TIDY TOWNS TIPS NATURAL ENVIRONMENT CONSERVATION The natural heritage of Western Australia is very diverse and unique and any project which demonstrates sustainable management of the environment is eligible for an award. We recommend that you monitor your outcomes with before and after photographs. PROJECT IDEAS Hold workshops to draw awareness to local endangered flora and fauna and feral animals. Engage with your local Council and Coastcare and Landcare Australia to protect native fauna and flora and to investigate salinity and soil erosion issues. Remove rubbish and weeds from bushland and waterways. Foster an appreciation for the natural environment through messages in the Nearer to Nature program. Encourage recreational fishing and boating community members to get involved in Keep Australia Beautiful’s ‘Clean Marine’ program. Encourage planting of local native vegetation that will attract native bees, beetles, grubs and stick insects. Encourage members of your community to provide frog-friendly gardens. Protect local wetlands, lakes, creeks and rivers and create visitor facilities (such as board walks) that enhance their appreciation and control access to vulnerable areas. Protect the habitat of native animals by encouraging residents to leave hollow logs when collecting firewood. Run a local garden competition with a section for wildlife-friendly gardens. The Western Australian Naturalists Club may recommend a judge. 1|Page Promote a floral emblem that is unique to or common in your shire. This could be done on letterhead, street signs, or even by planting projects around town. *Please note these are examples only and are not essential.* It is important for communities to work toward achieving their own overall objectives. JUDGE’S TIPS Weed and litter eradication is a very significant indicator on how communities care for their environment. Evidence of community input into planning is important, for example, community liaison on shire initiatives on bush management, biodiversity or green plans. Be sure to include whole of community environmental initiatives, such as school Bush Ranger projects. CASE STUDY The State Winner of Natural Environment Conservation for 2014 was Harvey. You can read all about their projects here (from page 10). RESOURCES The Waste Wise Schools’ website is a good resource for ideas on composting, recycling, worm farming, managing air quality and energy, and educational material on sustainability, weather and climate change. The website of Department of Agriculture and Food lists declared plants in Western Australia and information on integrated weed management. 2|Page