Idaho State University Graduate Student Academic Accommodation Policy Documentation Instructions Idaho State University (ISU) is committed to recruiting and retaining a diverse graduate student body. This commitment includes actively working to facilitate academic progress and research among various graduate student groups. The Graduate Student Academic Accommodation Policy has been developed to help achieve these ends by allowing an academic accommodation for graduate students facing major medical issues including late stage pregnancy, childbirth, and/or care of a newborn including adoption, that may impede their academic/research progress, success and degree completion. 1. Graduate student meets with advisor* to discuss academic accommodation eligibility, supporting documentation, and define dates (time period) of the requested academic accommodation: A. Establishing Eligibility: Graduate students (hereafter referred to as students) may be female or male and must meet all of the following eligibility requirements: Must be registered, matriculated graduate students in degree-seeking programs of study: o Date of matriculation as a accepted student: ________________________ o Name of graduate degree program: ________________________ Must be making reasonable progress toward a graduate degree and be in academic good standing (attach Program of Study [POS] document and current transcripts): o Degree progress and academic good standing assessment : -Assessment of courses completed and grades/GPA (evidenced through POS); -Assessment of progress in current courses (list courses, credit hours, and faculty names for courses in which student are currently enrolled). Student must have faculty members complete the Faculty Academic Accommodation Form before the second appointment with their advisor. Students supported by graduate, teaching, research assistantships, or fellowships, must be enrolled at the credit level required to hold the appointment. o Name of the graduate, teaching, research assistantship, or fellowship; o List responsibilities and faculty supervisors; o Student must have faculty members complete the Faculty Academic Accommodation Form before the second appointment with their advisor. ELIGIBILITY NOTE: Requests for academic accommodation may be denied due to an inappropriate or unreasonable request; including inadequate documentation, repeated requests for short-term absences or leaves, documented unsatisfactory performance and/or incompatibility with funding agency or other institutional guidelines. B. Other Supporting Documentation: Letter from student’s health care provider verifying usual limitations and/or timelines associated with the major medical condition and/or the anticipated delivery date, etc. Letter from adoption agency verifying the student has been approved by the adoption agency inclusive of anticipated adoption date. Other documentation, please specify… 1 Idaho State University Graduate Student Academic Accommodation Policy Documentation Instructions C. Academic Accommodation Dates (estimate or identify dates, Semester/Year, Month/Date if possible) Accommodation Begins: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Accommodation Ends: __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Student meets with faculty members who teach courses in which she/he is enrolled or who supervise the graduate, teaching, research assistantships, or fellowships. Each faculty member and supervisor must complete the Faculty Academic Accommodation Form (refer to the last page of this document). It is the student’s responsibility to communicate her/his accommodation needs and request(s) (i.e., Postponement of course-related requirements, Extension of department, college/university requirements and milestones, and/or Supported Leave) and, (a) reach an agreement on a timeline for academic accommodations, and (b) make arrangements with faculty/advisor and department/college-level administrators (department chairs, etc.) for completion, continuation of graduate, teaching, research assistantship duties, or clinical activities, etc. before and after the academic accommodation. 3. Student meets with advisor* to discuss the academic accommodation requested (check/describe all that apply): POSTPONEMENT of course-related academic requirements: 1 Semester/2 Semesters (circle which): o Course Assignments o Course Exams o Other (describe): ____________________________________________________________ EXTENSION of department, college/university requirements and academic milestones: 1 Semester/2 Semester/3 Semester (circle which): o Delay comprehensive/Qualifying Examinations (identify agreed upon extension exam deadline): _______________________________________________________________ o Relief from Continuous Enrollment (identify semesters): __________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ o Extension of time-to-degree requirements (describe): _____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ o Extension of senile credit expiration (list courses): _______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ o Extension of incomplete grade 1 year completion requirement (list courses): __________ ________________________________________________________________________ o Clinical/Rotation accommodations (describe): __________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ o Other (describe): _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2 Idaho State University Graduate Student Academic Accommodation Policy Documentation Instructions SUPPORTED LEAVE - Fellowship or GA/TA/RA accommodations (describe agreed upon accommodations during six-week accommodation period or until appointment ends – attach additional information as needed): Advisor signature and date: __________________________________________________ PI signature and date: __________________________________________________ Student signature and date: __________________________________________________ 3