Newborn Visit

Happy Birthday Baby!
Breathing - Have you noticed that babies sometimes breathe funny? At times they breathe fast
and other times slow. This is normal. Since babies breathe through their noses, they may sound
snorty and stuffy. Use some saline (Ocean) nose drops and put one or two drops in each nostril and
then gently use the bulb syringe to clear the nose. Don’t root around in your child’s nose too much
because you will only end up irritating the nose (and your child). If your child sounds like there are
small boogers in the nose but is happy and eating and breathing well, let Mother Nature take care
of the problem.
Feedings - Babies who are breast-feeding will nurse about every 2-3 hours. Your breasts will
produce enough milk for your baby to grow. Babies on formula will nurse every 3-4 hours (about 26
to 30 ounces in 24 hours). Breast milk or formula is all your baby needs. Your baby is likely getting
enough to eat if he is having 6 to 8 wet diapers per day. Breastfed babies may need to eat more
often than formula fed babies. This is normal. Breast milk is digested faster and babies will become
hungry earlier than if they were formula fed. Your baby does not need cereal until 4-6 months of
age. Use only iron-fortified infant formula. Avoid putting your baby to bed with a bottle of
formula. This may lead to tooth decay. Hold your baby upright when feeding. Lying a baby flat to
drink a bottle may cause choking or ear infections. Do not force your baby to finish a bottle. When
your baby gets full, he will turn his head and push the nipple out of his mouth or fall asleep. In
addition to being hungry, your baby may cry because he is bored, lonely or needs a diaper
change. Pacifiers are okay; some babies just want to suck all the time and it is much easier to wean
a toddler from a binky than a thumb.
Sleeping - Babies settle into a routine in the first month. Babies don't usually sleep all night (6
hours) until they weigh almost 12 pounds. Babies are safer if they sleep on their back. Do not let
your baby sleep on a pillow, soft mattress, bean bag, water bed or feather bed. Do not put any
pillows in your baby's bed.
Seeing - Your baby could see you when he was born. Babies can see things 18 to 24 inches in front
of them. They like to look at faces and contrasting colors, like black and white. Sometimes, your
baby's eyes will roll around and cross. As your baby's eyes get stronger, this will happen less. Your
baby may enjoy looking at a mobile hanging over his crib.
Moving - You should notice your baby lifting his head and turning it from side to side. He can move
on his tummy. This means he could move and fall off a bed, couch or chair. If you need to turn away,
keep your hand on your baby. Always keep the side rails up on the crib. Babies tend to keep their
hands in fists. Right now, if they grab something, like your hair, they can't let go.
Skin care - Keep your baby’s skin clean by bathing him at least every 1 to 2 days. Sponge bathe him
until his cord falls off. Only use mild soap like unscented Dove or baby soap, as needed. Avoid using
lotions, oils or cream on your baby’s skin. If your baby’s skin is very dry, you may apply a small
amount of lotion such as Nivea, Moisturel, Curel, or Aquaphor. Do not apply baby oil to your baby’s
scalp. It blocks the skin pores and can lead to cradle cap. Avoid using baby powder. It can be
inhaled into your baby’s lungs and cause breathing problems.
Cord care - If the umbilical cord is still present, you can apply rubbing alcohol with a cotton ball or
swab at the base of the cord twice a day when the diaper is changed. Fold the diaper below the
cord. This will help keep the cord dry. When the cord falls off, continue to clean the navel with
alcohol until it is healed and dry. Call if there is redness, smelly, thick yellow or green discharge, or
lots of bleeding from the navel area.
Diaper area/ Genital care - Baby girl - Clean genitalia by wiping from front to back. Gently clean
between the skin folds. Baby boy - Remember to clean under the scrotum when changing the diaper.
If you baby is uncircumcised, it is not necessary to retract the foreskin to clean the penis. Wash
any discharge off with soap and water. As you child gets older, we’ll talk about cleaning under the
Loving Your Baby - Babies need to be held. You cannot spoil a new baby (no matter what Great
Aunt Tilly says). Just think - they've been held in a womb without a view for 9 months! Pick up and
cuddle your baby when they cry to let him know you are there to protect and love them. Dad also
needs to cuddle and hold the baby as much as mom does. When you are breast-feeding, let dad burp
and cuddle baby after the feeding. If your baby has brothers and sisters, show them how to pat
and hold the baby. Let them know the baby is part of the family, too. A new baby in the house is a
big change for everyone. Take time to get sleep and rest when the baby naps. Encourage everyone
to help with the chores. You should begin to see your baby smile soon. Smile at your baby a lot to
show him how it's done.
Talking to Your Baby - Talk to your baby a lot. Your baby doesn't care what you are saying, he
just wants to hear you talk! Listen to your baby and repeat any sounds. You should begin to hear
"OOH" and "AAH."
Safety - A car seat keeps your baby safe. Place the car seat in the back seat of the car. It needs
to face the back of your car until your baby is 1 year of age or your baby weighs 20 pounds. A
smoke detector gives you the extra 5-minute warning in case of a fire. We recommend all houses
and apartments have one on each level of the building. Keep your water temperature 120 or less to
avoid accidental scalding. Watch out—even newborns can roll, don’t find out with a “thud”.
Signs of Illness - Babies can get sick easily. Try to keep your baby away from people that are ill.
Have everyone wash their hands before holding your baby. You may want to stay away from crowded
areas for a while.
Crying - Babies communicate by crying. You'll soon notice a different cry for, "I'm hungry," or "I
need my diaper changed," or "I want to be held."
Spitting up - It is very common for babies to spit up (reflux), particularly if they are formula
fed. Signs of reflux can be pulling up their legs like they hurt, arching their backs, choking,
smacking lips or just plain crying a lot after they eat. After a while, reflux can start to irritate the
throat and esophagus, so let us know if you think this might be happening and we can discuss some
options. We are more aggressive about treating reflux if it causes problems with growing,
breathing or hurting.
Immunizations - We are big proponents of immunizations. Your baby probably got their first shot
in the hospital and they routinely get additional shots at 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 12
months, 18 months and before kindergarten. It seems like a lot of shots, but they prevent a lot of
illness at critical times in life. Please ask if you have questions about the safety or importance of
immunizations. There is a lot of well-meant hype and misinformation in the media and on the
internet related to immunizations—we are here to help clarify.
Remember: Breathing Cigarette Smoke is Bad For Your Baby. Cigarette smoke is a poison that
gets into your body. Your body tries to get rid of it by making more mucous. This sets your baby up
for more colds and infections. Babies who are around people who smoke have more colds, ear aches,
pneumonia, and other illnesses.
Pediatrics After-Hours Nurse Line (your nighttime angels) – (509) 474-5303