
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
Implementation Committee, thirty-fourth meeting
Agenda item 4
Note IC/14.rev.1
page 1
Note by the secretariat
– Status 26.08.2014 –
This note presents the status of emission data reporting as 25 August 2014. It
contains seven tables reflecting reporting under the seven Protocols in force: the
1985 Sulphur Protocol, the Protocol on Nitrogen Oxides, the Protocol on VOCs,
the 1994 Protocol on Sulphur, the Protocol on Heavy Metals, the Protocol on
POPs and the Gothenburg Protocol. The tables were prepared by the EMEP
Centre on Emission Inventories and Projections (CEIP) in collaboration with the
The overview shows whether the data were reported for the base year, as
necessary, and for the most recent years since entry into force of the Protocols for
individual Parties, where reporting has not been completed. The symbol “X” used
in the tables indicates that data has been submitted. Furthermore the symbol “XT”
is used for the current reporting round indicating that the data was provided on
time in the tables for the four latest protocols (tables 4 to 7: the 1994 Sulphur
Protocol, the Protocol on POPs, the Protocol on Heavy Metals and the
Gothenburg Protocol). Tables 1 to 3 (1st Sulphur Protocol, NOx Protocol and VOC
Protocol) provide information on the submission of annual total emissions for the
base year, the current reporting year and the previous reporting year if the data has
not been provided up to now. Table 4 refers to the 1994 Sulphur Protocol and
table 5 shows reporting for total emissions of PAHs, Dioxin/Furans and HCBs as
listed in Annex III as substances referred to in article 3, paragraph 5(a) of the
Protocol. Table 6 shows heavy metal reporting of the priority metals (Cd, Pb and
Hg) under the Protocol on Heavy Metals. Table 7 shows reporting under the
Gothenburg Protocol for SO2, NOx, VOCs and ammonia. Tables 4 to 7,
additionally to the annual totals and base years, also indicate the status of
reporting of gridded data for 2000, 2005 and 2010. In addition, table 7, referring
to the Gothenburg Protocol, contains information on the reporting of projection
data for the years 2015 and 2020.
Emission data tables/”trend tables” prepared by CEIP provide background
information to this note as they indicate the numerical values reported.
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
Implementation Committee, thirty-fourth meeting
Agenda item 4
Note IC/14.rev.1
page 2
A. Follow-up to Executive Body decisions 2013/18, 2013/19 and 2013/21
1. In its decision 2013/18, the Executive Body recalled its decisions 2011/11
and 2012/23.
i) The Executive Body urged Albania to provide its missing annual emission data
for 2010, 2011 and the base years under the 1985 Protocol on Sulphur and the
Protocol on Nitrogen Oxides. The secretariat informs the Committee that as of 25
August 2014, Albania had not provided its missing data and had also not submitted
annual data for 2012. In its letter of 18 August 2014, Albania informed that since
2012, with the technical support of Italy, Albania had provided an inventory for a
number of pollutants, including sulphur and nitrogen oxides for the time series
from 1990 to 2009 and submitted the second Informative Inventory Report (IIR). It
further noted that emission inventory data for 2010, 2011 and 2012 were note
completed on time due to the lack of expertise in this field of relevant national
authorities. Underlying its commitment to comply with the requirements of the
Convention’s protocols, Albania informed about an upcoming project scheduled to
start in January 2015 that would assist in the establishment of national air emission
inventory under the LRTAP Convention. As for the base years under the 1985
Protocol on Sulphur1 and the Protocol on Nitrogen Oxides2, Albania asserted that
based on its national emission inventory data, the base year for Albania under both
of these protocols should be 1990. It further provided, in its letter, the data on
emissions of sulphur and nitrogen oxides for 1990 identical to the data it had
already submitted to CEIP for that year earlier.
ii) The Executive Body urged Croatia to provide its missing annual emission data
for the base year under the Protocol on Nitrogen Oxides and the Protocol on
Volatile Organic Compounds. The secretariat informs the Committee that as of 25
August 2014 Croatia had not provided its missing base year data under both
Protocols. Croatia indicated in its letter of 11 October 2013 that the estimation of
emissions before 1990 would require significant efforts and eventual reconciliation
of statistical data with other countries that were part of the former Yugoslavia in
In accordance with article 2 of the 1985 Sulphur Protocol, “the Parties shall reduce their national
annual sulphur emissions or their transboundary fluxes by at least 30 per cent as soon as possible and
at the latest by 1993, using 1980 levels as the basis for calculations of reductions”. Albania acceded to
the Protocol on 16 June 2009 without any declaration and/or reservation.
