Newbattle Community High School Friends of Newbattle Meeting Wednesday 20th November 2013 Present L Clarkson L Corbett S Cresswell K Cunningham T Keating H MacLean M MacInnes K Mackie P Oakes J Robertson D Wright L Beattie B Pottinger R Forbes S Wozniak T Leach C Taylor C Burt Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Vice Chair Chair Parent Parent Parent Councillor Councillor Staff Member Staff Member Depute Headteacher Advisor Clerk Apologies C Beattie MSP Minute of the previous meeting – 23rd October 2013 agreed. Table Sale It was agreed that K Mackie, M MacInnes, C Taylor & P Oakes would organise Teas/Coffees at the Table Sale on 23rd November 13. Door open 9 – 12 noon. Mayfield / Easthouses Christmas Lights Celebration 8th December 2013 @ 2pm. K Mackie & M MacInnes to attend with stall for FON. Christmas Concert 12th December 2013. K Mackie, M MacInnes & J Robertson agreed to attend and organise raffle tickets and help with Tea/Coffee stall. Funding Request A letter had been received from Melanie Grieve, Teacher of Art in the school to buy Mannequins for the Art Department for use through all years. The group agreed to give a grant of £300. A.O.C.B. Councillor L Beattie had asked if anyone would be interested in organising a bus to run on the new Borders Railway line before the first train leaves. Members had a brief discussion and agreed it was a great idea and would give it more thought to bring back to a future meeting. It was discussed about FON gaining Charity status. K Mackie to check this out. Members discussed making connections with large businesses re funding etc. It was agreed that the group would try to get word out to parents about this. Date of Next Meeting Wednesday 22nd January 2014 Newbattle Community High School Parent Council Meeting Wednesday 20th November 2013 Present L Clarkson L Corbett S Cresswell K Cunningham T Keating H MacLean M MacInnes K Mackie P Oakes J Robertson D Wright L Beattie B Pottinger R Forbes S Wozniak T Leach C Taylor C Burt Parent Parent Parent Vice Chair Parent Parent Community Member Community Member Parent Chair Parent Councillor Councillor Staff Member Staff Member Depute Headteacher Advisor Clerk Apologies C Beattie 1. Minute of the previous meeting – 23rd October 2013 agreed. 2. Co-opted Members MSP It was agreed to co-opt Marion MacInnes and Keith Mackie to the Parent Council as Community Members. They were nominated and seconded. 3. Matters Arising Newbattle New Build Mr Taylor informed the members that there would be a meeting on 4th December 2013 for Parent Council and ASG Parent Council members to meet Architects, Builders and staff from Midlothian Council involved in the project. He also stated that there were a number of community meetings taking place over the next couple of weeks. The first meeting would take place on the 28th Nov 10.00 – 14.00 in Newbattle High School and further consultations were planned for Mayfield, Newtongrange & Gorebridge Libraries. The final meeting will be held in Newbattle High School on 30th November from 9.00 – 13.00. Detailed plans would be displayed at all meetings. Mr Taylor stated that the expected opening of the new school would be 2016 4. Fourth Year Coursing T Leach gave the members an overview of various curriculum models being considered for 2014-15 S4 pupils. Members were given handouts and a lengthy discussion took place. Members were asked for their views on how many qualifications pupils should be taking in their senior years. It was agreed that members should consider the papers in detail and the item should be continued at a future meeting. 5. Examination Results 2012 / 2013 Mr Taylor gave the group an overview of the results explaining there has been a steady increase in attainment over recent years. Members were given a handout to take away and Mr Taylor stated that he was happy to discuss the results with parents and that they should contact him if they wished to discuss the matter further. 6. A.O.C.B. Advanced Higher Subjects Some members voiced concerns about travelling time for pupils going to other High Schools to study for Advanced Higher subjects and asked if a video link between schools would be possible. Mr Taylor stated that he would raise the idea with central staff. 7. Date of Next Meeting Wednesday 22nd January 2014