Service
8:30 am Adult Study @ Log Cabin, Howards Grove
New Member Sunday will be March 22, 2015. If you are interested in becoming a member of
The Sunday School is paying it forward! Check out the slips on the board in the Narthex.
St. John’s, please see Pastor Melinda.
The children have recorded their good deeds and have them for all to see! We are always looking
for more slips to fill up our board!
Easter Lily Sign Up Sheet is in the Narthex on the back table. The price is 8.75 each.
Seroogy's Chocolate Sale! The confirmands will take pre-orders to help fund their summer
Beanie Babies. Please take a beanie baby to someone who is ill, having surgery or just having a
difficult time. You can take any beanie baby from any church pew.
mission trip to Chicago. Chocolate will arrive in time for your Easter basket. Orders can be placed
before and after worship in the narthex. Samples (look, don't eat!) are on display. Next Sunday
(March 15th) will be the last Sunday to order your Easter candy.
Confirmation Mission Project…The Confirmation Class is receiving donations to purchase
supplies for Church World Service School Kits. If you wish to help them, please give donations to
Pastor Melinda. The confirmands will then shop for the supplies of scissors, paper, rulers, pencil
sharpeners, erasers, pencils, crayons and school bags. This is the last Sunday they will be
collecting for this.
Annual Meeting of the N.E. Association of the Wisconsin Conference UCC. St. John’s is
looking for delegates for the meeting on Saturday, April 18th from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm. In Sheboygan.
If you are interested, please see Pastor Melinda.
will be made by 7:00 am on the stations listed below:
WCUB - Radio 980, Manitowoc Radio Station
WLUK – Channel 11, Green Bay TV station
WISN – Channel 12, Milwaukee TV station
The cancellation will be sent via email; on Facebook and on the church
website. You can always call Pastor Melinda at 920-809-7265
or any Council Members. Please use your own discretion in deciding
whether to go out in inclement weather.