In accordance with article 2 of the Protocol on Nitrogen Oxides, “Parties shall […] take effective
measures to control and/or reduce their annual emissions of nitrogen oxides or their transboundary
fluxes so that these, at the latest by 31 December 1994, do not exceed annual emissions of nitrogen
oxides or transboundary fluxes of such emissions for the calendar year 1987 or any previous year to
be specified upon signature of, or accession to, the Protocol.”. Albania acceded to the Protocol on 16
June 2009 without any declaration and/or reservation.
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
Implementation Committee, thirty-fourth meeting
Agenda item 4
Note IC/14.rev.1
page 3
order to avoid double counting. In a letter of 11 February 2014 Croatia indicated
that it was in the process of collecting data on emissions of NOx and VOC before
1990 and that it would provide the requested data as soon as it was available. In its
letter of 29 July 2014, Croatia reiterated that it was still in the process of collecting
the missing data and that it planned to provide these data as part of the next
reporting period in 2015.
iii) The Executive Body urged Liechtenstein to provide its missing annual emission
data for 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and the base year for HCB under the Protocol on
POPs. The secretariat informs the Committee that as of 25 August 2014
Liechtenstein had not provided its missing data and that, in addition, the annual
data for 2012 HCB was also missing.
iv) The Executive Body urged Romania to provide its missing annual emission
data for the base year under the Protocol on Heavy Metals. The secretariat informs
the Committee that as of 25 August 2014 Romania had not provided its annual
emission data for the base year under the Protocol on Heavy Metals and had
instead indicated the notation key NE (Not Estimated). In its letter of 18 August
2014 Romania informed that it would engage in increasing the number of experts
involved in the implementation of the provisions of the Convention and its
Protocols in order to ensure the submission of the missing data as part of the 2015
reporting cycle as it currently faced a shortage of staff. Moreover it informed that it
was currently in the process of identifying financial resources for the development
of a study on the collection of historical activity data which would be necessary to
calculate the base year emissions under the Protocol on Heavy Metals.
v) The Executive Body urged the Russian Federation to provide its missing annual
emission data for 2011 under the 1985 Sulphur Protocol and the Protocol on NOx.
The secretariat informs the Committee that, as of 25 August 2014, the Russian
Federation had not provided its missing annual emission data under both Protocols.
In addition, the Russian Federation had also not provided its annual emission data
for 2012. In its message of 5 August 2014, the Russian Federation informed the
secretariat that it was undertaking efforts to prepare and provide its missing annual
emission data for 2011 and 2012 under the 1985 Sulphur Protocol and the Protocol
on NOx. It highlighted that the funding had been secured for this work and that the
missing data was planned to be submitted to the secretariat in the 4th quarter of
In its decision 2013/19, the Executive Body recalled its decisions 2008/11,
2009/12, 2010/14, 2011/12 and 2012/22.
The Executive Body urged Norway to provide its missing gridded data for
2005 and 2010 under the Protocols on POPs and Heavy Metals. The secretariat
informs the Committee that, as of 25 August 2014, Norway had not provided its
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
Implementation Committee, thirty-fourth meeting
Agenda item 4
Note IC/14.rev.1
page 4
missing gridded data and had instead provided the notation key NE (Not
Estimated). Norway made a presentation at the 33rd meeting of the Committee
regarding its compliance with its obligations to report gridded data. In a letter of 14
August Norway apologized for the delay in providing gridded data and indicated
that it would submit gridded data for 2005 and 2010 under the Protocol on POPs
and Heavy Metals during autumn 2014.
ii) The Executive Body urged the Republic of Moldova to provide its missing
gridded data for 2005 and 2010 under the Protocols on POPs and Heavy Metals.
