Note: These minutes were compiled by extracting certain facts the essence of testimony from an audiotape made of this meeting. Complete detail and verbatim statements can be heard and transcribed from the tape. The tape is available in the Mayor’s office for a nominal fee. Master Plan Review Commission Minutes for 2/27/13 Regular Meeting 7:00pm Call to Order Jerome Pavlick called the meeting to order at 7:00pm Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation Roll Call: John Albaneze, Mayor Glenn Broska, Ken Claypoole, Chuck Kocisko, Jane Rowe, Joe Wolfe, Jerome Pavlick Also Present: Assistant Law Director Matthew J. Vazzana, Todd Peetz, Planning Director John Cieszkowski, Clerk Melissa Procop Amended minutes were approved: LITAR was changed to LIDAR Todd Peetz: Opened the floor to discuss Hot Button issues. 1) Parks and Recreation Master Plan(Albaneze) 2) How much property do we have and how much do we want 3) Ground Water –reference to horizontal fracturing(Albaneze) OBJECTIVES and POLICIES (pages 59-74) Todd Peetz will add a transportation section Each section within the Objectives and Policies include: a. b. c. d. Objectives Policies Priorities Responsible parties Recommended change by Mr. Albaneze and Todd Peetz is to forecast future goals within the objective section Priority was determined by survey that was conducted(page 5 and 7) 1 Housing: H1-Provide more options for higher-end housing H2- Maintain sufficient affordable housing stock H1-the four policies support the goal to provide more high-end housing High end housing is 30% of income-relative to personal income “Community Relations” refers to the Mayor when referencing the responsible parties Goals are more important than the time frame (Peetz) Good idea to remove priority list (Peetz) Keep responsible party Add support for goals Affordable housing (page 30)-come up with better wording other than affordable Affordable housing is a relative term based on personal income Idea is to keep diverse housing available within our city H3- Ensure that existing multi-family housing does not deteriorate Ensure that all housing does not deteriorate not just multi-family (Claypoole) H4- Support the development of senior housing H5- Ensure that housing remains competitive in terms of cost and appearance H6-Encourage housing built with environmentally-friendly materials and building techniques H7- Encourage a mix of housing options and styles within developments Ensure that homes maintain their value Commission will propose removing this section Page 160 regarding section 7 does not include a 7.4 which relates to T N D page Environmental E1-Require and encourage sustainable, responsible development practices E2- Gain Consensus on the areas in Streetsboro containing environmental features Administer survey Map references priority 1 and priority 2 areas and the limitations and constraints map Would like to change the word “gain” E2 will possibly read; “Document current available environmental features of Streetsboro” E3- Preserve the most significant environmental areas in the City E4- Protect environmentally-sensitive areas of the City “floodplain” to be changed in E4.3 2 E5- Capitalize on the Cuyahoga River as an asset to the City E6- Increase accessibility and connections to environmentally-sensitive areas Todd Peetz will provide map to show ownership along the river Our current water source is from Portage County Water which comes from an underground well in Shalersville and surface water from Ravenna Mr. Wolfe suggests the City should acquire available land along the Cuyahoga River for our own water supply or as bargaining leverage with the City of Akron for future water use Mr. Cieszkowski- suggests we use E5 as a means to promote sustainability and economic development Take out Green space committee Add Parks and Recreation land conservation committee PSWCD-Portage Soil Water and Conservation District E7- Promote benefits of preservation and open space to developers and landowners E8- Reduce runoff and potential flooding from new and existing development E9- Increase tree planting throughout the City Mayor Broska-we are currently training a service worker to be an arborist Community Facilities (Entire section needs to be evaluated) CF1-Provide staffing and resources needed to maintain a safe community Suggests eliminating CF1.1-CF1.3 CF2-Increase Community involvement among residents CF3-Encourage cooperation and communication between City and School District CF4-Increase Level of funding to school system CF5-Increase number of parks, trails and greenways throughout the City CF6-Encourage life-long learning while keeping younger students in the community CF7-Support a more integrated, functional network of community facilities CF8- Ensure that new growth does not outpace the ability to service it Mr. Albaneze would like to see the Water Master Plan 201 Facilities Plan spells out areas that should have municipal water/sanitary sewer (Mr. Cieszkowski) NEFCO-North East Four County Organization; monitors 201 Facilities Plan Economic Development ED1- Promote Streetsboro as an affordable place to live and do business ED2- Capitalize on the accessibility of the City o Revisit “affordable” verbiage 3 ED3- Provide a more balanced selection of retail opportunities ED4- Provide a variety of entertainment options ED5- Encourage redevelopment and revitalization of existing areas before building new ED6 -Bring higher wage opportunities into the community ED7- Create areas and opportunities for small-scale agriculture operations ED8- Create a “green” economy o o Possibly strike (Mr. Pavlick) Encourage businesses to use sustainable business practices(Mr. Peetz) ED9- Maintain the strong industrial base of the City ED10- Continually monitor and improve the overall economic health and vitality of the City ED11- Develop and promote creative financing and economic development tools Land Use (Revisit Verbiage in this section) LU1- Simplify and strengthen zoning districts o o Possibly strike (Mr. Albaneze) Strategy LU1 1.1 pushes TND (Ms. Rowe) LU2- Create a core area of the City LU3 Create a walk-able community o Ideally create the ability to walk through the community from 43 to the square and 303 to the square. (Mayor Broska) LU4- Require appropriate transitions to ensure consistency and compatibility LU5- Ensure that future development and land use is fiscally balanced o o Relates to multi-family and school services LU6- Encourage creativity in site design o Encourage Transitional areas not require (Mr. Wolfe) Ms. Rowe asked to please reference page 133 of the Master Plan LU7- Provide opportunities for more large-lot residential uses LU8- Create a network of preservation and greenway areas Community Character CC1- Create and display a sense of identity CC2-Market the City’s assets and values (and new identity) CC3-Create a well-designed, attractive community CC4-Protect the character and elements of the rural areas CC5-Promote public awareness of natural corridors to build support for preservation CC6-Host activities and events to attract residents and visitors CC7-Build community trust Announcements Todd Peetz requested that any verbiage changes be available to him by the next meeting. Next meeting we will discuss Data Analysis, updating from 2005 to 2010 which is the most current data. 4 Mr. Pavlick requested materials for the March 20th meeting be available at the meeting on the 13th. Todd Peetz will provide a multi-family dwelling units map for the next meeting. The meeting on March 20th will cover the objectives and policy changes previously discussed. Mr. Albaneze asked Mayor Broska how determined he was at getting this document to the citizens in May? Mayor Broska stated he would like to get the document to the Citizens in May and does not think it is an insurmountable goal. Motion to Extend Discussion 10 Minutes by Mayor Broska Seconded by John Albaneze Motion Carried Mr. Albaneze would like to communicate with commission members through email prior to meetings We will be going over the already reviewed maps Mr. Wolfe asked for everyone to be prompt at the next meeting Motion was made to adjourn meeting by Ken Claypoole Seconded by Chuck Kocisko Motion Carried Adjournment: 9:05pm Attest: X X Jerome Pavlick Master Plan Review Commission Chairman Melissa Procop Master Plan Review Commission, Clerk 5