The Alabama Department of Education monitored special education services provided by
LCPS January 30 – February 2, 2012. An area in which we must strengthen our efforts is
documentation of services in IEPs and accompanying paperwork.
The following practices should be implemented immediately:
Prior Notice – Notice of IEP meetings must be sent via mail 7 – 14 days prior to a
scheduled IEP meeting. The results of the 1st attempt must be documented. AFTER the
notice is mailed, teachers may call parents to follow up and confirm the meeting and note
that conversation as the 2nd attempt.
Prong 1 and 2 – The wording below must be used on all eligibility forms to document
evidence of appropriate instruction (prong 1) and repeated assessments (prong 2):
Prong 1: (Student name) has received standards-based Tier I core instruction in the areas
of Reading and Math, in the regular education setting, in his/her primary language by a
highly qualified teacher. The student also received specially designed instruction in the
areas of reading and math which included the scientifically researched-based strategies of
(include strategies used) for ___ minutes per nine weeks for each nine week grading
period (current school year).
Prong II: For Tier I reading and/or math, the general education teacher (identify how
progress was monitored) for monitoring (student’s name) progress. The dates and results
of the assessments were (include dates and scores of classroom assessments). Results of
progress monitoring were sent home to the parents on (list dates progress reports will be
sent home).
Eligibility Forms – standard scores must be entered on all eligibility forms and include
the name of the given assessment
Speech/Language Services – Details regarding the specific services provided and the
areas of instructional focus must be included in the RELATED SERVICES section of the
Closing Forms – All forms and processes must be closed when completed. Forms and
processes should be completed in a timely manner.
Special Education Services – Specially designed instruction should be detailed in the
special education services portion of the IEP. Explicit information should be included
regarding the researched-based strategies implemented and the accommodations provided
in the general education setting for the special education student.
Scheduling – Student schedules must consider teacher abilities and be based on the needs
of the students.
Frequency/type and amount of time – LCPS will use minutes per nine weeks. The
wording below should be used in the service properties box:
The student will receive specially designed instruction in the areas of reading and math
which may include the scientifically researched-based strategies of (include strategies
used) for 540 minutes per nine weeks for each nine week grading period 8/15/2011 –
Clarity and Detail – A reader of an IEP should be able to paint a picture of what is
happening in the general and special education classrooms.
Student Profiles – If a need is identified in the student profile, a goal or service must be
written to address the identified need.
Change of Placement – If a student is assigned to homebound or alternative school
settings for longer than three (3) days, the IEP team must be convened and the IEP must
be amended to address the change in services. The services must be specific to the
homebound or alternative setting.
Program Modifications – The Alabama Extended Standards should always be
referenced in the program modifications area.
Accommodations for Assessments – Do not include “ read as needed” in the
accommodations. Either the test is consistently read to the student or is not.
Notice of Consent for Provision of Services – review your records and ensure that a
signed notice of consent for the provision of services is included in EVERY student file.
Contact Dr. Stone or Mr. Hudson if you do not have one on EVERY student.
State Testing Information – Check your files and ensure that IEP participation form is
completed for student receiving no accommodations on state assessments.
IEP Team Membership – Ensure that every student file has the appropriate IEP team
signatures. Parent, general education teacher, special education teacher, someone to
interpret data, and LEA representative must be present and must sign all appropriate
Details, Details, Details – Be explicit and provide details regarding services. Give
yourself credit in writing for the excellent services you are providing.