The secretariat informs the Committee that, as of 26 August 2014, the Republic of
Moldova had not provided its missing gridded data under both Protocols. In its
letter of 14 August 2014, the Republic of Moldova listed the steps it was taking to
submit the missing gridded data. Specifically, it mentioned the ways the capacitybuilding workshop on gridded data and emission projections, organized by the
CLRTAP secretariat and held in Chisinau on 5-6 June 2014, would contribute to
these efforts. In addition, the national implementation of the Air Quality
Governance project, funded by the European Union, contributes to collecting
spatial data necessary to report gridded emission data with some results already
available for energy and agriculture sectors. Finally, the Republic of Moldova
informed about national funding that was made available with the aim of
improving the quality of reporting under the LRTAP Convention and assured that
the country was committed to meeting its obligations under the Convention’s
iii) The Executive Body urged Romania to provide its missing gridded data for
2005 and 2010 under the Protocols on POPs and Heavy Metals, and its missing
gridded data for 2010 under the Gothenburg Protocol. The secretariat informs the
Committee that, as of 25 August 2014, Romania had provided its missing gridded
data for 2010 under the Protocols on POPs, Heavy Metals and the Gothenburg
Protocol but had not provided its 2005 gridded data under the Protocols on POPs
and Heavy Metals for which it had still indicated the notation key NE (Not
Estimated) instead. In its letter of 18 August 2014 Romania informed that it would
engage in increasing the number of experts involved in the implementation of the
provisions of the Convention and its Protocols in order to ensure the submission of
the missing data as part of the 2015 reporting cycle as it currently faced a shortage
of staff. Moreover it informed that it was currently in the process of identifying
financial resources for the development of a study on the collection of historical
activity data which would be necessary the gridded emission data under the
Protocols on Persistent Organic Pollutants and on Heavy Metals.
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
Implementation Committee, thirty-fourth meeting
Agenda item 4
Note IC/14.rev.1
page 5
iv) The Executive Body urged Sweden to provide its missing gridded data for
HCB for 2005 under the Protocol on POPs. The secretariat informs the Committee
that, as of 11 August 2014, Sweden had not provided its missing gridded data. It
had submitted the notation key NE (Not Estimated) for its 2005 gridded data for
HCB. In a message of 19 June 2014, Sweden informed that its missing gridded
data will be provided in the next reporting period in 2015.
v) The Executive Body urged Switzerland to provide its missing gridded data
for HCB for 2005 under the Protocol on POPs. The secretariat informs the
Committee that, as of 25 August 2014, Switzerland had not provided its missing
gridded data for 2005 HCB. Switzerland provided the notation key NA (Not
Applicable) for its 2005 HCB data. In its letter of 15 July 2014, Switzerland
informed that it would provide its missing gridded data for HCB in the next
reporting period in 2015.
vi) The Executive Body urged the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to
provide its missing gridded data for 2010 under the Protocol on Heavy Metals. The
secretariat informs the Committee that, as of 25 August 2014, the former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia had not provided its missing gridded data.
4. In its decision 2013/21, the Executive Body urged Luxembourg to provide its
missing projections data for 2015 and 2020 under the Gothenburg Protocol and its
missing annual emission data for 2011 under the Protocols on POPs and Heavy
Metals. Furthermore, the Executive Body strongly urged Luxembourg to provide
its missing annual emission data for 2008, 2009 and 2010 for cadmium, mercury
and lead under the Protocol on Heavy Metals, its missing gridded data for 2000,
2005 and 2010 under the 1994 Sulphur Protocol, its missing gridded data for 2005
and 2010 under the Protocols on POPs and Heavy Metals and the Gothenburg
Protocol and complete responses to the 2010 questionnaire on strategies and
policies in a timely manner. In its letter of 18 August 2014, Luxembourg informed
that with respect to decision 2013/21:
i) It had established an inter-ministerial working group to analyse the issue of
meeting emission ceilings set by the Gothenburg Protocol. Upon the finalization of
this analysis, Luxembourg would be in a position to communicate the missing
projections data for 2015 and 2020 under the Gothenburg Protocol;
ii) It would communicate its missing annual emission data for the Protocols on
POPs and Heavy Metals within the next reporting cycle in February 2015;
iii) It had provided to CEIP on 11 August 2014 its missing gridded data for 2000,
2005 and 2010 under the 1994 Sulphur Protocol and its missing gridded data for
2005 and 2010 under the Gothenburg Protocol.
