
Ordinary Meeting 4, commenced 7.15pm 09/03/15
Freemasons Hotel, 125 Stirling Tce, Toodyay.
Vision: A Thriving Toodyay Community.
Mission: To promote a thriving & dynamic environment for business and community in Toodyay
H Ryding, M O’Sullivan.
Special Guests attending: Cr Brian Rayner, Phil Perkins Toodyay Tourism Ctee, several community
members to hear bauxite presentation.
Attendees for vote equal 8 for this meeting.
Pervious Minutes, Agreed Actions, Comments – Updates to 6.2 dates, presentation theme and May
workshop attendees to include Tourism reps. 8.2 New business M Sommerville arts initiatives feed into
workshop with leaders and survey feedback.
Motion C.Eger, seconded G.Smith – Vote 8 in favour 0 against – carried.
Bendigo Bank Statement 1 Feb 2015-28 Feb 2015
Shire of Toodyay Community newsletter incl - Toodyay Tidy Towns Committee – Congratulations
newsletter on Winning Australia’s Tidiest Town, Saturday 7 March – WA Weekenders Program
Toodyaypedia feature on program Sat 5.30pm, Holiday program, workshop on dementia and seniors
access survey – age friendly Toodyay.
Update fr. A.Bell Shire of Toodyay Wheatbelt and CCIA WA seminars and updates
RCCIWA updates
Toodyay Farmers Market (TFM) – starting Sun 19 April, request to have a stall at TFM – action decline.
Committee emails re: planning and questions for Growing Toodyay survey – B Dadd and committee
Shire of Toodyay CEO – confirming Committee meeting for discussions on economic dev.plan 9/03/15
Swan Chamber of Commerce – women in business seminar, speaker Liz Prescott from AUSUM.
Media Release, Min.Marmion Land tax reforms part. for some non-rural zone growers – action Fwd.
Door open at one stop shop for job seekers housing the Career Centre, Educ. & Training, International
& Migration Serv., Aboriginal Workforce Development Lvl 7, GPO Build. Forrest Chase Perth
Toodyay Tidy Towns Newsletter
Bauxite Alumina Joint Ventures Information project briefing to TCCI Committee 9 March 2015.
H.Ryding Feb Treasurers Report.
Reminder - CRC Grant writing workshop 19 March
Phone all - re request To Toodyay Herald – EOI to join TCCI as a member - Editor advised Board won’t
join any community groups as members in maintain its objectivity, re: opportunity for advertising special
this could be followed up with President Dave Mutschin for discussion.
Request from M.Sommerville to have access to Gmail account to have a look at weekly correspondence
in the event this is not deemed part of Membership circular. Committee discussed and approved all of
Committee having access to Gmail account provided emails were not deleted or sent other than via
President, Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary. Action – Secretary to circulate Login & password.
Motion M.Sommerville and seconded C.Eger. Vote 8 in favour 0 against – carried.
ABN 25 713 827 746
PO BOX 292
Letter request Toodyay Herald – EOI to join TCCI as a member and opportunity to discuss business
member discounts for TCCI members advertising with Herald. Editor advised won’t join any community
groups retaining objectivity. Re: opportunity for advertising contact President Dave Mutschin.
Letter requesting meeting for strategic planning discussion with Shire of Toodyay key staff and TCCI.
Fwd: Shire of Toodyay Age Friendly Survey onto TCCI members & distribution list.
Fwd: Nationals W Regional Report onto TCCI members & distribution list.
Fwd. RCCI & SBDC info & free training info passed onto TCCI members & distribution list.
TCCI Committee Minutes & Agenda
Email re support for Toodyay Tidy Towns Campaign – Adopt a Spot Stirling Terrace supported by TCCI
and flyer for businesses to do their bit Feb 24.
Fwd. Toodyay Farmers Market Participation and call for stall holders – emailed to members.
Fwd.: Swan Chamber of Commerce – call out opportunity to host a networking event
Internal feedback re: Growing Toodyay survey drafting of questions – post meeting resolution to extend
timeline to complete this survey.
