نموذج للملخصات البحثية إنجليزي: 1مرفق Title Current concepts in alveolar bone augmentation: A critical appraisal Author-s H. Al-Ghamdi, S. Mokeem, S. Anil Contact lnfo drsanil@gmail.com, Telephone # 77434 Department Preventive Dental Sciences Major Periodontics citation Saudi Dental Journal; 19(2): 74-90 Year of Publication 2007 Publisher Saudi Dental Society Sponsor King Saud University Type of Publication Article in Scientific Periodical Specialized Journal ISSN 1013-9052 URI/DOI http://faculty.ksu.edu.sa/anil/Publications/007/SDJ1922007.pdf Full Text (Yes,No) Key words Abstract Yes Alveolar bone; esthetics; hard tissue onlays; bone grafts; membrane techniques Augmentation of the alveolar bone is widely used in implant treatment to create predictable function and esthetics in areas with inadequate bone volume. This can be achieved by various techniques including hard tissue onlays, bone grafts, membrane techniques, bone distraction and bone expansion. The objective of this article is to discuss recent observations of the various bone grafts and bone substitutes, guided bone regeneration, combination techniques, as well as ridge preservation techniques.Despite the increase in the number of procedures taht require bone grafts, there has not been a single ideal bone graft substitute. An attempt is made to review the existing bone grafts, and the developments in tissue engineering that may bring biologic alternatives to enhance the functional capabilities of the bone graft substitutes.