The secretariat informs the Committee that the receipt of gridded emission data as
indicated by Luxembourg above has been confirmed by CEIP. Additionally,
Luxembourg provided its missing responses to the 2010 questionnaire on strategies
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
Implementation Committee, thirty-fourth meeting
Agenda item 4
Note IC/14.rev.1
page 6
and policies which have been made available on the respective website3.
Compliance with emission data reporting obligations
5. As requested by the Executive Body in its workplan (section 3)
(ECE/EB.AIR/122/Add.2, as adopted by the Executive Body at its thirty-second
session), the Committee evaluated compliance with the emission data reporting
obligations under the seven Protocols in force4. The evaluation covered the
completeness and timeliness of reporting, but not its quality. It was based on the
data reported up to 2025 August 2014, as presented in Note 2. Tables 1–7 give an
overview of the emission data reported under the seven Protocols. The overview
shows whether the data were reported for the base year, as necessary, and for the
most recent years for which reporting has not been completed (i.e. not 100%),
including national totals, gridded data and projection data where applicable. In
addition, the Committee’s review of compliance with emission data reporting
obligations was based on the referrals by the secretariat on reporting obligations, a
practice that the secretariat had engaged in for the first time in 2013 following the
adoption of Executive Body Decision 2012/25. The secretariat further informs
the Committee that it had initiated communications with Parties which did not
report annual, gridded or projection data unless there had already been an EB
Decision on the matter and the IC was reviewing its follow-up.
1985 Protocol on Sulphur5: compliance with article 4, concerning emission
data reporting
6. Table 1 gives an overview of emission data reported by the Parties to the
1985 Sulphur Protocol and shows that reporting under the Protocol is not yet
complete. 24 of the 25 Parties to which the obligation applied have submitted
complete emission data for 2010. No data were received from Albania. Emission
data for 2011 and 2012 have been received from 23 of the 25 Parties to which the
obligation applies. No data were received from Albania and the Russian
Federation. Moreover, the base year emission data have been received from 24 of
the 25 Parties to which the obligation applies. No data was received from
Available at:
i.e. the seven protocols with reporting obligations. An eighth protocol to the Convention
concerns the long-term financing of EMEP.
1985 Protocol on the Reduction of Sulphur Emissions or their Transboundary Fluxes by at least
30 per cent.
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
Implementation Committee, thirty-fourth meeting
Agenda item 4
Note IC/14.rev.1
page 7
7. The secretariat informs the Committee that, following the 33rd IC meeting, it
had reminded Albania and the Russian Federation of EB decision 2013/18
inviting them to report their missing annual emission data. Additionally, the
secretariat had reminded that 2012 annual emission data was also missing for
both Parties.
8. The Committee may wish to conclude that, as of25 August 2014, Albania and
the Russian Federation were not in compliance with the emission data reporting
obligations under article 4 of the 1985 Protocol on Sulphur.
Protocol on Nitrogen Oxides: compliance with article 8, concerning emission
data reporting
9. Table 2 gives an overview of emission data reported by the Parties to the
Protocol on Nitrogen Oxides and shows that reporting under the Protocol is not
yet complete. 34 of the 35 Parties to which the reporting obligation applied had
submitted complete emission data for 2010. No data were received from Albania.
Concerning 2011 and 2012 emission data, 33 of the 35 Parties to which the
obligation applied have submitted complete emission data. No data were received
from Albania and the Russian Federation. Furthermore, base year emission data
has been reported by 33 of the 35 Parties to which the reporting obligation
applied. No base year data were received from Albania and Croatia.
