SORAN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF EDUCATION BASIC EDUCATION SCHOOL DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SCIENCES SUBJECT OUTLINE 2014-2015 Subject title: Industrial Chemistry Credit hours: 2 (Theory) Units: Unit Stage Class schedule: Duration: Fourth stage Lecturer: E. mail Course coordinator E. mail Kazem Asiaban Amjad Ahmed Jumaa 120minutes, one sessions per week 30 weeks 1 1. Subject Description Subject: Industrial chemistry Industrial chemistry deals with commercial production of chemicals and related products from natural raw materials and their derivatives. It enables humanity to experience the benefits of chemistry when we apply it in the exploitation of materials and energy .When we apply chemistry in the transformation of materials and energy to make useable products this results in growth and improvement in areas such as food production, health, and hygiene, shelter and clothing. The economic growth of industrialized countries relies on the manufacturing industry for finished products. The goal of studying industrial chemistry at university is to try and bridge the gap between classical chemistry and chemistry is applied in industry. The chemical industry is highly globalized and produces thousands of chemicals from a wide variety of raw materials by means of varied technologies for varied end uses. It is therefore important to base the study of industrial chemistry on an understanding of the structure of the industry and the unit operations and unit processes that make up the chemical processes. On the basis of natural raw materials sources and the chemistry involved, we find it easier to study industrial inorganic and industrial organic chemistry separately. Through the electrolysis of brine, we obtain chlorine and sodium hydroxide both of which are important reactants in organic synthesis of products such as petrochemicals and detergents respectively. By fixing nitrogen, we obtain ammonia, from which we can make fertilizers. From sulphur, we get sulphuric acid, which we use, in the manufacture of phosphate fertilizers. Mineral ores as well as being raw materials for basic chemicals are the source of pure metals, which we use elsewhere in building and construction, manufacture of equipment, machines and jewellery. Turning now to organic chemical industry, we use petroleum as the source of petrochemicals and synthetic polymers. Fermentation enables us to convert natural organic materials into chemicals, some like penicillin being pharmaceutical ingredients. From natural oils and fats, we obtain soaps and detergents. 2. Require Background or Experience Organic chemistry Models of molecules Structural Formulas Chain reactions 2 3. Subject Objective A. Knowledge and understanding: Students will have an understanding through study different subjects in industrial chemistry, like polymer industry and types of polymers and use, inorganic polymers, Soap and non-soap detergent, pharmaceutical, oil and petrochemical and petrochemical industries. B. Subject-specific and practical skills: Students will be able to discuss topics relating to Industrial chemistry with others in a meaningful way. 4. Text book(s) and Readings: [1] C. A. Heaton, third edition, 1996, An Introduction to Industrial Chemistry. [2] Fobrizio Cavani and Gabriele Centi, Siglinda Perathoner, Ferruccio Trifir, 2009, Sustainable Industrial Chemistry: Principles, Tools and Industrial Examples. [3] J. E. Mark, H. R. Allcock, R. West, Inorganic Polymers, Oxford university press, 2005. [4] Darrell D. Ebbing, Steven D. Gammon, General Chemistry, 9th edition, Houghton Mifflin Company, USA, 2009. 5. Student Materials: 1. Textbook and References 2. Lecture Notes 3. CD and internet resources 6. Collage Facilities 1. Classroom with Whiteboard and projection facilities 2. College library 3 7. Subject Outline Subject Outline: Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18 Week 19 Week 20 Week 21 Week 22 Week 23 Week 24 Week 25 Week 26 Week 27 Week 28 Week 29 Week 30 Introduction to chemistry and industry chemistry. Polymer industry. Types of polymers and use. Plastics Polyethylene (low density-high density). Rubber Nuclear Chemistry Nylon Industry THE FIRST EXAME Polyester (Polyethylene terephthalate) Inorganic polymers Silicon industry Polythiazyl polymer Soap and non-soap detergent Pharmaceuticals pain killers and antipyrine Antibiotics Carcinogens THE SECOND EXAM Oil and petrochemical Crude oil Crude oil components Crude oil purification / Refining Cracking Petrochemical industry Synthetic Organic Chemicals The Haber Process and the Ostwald Process Nanotechnology: Fundamental Principles and Applications Nanostructured Materials: Industrial Applications THE THIRD EXAM 4 8. Instructional Methods: a. Lecture / Discussion sessions b. Questions and Answers c. Homework's and Readings d. Quizzes 9. Evaluation of Outcomes Evaluation for each course will be based on the following: First Course 1st Exam 30% nd 2 Exam 30% Quizzes 40% --------------------------------Total 100% Second Course 1st Exam 30% nd 2 Exam 30% Quizzes 40% --------------------------------Total 100% Total mark is 25/40 for theory and 15/40 for practical. 10. Final Exam Data: Pointed by the examination committee 5 Sample of Questions and Answers: Definition with other requirement, example: 1. The Haber process reaction is: A. Reversible and the production of ammonia is exothermic. B. Reversible and the production of ammonia is endothermic. C. Irreversible and the production of ammonia is exothermic. D. Irreversible and the production of ammonia is endothermic. Answer: A. Reversible and the production of ammonia is exothermic. 2. What kind of Chain-Growth Polymerization are shown the in the reaction below? A. B. C. D. Cationic Chain-Growth Polymerization Anionic Chain-Growth Polymerization Ziegler-Natta Catalytic Polymerization Radical Chain-Growth Polymerization Answer: D. Radical Chain-Growth Polymerization 3. How does the elasticity of rubber arise? Describe stretching the network of chains with an example of geometric isomerization. (5) The rubber elasticity is arises from changes in entropy of the network. Rubber molecules are capable of geometric isomerization, examples of which are cis and trans, just like any other unsaturated organic molecule. Upon stretching the network of chains, no “configurational” changes take place. That is, cis is not changed to trans and thus there is no configurational contribution to entropy. 4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: (2) …………………….. , are cylindric nanostructures with graphene layers arranged as stacked cones, cups or plates. Carbon nanofibers with graphene layers wrapped into perfect cylinders are called ………………….. . Answer: Carbon nanofibers (CNFs), are cylindric nanostructures with graphene layers arranged as stacked cones, cups or plates. Carbon nanofibers with graphene layers wrapped into perfect cylinders are called carbon nanotubes. 6