Important Information for Adjunct Faculty

Important Information for Adjunct Faculty
General College Information
1. Academic Calendars: for critical dates such as withdrawal and refund,
holidays, etc., see
2. College ID: for times of operation and location on each campus, see
3. Parking: go to academic division office for campus specific parking rules;
for the Norfolk Campus, see
4. Office Assignment, if available, see division dean (campus specific)
5. Office Hours: adjuncts are expected to be available to assist students one
hour per week per class; be sure to provide students with information
about how they may contact you; if in an office, post your hours
6. College Email: see
for access and FAQs; please remember to use your Outlook email account
as the email communication with students and to frequently check your
email for information from your dean or the college in general
7. MOAT training is required annually for all faculty and staff to ensure that
faculty and staff understand critical computer-related security issues
related to the use of the college’s computer network: see division dean
8. Duplication of Instructional Materials: see division dean
9. Inclement Weather Notifications:
10. TCC Alerts:
11. Classroom Technology:
12. Blackboard Training:
13. Online Teaching Requirements:
14. FERPA: see for important
information about the college’s privacy policy and student rights; it is
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important to remember that you may not share any student information
with a third party (employer or parent) without the written permission
from the student
15. Office of Educational Accessibility (formerly Students with Disabilities):
16. Security and Emergencies:
17. Batten Centers (campus specific)
18. Professional Development for Adjuncts: for possible funds, see
19. College Policies and Procedures: see
20. Using SIS to Locate Class and Grade Rosters:
Academic Dean’s Office
1. Orientation for Adjuncts: (campus specific each semester)
2. Basic Office Supplies: division specific, inquire at division office
3. Course Syllabus: must be submitted each semester by first class meeting
for each course; see iINCURR for official course template that must be
used for all courses
( )
4. Mailbox Assignment: campus and division specific
5. Teaching Contract: must be signed and submitted to division dean each
semester before classes begin
6. Meetings and Events: division specific; check email at least daily
7. Concerns Regarding Students: report concerns about students to the
division dean as soon as possible
8. Unable to Meet a Class or Late Arrival: notify division dean’s office as soon
as possible
9. Grading Scales: check with division dean for any division or departmental
grading scales to be used in course; the college does not have an official
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grading scale so be sure that you follow what you provide for your
students in your course syllabus if there is no departmental grading scale
1. Check class roster in SIS regularly during semester: see
2. Take class roll each class meeting and keep record of attendance
3. Distribute course syllabus to students at first class meeting
4. Explain and enforce your course attendance policy; talk to division dean
about any departmental attendance policies
5. Review safety and civility requirements with students: see
6. Use college email to communicate electronically with students and other
colleagues (do not use student, or your private, email accounts for
communicating with students)
7. Tutoring Services: be sure to provide student with a specific assignment
when referring them to tutoring; see
8. Testing Centers:
9. SAILS (Student Assistance and Intervention for Learning Success, formerly
Early Alert):
10. Faculty Library Services:
11. Encourage student completion of course evaluation each semester
12. Participate in college required course assessments (General Education and
other surveys) when requested:
13. First Class Meeting: first impressions are important; note that the following
link takes you away from the TCC webpage, but provides some helpful
ideas about activities to do on the first day of class:
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1. Use of W Grade: see
2. I Grade and Implications: Remember
that if you assign an I grade, then you must be available during the next
semester to work with the student to complete their coursework; thus it is
important that the division office has your correct contact information
3. Final Grade Appeal: see Student Handbook at
4. Final Grades must be submitted within 24 hours of final exam or final
class meeting in the term
5. Return students’ graded work to them in timely manner so they know what
their status is in the course
Important Due Dates
1. Course Syllabus (see iINCURR) are due to division dean by first day class
meets each term
2. “Delete Student” Form (link)
3. Withdrawal Forms and Deadlines: see academic calendar for dates for
regular semester; contact campus enrollment services for deadlines
regarding special session classes
4. Final grades are due within 24 hours of the last exam or class assessment
in any term (see academic calendar); be sure all grades are saved and
marked as “approved” and verify that they have been marked as “posted”
by the next day
Services for Students
1. Center for Military and Veterans Education:
2. Women’s Center:
3. College Bookstore: locations and hours
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4. Advising/Counseling Services:
5. Campus Student Centers:
6. Childcare for Students: Reminder—that
children are not allowed in classes
Human Resources Information
1. Maximum Teaching Load: the number of credits adjuncts may teach,
including additional half credit for travel may not exceed 8 in the summer
session and 12 each in the fall and spring semesters; this includes all
courses taught at VCCS colleges at any location
2. Pay Dates: varies by semester—see division office for current dates
3. Current Personnel Information: be sure to update your personnel
information as needed (e.g., address or phone number change, completion
of additional coursework and/or certifications, etc.)
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