Research Clusters Grant CLAS and CSCE will co-fund grants of up to $5000 annually for projects in each research cluster. Grant applications will be due on March 1 and October 1. The granting period will be one year. The Research Clusters Steering Group will review the grants and make recommendations to CLAS and CSCE. A report on grant activities will be due to CLAS and CSCE at the end of the year. Successful applications will: request funding for projects focusing on one of the five Research Clusters (Borders, Brain, Health, Urban, and Water) involve students include participation from 3 or more disciplines demonstrate how a collaborative effort will help solve the question/problem under investigation in a way that individual effort is less likely to do so include plans for dissemination of results internally (e.g. faculty research colloquium, SSD) and externally (e.g. conferences, publications), and use the grant as seed money to help with seeking external grant funding for a larger project Special consideration will be given to projects that include a technology transfer component or a community engagement component. Guidelines for Research Clusters Grant Application Please submit an application of 4-5 pages to the CLAS Deans office by March 1 or October 1, as an electronic attachment for review by the Research Clusters Steering Group. Please include CVs of each participating researcher. Title of project: ____________________________________________________________ Circle the most relevant research cluster: Borders Brain Health Urban Water Project start date: ______________________ Duration of project: ______________________________ Total amount requested: ___________________________ Participants (name, department, designation): ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Other internal or external funding sources where one or more participant has submitted a proposal within the past two years to fund this project or a subset of this project: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Other current internally or externally funded projects in which participants are involved: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Description of project (possible subsections include the following): Background or context Question or problem under investigation Methodology or approach Expected outcomes from the study Literature cited Contributions from each discipline and participant: (How do the multiple disciplines contribute to the study of the question or problem such that a single perspective would not?) Plans for student involvement: Plans for dissemination: Technology transfer component, if relevant: Community engagement component, if relevant: Budget breakdown: Travel Equipment/supplies Other Budget justification narrative: Minimum level of support that would allow the project to go forward: