November 13, 2013 - Empire Public School

Empire Parent Teacher Council Minutes
November 13, 2013
Brian Weigel
Kelly Wilkinson
Erica Hind
Shannon Berkhuizen
Patrick Madsen
Karen Madsen
Jen Murray
Rachel Thompson
Heather Dalzilio
Amy Sproule-Jones
Bettina Wahl
Brenna MacKinnon
Margot Gascon
Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting:
The minutes from the last meeting on Oct 3/13 were approved. Motion passed by Heather, 2nd Patrick.
Council Committee Updates:
A) Membership established as follows:
Erica Hind
Shannon Berkhuizen
Karen Madsen
Patrick Madsen
Jen Murray
Catherine Dat
Heather Dalzilio
Judith Koeller
Kelly Wilkinson (administration)
Brian Weigel (administration)
Motion passed by Karen, 2nd Patrick
Secretary position remains vacant
B) Science Quest Night
Bettina will contact the university regarding availability of dates for the program. Looking at dates in
the new year
C) Open House – December 10th 6:30-8:00pm
Council will look into selling hot chocolate and cookies, as well as the possibility of sell running
a fundraising event for the gym – to be discussed by Karen, Rachel and Shannon over the
coming weeks
Mr. Weigel will be looking into Spirit wear for the school to have for sale at the event
Administration will look into getting signage for the front of the school to help advertise to the
D) Wordsworth Book Fair
Mr. Weigel will contact Marlene to determine if she has been in contact with the store
regarding options for the Bookfair. If Wordsworth is not able to do it, Bettina will contact
Booksmart to see if they are available. The goal would be to have the Bookfair run during the
open house to optimize traffic.
E) Bell Times
Concerns were brought forward regarding how this will impact families who were previously
able to coordinate work schedules to ensure that before and after school care were not
The options as they stand now are the before and after school care programs at the school
Some parents felt that the online survey didn’t provide enough option for feedback
The following list was compiled to send back to the board for feedback:
o before school program for older students (and I checked, this would happen if
enough enrolled in the program)
o earlier supervision by staff - is this possible
o 10 minutes earlier would have been easier
o support the concept for cost saving but what supports are there to maintain our
current drop off time
o could extend Kindergarten bus distances to save money as well
F) Projects/Financial Needs
Gym Equipment
Reviewed the wish list from the staff and administration. Could be as high as
$10,000 if everything was purchased. Agreed to go ahead and purchase some now,
so that the kids could benefit from it as soon as possible
o Motion put forward by Karen to spend $3000 now for gym equipment. Heather 2nd.
Motion passed unanimously.
Lobby/Gym decoration
o This can be addressed at a later date. Priority was put on gym equipment for the
Principal/VP updates:
Tools for Life program is now running in the school. Rep from Kidsability runs different
programs with the kids and staff to help teach common language around life skills and
behaviours. Option to have them give a presentation at a council meeting
Learning Circle. The stones are starting to crumble and will need to be fenced off for the
winter. Could start to be a safety concern, and we should look into options. Jen Murray
agreed to look into grant money and options for improving the outdoor space. Dennis
Wendland would be a great resource for this kind of project.
Rememberance Day. It was the first whole school assembly in the new gym and it was a
great success.
French Immersion Information Night Hosted at Empire Nov 14th
Jr Choir, PAL and volleyball programs have started
CILM program – Math professional development program using problem based learning tools
for kids
Volunteer Sign-In Procedure - It would appear that this wasn’t followed strictly in the
past, but with changing safety protocols, this will need to be strictly adhered to. All volunteers
will need to sign in and wear a Volunteer badge. There will be an update shared in the
Financial Report
Funds received:
o $385 from parent night pizza
o ~$500 from sub orders
o $33 mabels labels
o $55 residual from magazine orders last yr
Funds Paid Out:
$1100 for Be The Game
$300 for the Magazine order prize
To Be Received:
$1800 from this year’s magazine fundraising
Adjourned— Motion passed by Heather, seconded by Jen. Unanimous.
Next Meeting— Dec 4th (informal planning meeting for the Open House)