Motion G.Smith, seconded J.Clarke – Vote 8 in favour 0 against – carried.
Special Presentation – Bauxite Alumina Joint Ventures – Felicitas Bauxite Mining Project (See attached
Meeting with Shire of Toodyay & TCCI (Attendees: Shire of Toodyay A.Bell, D.Anditch, Cr, D Dow, and
CEO Stan Scott. TCCI attendees C.Chitty, M.Dimmitt, B,Dadd & C.O’Sullivan). See attached Notes from
meeting and Imperatives from Shire.
Treasurer’s Report
TCCI bank account closing balance cash at bank $8,502.42 (09/03/15) $3,000 of which is to be put into
an interest bearing account with bank for music festival development. Action C Chitty & M O’Sullivan to
make arrangements on interest bearing acc transfer 2.9% for 6 mths vs 90 days. Christmas Account
$443.48. Petty Cash $39.65. Membership Fees for month received $320, refund of bank charges $39.55.
Action – From Xmas Street Party Mark D to follow up with Sean and arrange payment. Still outstanding
from last month – Quickbook amount of $42 was approved by Committee Feb meeting for use by H
Ryding/bookkeeper for accounting books – H Ryding to purchase. H Ryding to liaise with Muntz &
Partners regarding no invoice for $300 for financial audit. Request for Hazel to liaise with M Dimmitt and
for March meeting compilation of a comprehensive spreadsheet of budget and expenses for Xmas party
is detailed with treasurers Report. Action regarding membership list and statement – Can this be
updated and reconciled – also needs to list date membership fee banked / date confirmation received.
H Ryding to update spreadsheet. New members Arts Toodyay & Toodyay CRC.
Moved by C Chitty in H.Ryding absence that these be accepted.
Motion by C.Love and seconded M.Dimmitt. Vote 8 in favour 0 against – carried.
ABN 25 713 827 746
PO BOX 292
Strategic Plan – Committee John Buttler, Jim Sylvester, C.Chitty, M.Dimmitt, B.Dadd, C.O’Sullivan met
Dec 2014. Action – Finalise unless further feedback from Committee. Secretary to reflect updates as
develop from Strategic meetings with Shire, Community Leaders and operations planning.
Calendar of events 2015. Action C.O’Sullivan & M. Dimmitt to start preparations.
 Sundowner Thur 16 April 6.30-8.30pm with What’s Your true purpose – marketing presentations.
Presenter’s and sponsors from Targa West and Meerkats and Solutions4Business. Venue to be
confirmed after dialogue with Targa West. Aim for 60 people. Action: C.O’Sullivan to liaise with M
Dimmitt on planning this event and TargaWest and presenters. See Promo flyer.
 Long Lunch May/(TBC) – Business and Community Leaders Workshop – dates to be advised bead
on participants’ suitability (Thinking 22 May or July sometime 12-3pm). Suggested at strategic
committee that this might include invite to: Group of 20 for lunch Fremasons Hotel/Sophia’s.
Facilitator to be arranged for this event and follow up event - suggested Invitees to date:
Avon Tourism Commission, Toodyay Tourist Committee, Shire CEO, President and Planner,
Festivals Committee Debra A from Shire and community rep guest, School Principal, Youth Group
rep, CRC rep, Toodyay Herald rep, Visitor Centre Audrey Bell, Race Club Jeoff Appleby, Sean Xmas
360, Phil Perkins Tourism and Strategic Committee rep (Jim from Lions, Barb & John Real Estate, Mark
D, C Chitty, Chantelle).
 Sundowner Thur 25 June 6.30-8.30 Shire of Toodyay Infrastructure & Town Planning
Strategy/Scheme Review. Propose we have this one in CWA hall, Pecan Hill? Sundowner post some
survey feedback and community leader’s feedback - Facilitator used from Leadership workshop.
 Oct AGM Date (TBA)
 Xmas Street Party – hold each on the first Friday of December. For 2015 that is Fri 4 Dec.
