The members were in 3 groups to discuss the items for discussion

Newbattle Community High School
Parent Council Meeting
Tuesday 23rd October 2012
See attached list
S Cresswell
S Wozniak
A Alexander
R Hogg
M MacInnes
Staff Member
Staff Member
Community Member
Colin Taylor welcomed Parent Council members from across the Newbattle
Associated Schools Group to the meeting and asked attendees to introduce
New Build for Newbattle
Mr Taylor gave an overview of the Scottish Future Trust bid for a new
building for Newbattle Community High School. He explained that there
would be a proper consultation in the future and that at this point would like
an informal discussion to take place.
Questions asked by parents were as follows:Has a site for the school been decided yet?
Would there be additional catchment areas for the school?
Would it be the same type of build that Lasswade is having?
Mr Taylor stated that this would establish the views of the community prior
to final decisions being made by Council. Councillor Lisa Beattie stated that
a paper setting out the consultation process would go before the meeting of
the full Council in November. Given the importance of this issue it was
agreed that members would be invited to submit views and ideas over the
coming months.
Parent Council Training Sessions
Mr Taylor asked if the members felt that the Midlothian Parent Council
training sessions were of value. Several members stated they had taken part
in training sessions and felt them worthwhile.
However, members stated that the Midlothian Parent Council meetings held
are too broad a forum and that they felt more localised meetings would be
more worthwhile.
Newtongrange Gala Committee
John Turnbull and Miranda Laidlaw from Newtongrange Gala Committee
informed the members that 2013 was the Centenary year for Newtongrange
Gala. Mr Turnbull asked members to inform friends, relatives; neighbours
etc. who had been part of the Gala in recent years or lived in the area to
support the upcoming Centenary celebrations. Mr Turnbull asked Mr Taylor
if he would be happy for pupils / parents to complete a questionnaire on the
Gala Day. Mr Taylor agreed. Mr Taylor asked if the committee were
looking for financial help but Mr Turnbull stated that they had substantial
savings to cover the event.
Newbattle ASG Parent Council Meetings
Members were of the opinion that the meeting had been a success. It was
agreed that we should aim to meet twice per session to discuss areas of
mutual interest.
The Parent Council members stopped for Cheese and Wine to continue their
discussions in an informal setting.
Newbattle Community High School
Friends of Newbattle Meeting
Tuesday 23rd October 2012
B Storrie
M Bisacre
K Cunningham
L Grieve
K Mackie
G Morgan
S Ramsay
J Robertson
L Ross
C Walker
C Beattie
L Beattie
C Johnstone
C Taylor
C Burt
R Hogg
M MacInnes
S Cresswell
S Wozniak
A Alexander
Community Member
Staff Member
Staff Member
Minute of the previous meeting – 9th May 2012 distributed.
The members agreed that it was too late to arrange a 2013 Calendar before the end of
the year. It will be revisited in 2013.
Newbattle Eyes
Keith Mackie passed around an example based on the same principle as last year but
with the eyes of Newbattle staff. It was agreed to sell them at the forthcoming
Christmas Concert.
Pop Quiz
Keith Mackie passed around an example of a Pop Quiz to be sold in the new year.
Christmas Concert
Members agreed to set up a Tombola stall at the concert. It was suggested that a letter
go out to all parents asking for Tombola items. This information would also be put on
Facebook - Keith Mackie to organise, Email to Parents - Bobbie Storrie to organise
and a Text Message for sending to Parents - Marion MacInnes to organise.
George Morgan stated that he knew of a fundraising idea that he would bring to a
meeting early next year.
Ideas for fundraising to be put on the next agenda.
Claire Walker stated that we should be asking Mayfield Community Club for a
donation at least a couple of times a year. She would organise this.
C Taylor stated that he had spoken to Senior Pupils about a traditional Christmas
dance with a buffet. He said that parent helpers would be required and asked Friends
of Newbattle if they could assist.
Dress Down Day – Mr Taylor asked the members how they felt about future Dress
Down Day collections being split between the school and a nominated charity.
Members agreed this was a good idea.
Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 21st November 2012.
Newbattle Community High School
Parent Council Meeting
Tuesday 23rd October 2012
As above
As above
Minute of the previous meeting – 9th May 2012
Examination Results 2011/12
Mr Taylor gave an overview and passed around a paper to members. He
stated that in the main the results were good although there were some
concerns. The members stated that there seemed to be a lack of study
support after school in some departments. Mr Taylor informed them that
staff involvement in study support provision is voluntary; however, many
staff do provide this.
Curriculum for Excellence Implementation
Mr Taylor informed the members that changes had been made to the course
choice sheet for pupils going into S3. He said that the school was moving
towards the national position. Mr Taylor stated that he would give more
information at the next meeting.
School Week Structure
Mr Taylor stated that the school week structure may need to change from 28
periods per week to 29 or 32 periods per week. This is linked to the Scottish
Government requirement that every S1-S4 pupil should follow 2 periods per
week of Physical Education. He stated that the Senior Management Team are
looking at this and will bring more information to the November meeting.
School Handbook
Mr Taylor informed the members that because of new legislation the
Prospectus as it was known would be changing. He asked if a small parent
group could be formed to look at this. L Ross, K Mackie and M Bisacre put
their names forward. Mr Taylor passed around a few ideas for a new front
cover asking for views.
Correspondence – None
S6 Work Experience
L Ross stated that senior students were told that without a PVG, at a cost of
£60, they would not be able to go out on Work Experience to Midlothian
Primary Schools. Mr Taylor stated that he had been in contact with Human
Resources about this and had challenged the need for this to happen.
Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 21st November 2012.
Lyn Ross
Claire Walker
Linzi Nelson
Carrie McGill
Jill Robinson
Isabel Marshall
Fiona Oswald
Shirley Fairley
Susan Ramsay
Mary Bisacre
Keith Mackie
George Morgan
Bobbie Storrie
John Turnbull
Maranda Laidlaw
Jo MacFarlane
Gillian Grant
Andy Westaby
Catherine Johnstone
June Robertson
Kim Cunningham
Lee Grieve
Lisa Beattie
Colin Beattie
Christine Burt
Colin Taylor
Newbattle High
Newbattle High
Newtongrange Primary
Newtongrange Primary
Newtongrange Primary
Newtongrange Primary
Moorfoot Primary
Moorfoot Primary
Newbattle High & Newtongrange P S
Newbattle High & Gorebridge Primary
Newbattle High
Newbattle High
Newbattle High
Newtongrange Gala Day Committee
Newtongrange Gala Day Committee
Mayfield Primary
Gorebridge Primary
Gorebridge Primary
Councillor – Midlothian Sough
Newbattle High
Newbattle High
Newbattle High
Councillor - Midlothian
Councillor - Midlothian