Sommario Chinese Language (Language and Phonology) (Year 1) Prof. Mi Yee Wong Chinese Language Classes (Year 1, First-level Degree) Dr. Chiara Piccinini; Dr. Zhang Li; Dr. Debora Celere; Dr. Lilo Web 1 1 2 2 Chinese Language (Language and Phonology) (Year 1) PROF. MI YEE WONG COURSE AIMS The course will outline the key morphological elements of the Chinese language, with special emphasis on the structure of the period, providing models of phrase composition and formation and of the placement of the different grammatical and syntactic elements within the period. In addition, it will illustrate the characteristics and the basic rules of Chinese phonetics and phonology with practical online exercises. COURSE CONTENT – – – – – – – – – Languages and the language. Morphology. Phonetics and Phonology. Analysis of the characteristics of Chinese, with reference to the Italian language. In-depth study of the grammar and syntax of particular Chinese expressions. Analysis of proverbs and idiomatic expressions. Analysis of the language of emigration. Language tab. Grammar tab. READING LIST M. ABBIATI, Grammatica del cinese moderno, Edizione Cafoscarina, Venezia, 1998. G. MERCHIONNE-C. PICCININI, Materiali di linguistica cinese I. TEACHING METHOD Classroom lectures. ASSESSMENT METHOD Periodical exercises in class and final written exam. NOTES Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at, or on the Faculty notice board. Chinese Language Classes (Year 1, First-level Degree) DR. CHIARA PICCININI; DR. ZHANG LI; DR. DEBORA CELERE; DR. LILO WEB COURSE AIMS The course sets out to equip the student with basic written and oral skills in the Chinese language. Students will be set assignments designed to develop their ability to form and recognise language structures, to trace and read written characters, and to produce short written and/or oral texts in standard Chinese. COURSE CONTENT Students will develop the following knowledge according to the textbook. – Description and practice of Chinese phonetics, with special emphasis on how to produce the tones. – Basic notions for developing ways to produce and understand sentences in the different situations of everyday life. – Exercises on the production and analysis of basic Chinese lexical characters. – Basic syntactic structures for producing short written texts. – Basic vocabulary. READING LIST LIU XUN 刘珣, New Practical Chinese Reader, Textbook (课本), Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Beijing, 2009. Vol. 1. LIU XUN 刘珣, New Practical Chinese Reader, Workbook (综合练习册), Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Beijing, 2009. Vol. 1. Each book comes with a useful DVD so that the student can listen individually to the classes and the exercises. For learning chinese characters ZHANG PENGPENG 张朋朋, The Most Common Chinese Radicals – New Approaches to Learning Chinese, Sinolingua, Beijing, 2001. Grammar manuals for home study: M. ABBIATI, Grammatica di cinese moderno, Cafoscarina, Venice, 2003. LI DEJIN-CHENG MEIZHEN (ed.), A Practical Chinese Grammar for Foreigners, Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 2009. Revised edition. TEACHING METHOD Classroom lectures. For studying writing, the lecturer will use course notes available in Laboratorio Fotoriproduzoni after the course start. ASSESSMENT METHOD Mid-term tests and final written and oral exams. Mid-term tests results and possible HSK qualification as well as endorsed study experiences in China will be sized up for the final exam. NOTES Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at, or on the Faculty notice board.