scenario crf 9.3.15

50 year old male smoker went for a C.T chest contrast for the suspected CA lung. After two days
he developed nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath and decreased urine output. On clinical
examination he has blood pressure 170/100 mmHg, pulse 120b/min, R/R 30 B/min, pedal
edema, raised JVP with bilateral crepatitation up to mid zone on chest examination. Lab showed
Urea is 300mg/dl, Creatinine 12mg/dl, Sodium is 139 mEq/l, Potassium is 5.8 mEq/l, Serum
chloride is 85 mEq/l, & Serum Bicarbonate is 06 mEq/l
Learning Objective:
At the end of the session students should be able to:
1. Define chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
2. Enlist major Causes of chronic Kidney Disease including glomerular, tubule-interstitial
nephritis, vascular, congenital, obstructive
3. Define Stages of chronic Kidney Disease
4. Elucidate clinical presentations (Symptoms & Signs) of chronic Kidney Disease
5. Outline Investigations pertinent to the cause
6. Enlist complications of chronic Kidney Disease
7. Outline treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease and complications
8. Decide when to Refer for dialysis and transplantation
9. Counsel regarding the prognosis of CKD/ESRD