10. The secretariat informs the Committee that, following its 33rd meeting in May
2014, it had reminded Albania, Croatia and the Russian Federation of EB decision
2013/18 inviting them to report the missing annual emission data. Additionally,
the secretariat had pointed out to Albania and the Russian Federation that 2012
annual emission data was also missing.
11. The Committee may wish to conclude that, as of 25 August 2014, three
Parties, namely Albania, Croatia and the Russian Federation were not in
compliance with the emission data reporting obligations under article 8 of the
Protocol on Nitrogen Oxides.
Protocol on VOCs: compliance with article 8.1, concerning emission data
12. Table 3 gives an overview of the emission data reported by the Parties to the
Protocol on VOCs and shows that reporting of annual total emission data under
the Protocol is not yet complete. While all of the 24 Parties to which the
reporting obligation applied have submitted complete emission data for 2012,
only 23 of the 24 Parties to which the reporting obligation applied, submitted
base year emission data. No base year data was received from Croatia.
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
Implementation Committee, thirty-fourth meeting
Agenda item 4
Note IC/14.rev.1
page 8
13. The secretariat informs the Committee that, following the 33rd IC meeting, it
had reminded Croatia of EB Decision 2013/18. The Committee may wish to
conclude that, as of 11 August 2014, Croatia was not in compliance with the
emission data reporting obligations under article 8.1 of the Protocol on VOC.
1994 Protocol on Sulphur: compliance with article 5.1(b) and article 5.2,
concerning emission data reporting
14. Table 4 gives an overview of the emission data reported by the Parties to the
1994 Sulphur Protocol (including annual totals and gridded data for EMEP
Parties for 2000, 2005 and 2010). It shows that reporting under the Protocol is
complete for annual as well as gridded data. Twenty-three of the 29 Parties6 to
which the obligation applied submitted emission data for 2012 under the Protocol
by 15 February 2014, the legally binding deadline. Six Parties submitted data for
2012 after the legally binding deadline: Greece, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein,
Luxembourg and Monaco. 15. The secretariat informs the Committee that
following its request made in 2013, the European Union has submitted emissions
data for sulphur in a separate NFR for EU-12 to facilitate compliance review
15. The Committee may wish to conclude that six Parties were not in compliance
with their annual emission reporting obligations under the 1994 Protocol on
Sulphur by the legally binding deadline.
Protocol on POPs: compliance with article 9.1 (b), concerning emission data
16. Table 5 gives an overview of the emission data reported by Parties to the
Protocol on POPs and shows that reporting under the Protocol is not yet
complete. Twenty-eight of the 29 Parties to which the reporting obligation
applied had submitted annual emission data for all three pollutants for 2009 and
2010. Liechtenstein had not submitted annual emission data for HCB. Twentyeight of the 30 Parties to which the reporting obligation applied had submitted
At the thirty-second session of the Executive Body in December 2013 an adjustment to Annex II
to the Protocol submitted by the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia was approved.
Following the adoption by consensus of the adjustment by the Parties present at the EB session,
the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is a Party to the Protocol in line with Article 11, para
6 of the 1994 Sulphur Protocol. The date of entry into force of the Protocol for the former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is 3 September 2014. 7 At the thirty-second session of the
Executive Body in December 2013 an adjustment to Annex II to the Protocol submitted by the
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia was approved. Following the adoption by consensus of
the adjustment by the Parties present at the EB session, the former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia is a Party to the Protocol in line with Article 17, para 2 of the Gothenburg Protocol.
The date of entry into force of the Protocol for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is 3
September 2014.
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
Implementation Committee, thirty-fourth meeting
Agenda item 4
Note IC/14.rev.1
page 9
annual emission data for all three pollutants for 2011. Luxembourg had not
submitted annual emission data for any of the three pollutants and Liechtenstein
had not submitted data for HCB for 2011. Twenty-five of the 32 Parties to which
the reporting obligation applied had submitted annual emission data for 2012 for
all three of the reported POPs by 15 February 2014, the legally binding deadline.
