Ms. Clark`s Language Arts Binder Checklist 2012


Ms. Clark’s Language Arts Binder Checklist 2012-2013

 Syllabus

“Books We’ve Read” o The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain o The Making of a Knight by Patrick O’Brien o Sundiata by David Wisniewski o The Medieval World by Philip Steele o Oobleck by Dr. Seuss o Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! By Laura Amy Schlitz o Dare to Dream by Sandra McLeod Humphrey o The Miracle Worker by William Gibson o Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi


TAB ONE: Warm Ups


08/13/12: Explain how Warm Ups should be answered.

08/14/12: Describe the genre of Historical Fiction.

08/15/12: Compare and contrast Science Fiction and Fantasy.

08/16/12: Explain what an inference is. Explain the purpose of an inference.

08/17/12: Using the story as evidence, describe the character of Tom Sawyer.

Week 2

 08/20/12: Explain how to identify Historical Fiction.

 08/21/12: Discuss why it is important to take notes on reading.

08/22/12: No Warm Up

08/23/12: Discuss some tips for note taking.

08/24/12: How is Sir James a character with character?

Week 3

08/27/12: No Warm Up

08/28/12: What should be included in an effective summary?

08/29/12: Explain how to determine the climax of a story.

 08/30/12: Explain how Sundiata is a character with character.

 08/31/12: Which medieval setting/characters do you prefer: Sundiata in Africa or knights in England?


Week 4

09/03/12: No school

09/04/12: How was Bartholomew a character with character?

09/05/12: How can knowing Greek and Latin roots help us understand English words?

 09/06/12: Explain the difference between a prefix and a suffix.

 09/07/12: No Warm Up

 Week 5

09/10/12: Define the word “incredible” by breaking down the root, prefix, and suffix.

09/11/12: Break down and define the following: creditor, justify, antibiotic

09/12/12: How do authors develop characters in a story?

09/13/12: What is research and what is it for?

09/14/12: No Warm Up

Week 6

09/17/12: No school

 09/18/12: Explain the purpose of a prewrite.

 09/19/12: No Warm Up

09/20/12: Describe the purpose of a narrative opening.

09/21/12: No Warm Up

Week 7: MAP testing, No Warm Ups

Week 8

10/01/12: No Warm Up

10/02/12: Explain what theme is and give an example.

10/03/12: No Warm Up

10/04/12: What is the theme of The Making of a Knight?

10/05/12: No Warm Up


 10/15/12: Explain what a drama is.

10/16/12: Predict the meaning of the root “vit, viv” based on the following words and definitions:


Revive: to bring back to life


Survive: ability to stay alive


Vital: necessary to life

10/17/12: Teachers drink coffee to _______________ themselves in the morning. (revive, survive, vitalize)

10/18/12: What does it mean to paraphrase?

10/19/12: No Warm Up

Week 10

10/22/12: Predict the meaning of the root “flect, flex” based on the following words and definitions:


Flexible: able to bend without breaking


Flexor: a muscle that bends part of the body


Deflect: to bend or swerve

10/23/12: Explain how to find the main idea of a text.

10/24/12: No Warm Up

10/25/12: Explain the difference between a main idea and supporting details.

 10/26/12: No Warm Up

Week 11

10/29/12: No school

10/30/12: No Warm Up

10/31/12: Explain how the following roots relate to one another: “flect, flex” and “frail, fract, frag”.

11/01/12: Explain what it means to evaluate.

11/02/12: No Warm Up

Week 12

11/05/12: No Warm Up

 11/06/12: No school

 11/07/12: No Warm Up

11/08/12: How do you introduce a topic? How do you develop a topic?

11/09/12: No Warm Up

Week 13

11/12/12: What is a thesis statement?

11/13/12: What is a drama?

11/14/12: No Warm Up

11/15/12: Explain which sentence is more interesting and explain why.


He walked over to take the award.


The 6’4” basketball star strutted across the court to accept the MVP trophy.

11/16/12: Translate the following text slang into formal style:


BTW, Nelli was kewl chick.


OMG! Jackie’s got skillz.


Sosa’s got swag.

Week 14

11/19/12: What is the purpose of headings and graphics in an informational piece?

 11/20/12: No Warm Up

 11/21/12: No school

11/22/12: No school

11/23/12: No school

Week 15

11/26/12: Describe the structure of a drama.

11/27/12: Predict what the root “rupt” means based on the following words and definitions:


Disrupt: to break up


Interrupt: to break into someone’s conversation

11/28/12: What is the difference between revising and editing?

11/29/12: What is point of view?

11/30/12: No Warm Up

Week 16

12/03/12: No Warm Up

12/04/12: What is a graphic novel?

 12/05/12: What are the five elements of story?

