Academic Accommodation Policy Process Checklist

Idaho State University Graduate Student Academic Accommodation Policy
Process Checklist
 Student meets with advisor*
o Academic accommodation eligibility criteria identified/met
o Supporting documentation provided
o Dates of accommodation identified
 Student meets with faculty members teaching courses and supervising fellowships or
GA/TA/RA positions. Each faculty member/supervisor completes the Faculty Academic
Accommodation Form
 Student and advisor* agree upon specific academic accommodations
o Accommodations list/outline
 Student requests Academic Accommodation Petition from the Graduate School
 Academic Accommodation Petition is routed (with all needed information and supporting
documentation as described above and detailed in the Graduate Student Academic
Accommodation Policy)
o Student signature
o Advisor* signature and approval recommendation
o Department Chair signature and approval recommendation
o College Dean signature and approval recommendation
o Graduate School* Dean signature & approval recommendation
*In instances wherein the graduate student is involved as a research assistant, the research PI the
student is working/employed with must be included in the academic accommodation request and
approval process along with the student’s advisor. Similarly, in these instances the ISU Office of
Research and specifically the Office of Sponsored Programs must be included in the
request/approval process just prior to the Graduate School signature and approval
 The Dean of the Graduate School notifies the student, the student's department, and the
relevant University administrative offices of the Academic Accommodation Petition status
(approved or not approved), including the anticipated dates for the accommodation period;
and coordinates appropriate allocation of financial responsibilities between the
Department/College and Office of Academic Affairs as described in the Graduate Student
Academic Accommodation Policy.