TCCI Marketing (website) – see and new Facebook page. Committee
feedback required this month to Clive. Still working on members business listings and advertising
profiles. Action – Clive look at how we can build a structure to build skills database including volunteers
vs seeking business/employment. Action – Clive scan Mar TCCI article from Herald and place in news on
TCCI website. Plus upload sundowner flyer when available.
Question raised re: Toodyay Tidy Towns wins – P. Robinson and TTT asked if TCCI would display winning
logo on all promotional materials and letterhead. Decision was made that this is more specific to
Toodyay Shire, Visitors Centre and Tourism so won’t place on letterhead but consider in news of TCCI
Motion by C.Eger and seconded C.Love. Vote 8 in favour 0 against – carried.
Membership Drive and Offering - Suggest linking existing businesses and Toodyay business Facebook
platforms too incl Toodyay Happenings, Toodyay Tradesmen etc. Action - New membership follow ups:
IGA (M Sommerville), Toodyay Bowls Club, Brumby Pumps (M.Dimmitt), Farmers Group, Make It
Hardware & Home Hardware (J.Clarke), John Butler LJ Hooker, Jim Sylvester, Vernice (C.Chitty). Kate
Wood & Wood family (C.O’Sullivan). Action: C.Chitty to meet with H.Ryding re current requirements.
ABN 25 713 827 746
PO BOX 292
Business Survey – Committee feedback required – see draft status attached.
Sub Committee formed and draft questions for survey. If cannot be achieved for April edition of Herald
postpone until further Committee feedback with aim for May edition. This survey should be developed
and run through Toodyay Herald and as online survey for all of Toodyay community. Suggested a sub
Committee form to develop survey – Action: B. Dadd, H.Ryding and M.Sommerville to start work on
survey. C.O’Sullivan to assist with editorial for Apr edition and planning around Survey layout. Funds
approved up to $500 for work to help refine and wording of questions.
Requests & Events
RCCIWA – Perth Meetings – June 11th and 12th 2015
Planning is underway for our first 2-day RCCIWA meeting event for 2015. Day 1 will be held at Parliament
House meeting several Ministers and Members of Parliament and Day 2 will be held at CCIWA with a
focus on operational and strategic issues. RCCIWA need our nominated attendees and feedback or
suggestions on: People we would like to hear from, issues addressed, operational matters for workshop.
Action - Nominees – C.Chitty & M.Dimmitt. Action – C.O’Sullivan to notify RCCIWA and renew
membership (TCCI has 23 members presently).
Tidy Towns feedback on Buisness Clean Up Day Stirling Tce. Action – C.O’Sulliva to reply
 Congratulations to the Tidy Town Committee and Toodyay community and volunteers – you rock!
 Pretty good for the first year “main street” business cleanup 4 bags of street rubbish.
 Bendigo Bank did 1 bag of rubbish and tidy ups. Sommerville Gallery did some gardening and tidy
ups of signage and displays etc. BAJV did a cleanup of its office, inside and out, eaves cobwebs,
gardens and leaves, window washing etc, washing down of Stirling Tce public street bins.
 Some other businesses did tidy ups too so a big congratulations to all who got involved.
Moondyne festival – Sunday 3 May. Encourage people to train up for the day.
Motion by M.Dimmitt and seconded G.Smith Vote 8 in favour 0 against – carried.
New Business
Constitution – States use of Common seal is required – issue in locating common seal and whether it is
still actually required with current not for profit practices See 19.1 – 19.4 of Constitution. Action - review
with President & investigate use of seal req. C.O’Sullivan liaise with Dep. Of Commerce.
Ask Shire to confirm they can come and chat to TCCI at April meeting 6.30pm. Invite members to come
along. Also ask Shire whether TCCI can have an entry sign like Lions etc as you enter shire and issues
with signage in town. Also ask Shire to look at potential and demand for development of a private school
in Toodyay (co-ed) and/or opportunity to support and work with High School to seek Independent School
classification and resourcing.
Motion by M.Sommerville and seconded G.Smith. Vote 8 in favour 0 against – carried.
NEXT MEETING – 13 April 2015 at 6.30pm for Shire discussion.
ABN 25 713 827 746
PO BOX 292