Five Parties submitted data after the legally binding deadline: Hungary, Iceland,
Italy,Liechtenstein and the Republic of Moldova. Liechtenstein submitted data
for dioxins/furans and PAH, but not for HCB. No data for 2012 were received
from Luxembourg and Montenegro.
17. Regarding the base year data, only Liechtenstein has not submitted the base
year data for HCB
18. The Committee may wish to note that one Party outside the geographic scope
of EMEP (Canada) had also submitted annual emission data for 2012 for all three
19. The secretariat informs the Committee that, following its 33rd meeting in May
2014, it had reminded Liechtenstein and Luxembourg of EB decision 2013/18
and invited them to submit the missing data.
20. Twenty-five of the 28 Parties to which the obligation applied had submitted
gridded data for the three POPs for 2010 by 11 August 2014. Three Parties,
namely, Luxembourg, Norway, and the Republic of Moldova have not yet
submitted any gridded data for 2010. Twenty of the 26 Parties to which the
obligation applied had submitted gridded data for the three POPs for 2005 by 11
August 2014. Two Parties, Sweden and Switzerland, submitted gridded data for
2005, but not for HCB. Four Parties, namely Luxembourg, Norway, the Republic
of Moldova and Romania had not submitted any gridded data for 2005.
21. Following the 33rd IC meeting, the secretariat reminded Norway, the
Republic of Moldova and Romania, of EB Decision 2013/19 concerning their
compliance with the obligation to report gridded data and invited them to submit
the missing data. The secretariat further reminded Luxembourg of EB Decision
2013/21 and invited it to provide the missing data.
22. The Committee may wish to conclude that four Parties provided annual
emission data for all three pollutants for 2012, but were not in compliance with
their emission reporting obligations under the Protocol on POPs by the legally
binding deadline for annual emission data provision in 2014, namely Hungary,
Iceland, Italy and the Republic of Moldova. In addition, the Committee may wish
to conclude that, as of 26 August 2014, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and
Montenegro were in non-compliance with their obligations to report annual
emission data under the Protocol on POPs. As of 26 August 2014, Liechtenstein
remained in non-compliance for the non-provision of HCB annual emission data,
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
Implementation Committee, thirty-fourth meeting
Agenda item 4
Note IC/14.rev.1
page 10
including the base year. Luxembourg did not submit annual emission data for
2012 and remained in non-compliance for the non-submission of annual emission
data for 2011.The Republic of Moldova and Montenegro had not submitted 2012
annual data in time for the 33rd meeting of the Committee and were thus referred
to it. As of 26 August 2014 the Republic of Moldova submitted annual emission
data under the Protocol on POPs for 2012.
23. Six Parties, namely Luxembourg, Norway, the Republic of Moldova,
Romania, Sweden and Switzerland remained in non-compliance for gridded data
for 2005. The Committee may further wish to conclude that three Parties did not
provide complete gridded data for 2010 and were therefore in non-compliance
with the Protocol on POPs: Luxembourg, Norway, and the Republic of Moldova.
Since the 33rd meeting of the Committee, Romania had provided its 2010 gridded
Protocol on Heavy Metals: compliance with article 7.1(b), concerning
emission data reporting
24. Table 6 gives an overview of emission data reported by the Parties to the
Protocol on Heavy Metals and shows that reporting under the Protocol is not yet
complete. Twenty-eight of the 29 Parties to which the reporting obligations
applied had submitted complete emission data for 2009, 2010 and 2011. No data
were received from Luxembourg. Twenty-six of the 31 Parties to which the
reporting obligation applied had submitted complete emission data for 2012 by
15 February 2014, the legally binding deadline. Four Parties submitted data after
the deadline: Hungary, Liechtenstein,Monaco and the Republic of Moldova. No
data were received from Luxembourg and Montenegro. The secretariat had
initiated correspondence with Montenegro and the Republic of Moldova to
request the submission of the 2012 annual emission data and had subsequently
referred these matters to the 33rd meeting of the Committee. Following the 33rd
meeting of the Committee, the Republic of Moldova provided 2012 data.
