Famous Leaders There are many different kinds of leaders, for example: historical, political, business, sports, religious etc. RESEARCH different types of leaders. Select one leader of interest to you and research the following information about the leader: Name of Leader When the individual was a leader (dates) Why the individual was considered a leader Who were the followers of this leader What leadership traits does this leader have and provide examples (point -> proof) Explain what type of leadership style this leader used (democratic, autocratic, consultative, laissez faire) and why. Find a photo of this leader. PAPER: Individually assemble your information into one page description about your leader and make sure you include a photo. Remember to clearly site your sources of information. The paper is submitted individually based on one leader. PRESENTATION: Form a group of 3 (making sure that all the leaders are different kinds; historical, political, business, sports, religious) create an interesting presentation the compares and contrasts the leaders. You may use a power point presentation, make a video or skit showing a conversation that the leaders would have sitting at lunch or out at a hockey game, draw a comic/cartoon, song, set up a mock trial, etc. Be creative in presenting your material. Please note, you only have 5 minutes to present your material in. You may choose any Leader you wish, here are a list of some to help in your search. LEADERS Abraham Lincoln Adolf Hitler Albert John Luthuli Alexander Hamilton David Suzuki Donald Trump Mahatma Gandhi Margaret Thatcher Nelson Mandela Winston Churchill Suzanne Rochon Burnett Ted Rogers Gerry Schwartz Abraham Lincoln Adolf Hitler Albert John Luthuli Alexander Hamilton Ariel Sharon Aung San Suu Kyi Betty Williams Silken Laumann Oprah Bill Gates Paul Desmarais Sr. Clara Furse Janis Grantham Cordell Hull FD Roosevelt Fidel Castro George Washington Steve Jobs Henry Ford Jack Welch Pierre Elliott Trudeau Frank Stronach Kenneth Thomson David Tuccaro Galen Weston Ron Joyce Daniel Langlois John F Kennedy Muhammad Ali Jim Brown Babe Ruth Bobby Orr Terry Fox Wayne Gretzky Michael Phelps Mike Lazaridis Rebecca MacDonald Michael McCain Ed Mirvish Madeleine Paquin Jimmy Pattison Elyse Allan Israel 'Izzy' Asper A. Charles Baillie Jim Balsillie Fred Carmichael Leslie L. Dan Chief Billy Diamond Catherine (Kiki) Delaney Heather Reisman Milton Wong K. C. Irving Jeff Skoll Checkbric PAPER: Due: Tues May 8 Name of Leader................................................................................................ When the individual was a leader (dates)......................................................... Why the individual was considered a leader.................................................... Who were the followers of this leader.............................................................. What leadership traits does this leader have and provide examples................ Explain what type of leadership style this leader used and why...................... Find a photo of this leader................................................................................ Total /2 /2 /10 /10 /10 /10 /1 /45 PRESENTATION: Due: Tues May 15 Clear Voice....................................................................................................... Creative Presentation........................................................................................ Compare/Contrast of Leaders was clearly conveyed........................................ /5 /10 /10 Total /25 TOTAL /70