12/06/12: No Warm Up

12/07/12: No Warm Up

Week 17

12/10/12: No Warm Up

12/11/12: No Warm Up

12/12/12: No Warm Up

12/13/12: Define the following: claim, logical reasoning

12/14/12: No Warm Up

 Week 18

 12/17/12: No Warm Up

12/18/12: No Warm Up

12/19/12: No Warm Up

12/20/12: No school

12/21/12: No school


TAB TWO: Reading Literature

08/13/12: Fiction Genre Notes

08/15/12: Inference Notes

08/16/12: Reading Log Model on Tom Sawyer

08/28/12: Elements of Plot Notes

08/28/12: Plot Diagram

09/06/12: Historical Context Reading page on Good Masters! Sweet Ladies!

10/02/12: Theme Organizer

10/16/12: Dramatic Elements Trifold Organizer

11/13/12: Dramatic Structure Notes

11/13/12: The Miracle Worker Act One Dramatic Structure Annotations

11/26/12: Dramatic Structure Organizer/ERQ

11/27/12: The Miracle Worker Film Compare/Contrast

11/29/12: The Miracle Worker Point of View Organizer/Facebook

12/05/12: Interaction of Elements If Then Booklet/ERQ


TAB THREE: Reading Informational

08/12/12: Notes on Taking Notes

08/21/12: Making of a Knight Outline Notes

08/27/12: Making of a Knight Summary

08/30/12: Medieval World Outline Notes

 10/18/12: Anne Sullivan Weebly Outline Notes

 10/23/12: Biography Organizer/ERQ

12/12/12: WWII Anticipation Guide


TAB FOUR: Writing

 08/31/12: Oobleck description/dialogue tags T Chart

 09/12/12: STEAL Characterization Wheel (NARRATIVE PROCESS OF PIECE)

 09/13/12: Citing Sources Notes

09/13/12: Narrative Task Checklist (NARRATIVE PROCESS OF PIECE)

09/13/12: Narrative Pre-write Research Questions (NARRATIVE PROCESS OF PIECE)

09/18/12: Narrative Pre-write Plot Diagram (NARRATIVE PROCESS OF PIECE)

09/19/12: Narrative Openings Notes

09/19/12: Narrative Point of View Notes

09/19/12: Narrative Techniques Notes, List of Sensory Words, Special Tags

09/24/12: List of Transitions, Paragraph and Capitalization Rules, Editing Practice

09/25/12: Narrative Draft (NARRATIVE PROCESS OF PIECE)

10/03/12: Narrative Reflection (NARRATIVE PROCEESS OF PIECE)

10/04/12: APE ERQ Notes, Practice ERQ

10/18/12: Informational Task Checklist and Rubric (INFO PROCESS OF PIECE)

 10/25/12: Dare to Dream! Info Task Research Notes (INFO PROCESS OF PIECE)

10/25/12: MLA Citation Guide

10/31/12: Info Task Research Notes on Database Article (INFO PROCESS OF PIECE)

11/01/12: Evaluating Sources Notes

11/01/12: Info Task Research Notes on Website (INFO PROCESS OF PIECE)

11/07/12: Organization Strategies Notes

11/08/12: Introducing/Developing a Topic analysis and comparisons

11/12/12: Info Task Draft (INFO PROCESS OF PIECE)

11/15/12: Domain-specific and Precise Language Revisions (INFO PROCESS OF PIECE)

 11/15/12: Transitions Activity

 11/15/12: Transitions Revisions (INFO PROCESS OF PIECE)

11/16/12: Concluding Section Activity

11/19/12: Multimedia Revisons (INFO PROCESS OF PIECE)

11/28/12: Revision Checklist: Personal and Peer Review (INFO PROCESS OF PIECE)

12/06/12: Final Draft (INFO PROCESS OF PIECE)


TAB FIVE: Language

08/17/12: Vocab Square: “Character”

09/04/12: Roots and Affixes Notes

09/04/12: Vocab wheels: “cred = believe”, “jur, jus, jud = law; justice”, “ben, bene, bon = good, well”, “mal, male”

= bad, abnormal, worse”, “bio = life”

 09/05/12: CARD Vocab words for Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! dramas

 09/10/12: Fluency rubric for Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! drama

09/11/12: Vocab stories: “co-, com- = together, with”, “contra-, counter- = against, opposite”, “sub- = under, below”, “super-, sur- = over, above, beyond”, “-ology = study of”

10/16/12: “vit, viv = live; life”

10/17/12: Vocab Square: “Perseverance”

10/22/12: “flect, flex = bend”

10/30/12: “frail, fract, frag = break; shatter”

11/13/12: “junct, join, jug = to join, meet, or link”

11/26/12: “rupt = break”

12/03/12: “un- = not, none”

12/04/12: Persepolis CARD Vocabulary and Summary

12/11/12: “dis- = not, none”


Back Pocket: Summative Assessments

Historical Fiction Reading Packet

Unit 1 Common Core Assessment

Biography Reading Packet

Unit 2 Common Core Assessment