Additionally, the secretariat informs the Committee that it had, following the 33rd
meeting of the Committee, reminded Luxembourg of EB Decision 2012/21 and
invited it to provide the missing data under the Protocol on Heavy Metals.
25. All Parties apart from Romania had complied with their obligation to provide
annual data for the base year. The secretariat informs the Committee that,
following the 33rd IC meeting, it had reminded Romania of EB Decision 2013/18
and invited it to provide the missing base year data.
26. Twenty-three of the 27 Parties to which the obligation applied had submitted
gridded data for heavy metals for 2010 by 25 August 2014, while twenty-one of
the 25 Parties to which the obligation applied had submitted gridded data for
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
Implementation Committee, thirty-fourth meeting
Agenda item 4
Note IC/14.rev.1
page 11
heavy metals for 2005. Luxembourg, Norway, the Republic of Moldova and
Romania have not yet submitted any gridded data for 2005. Luxembourg,
Norway, the Republic of Moldova and the former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia had not yet provided their 2010 gridded data. The secretariat had,
following the 33rd meeting of the Committee, reminded Norway, the Republic of
Moldova, Romania and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia of EB
Decision 2013/19 regarding the submission of missing gridded under the
Protocol on Heavy Metals.
27. The Committee may wish to conclude that four Parties were not in
compliance with their emission reporting obligations under the Protocol on
Heavy Metals by the legally binding deadline for annual emission data for 2012.
As of 26 August 2014, no 2012 data were received from Luxembourg and
Montenegro and Luxembourg additionally remained in non-compliance
concerning the provision of annual emission data prior to 2012. The Committee
may further wish to conclude that Romania remained in non-compliance with its
obligation to report annual emission data for the base year. Four Parties,
Luxembourg, Norway, the Republic of Moldova and Romania remained in noncompliance for gridded data for 2005. Luxembourg, Norway, the Republic of
Moldova and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia remained in noncompliance with their obligation to report 2010 gridded data.
Gothenburg Protocol: compliance with article 7.1(b), concerning emission
data reporting on sulphur, nitrogen oxides, ammonia and VOCs
28. Table 7 gives an overview of emission data reported by the Parties to the
Gothenburg Protocol and shows that reporting on annual total emissions under
the Protocol is complete. All Parties to whom the reporting obligation applied
had submitted complete annual emission data for 2012 and 2011. 23 of the 257
Parties to whom the reporting obligation applied had submitted annual emission
data by 15 February 2014, the legally binding deadline. Two Parties, Hungary
and Luxembourg, submitted their data after the deadline.
29. The Committee may wish to note that one Party outside the geographic scope
of EMEP (the United States) had also submitted data.
At the thirty-second session of the Executive Body in December 2013 an adjustment to Annex II
to the Protocol submitted by the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia was approved.
Following the adoption by consensus of the adjustment by the Parties present at the EB session,
the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is a Party to the Protocol in line with Article 17, para
2 of the Gothenburg Protocol. The date of entry into force of the Protocol for the former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia is 3 September 2014.
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
Implementation Committee, thirty-fourth meeting
Agenda item 4
Note IC/14.rev.1
page 12
30. All 24 Parties to whom the reporting obligation applied had submitted
gridded data for 2010.
31. Twenty-three of the 24 Parties to whom the reporting obligation applied had
submitted projection data for all pollutants for the years 2015 and 2020.
Luxembourg had not submitted any data on projections for 2015 and 2020. The
European Union provided projections data for EU28.
32. The Committee may wish to note that one Party outside the geographic scope
of EMEP (the United States) had also submitted projection data for 2015 and
33. Furthermore, the secretariat informs the Committee that following its request,
the European Union had submitted annual emissions data for the pollutants
covered by the Gothenburg Protocol for the EU-15 and the EU28 to facilitate
compliance review.
34. The Committee may wish to conclude that two Parties, namely Hungary and
Luxembourg, were not in compliance with their emission reporting obligations
by the legally binding deadline for annual emission data for 2012. As of 25
August 2014, Luxembourg remained in non-compliance with its obligation to
report data on projections.