Application Part A, p. 1 2015-16 APPLICATION Part A: General Information Note: Each member of a group must complete and submit Part A. Only one Part B should be completed. Today’s Date: / / I am applying: ☐ By myself ☐ As part of a group Size of group (max. 10): How did you hear about Aaron’s Presents? ABOUT YOU Name: ☐M☐F Male/Female: First Date of Birth: / Last / Grade in School: Home Address: Street Home Phone: ( ) - Town/City Cell Phone: ( ) - State Zip Email: Your School: Name Town/City State MORE ABOUT YOU 1. Have you ever applied for anything before? ☐ No ☐ Yes 2. Have you ever volunteered of participated in a service project before? ☐ No ☐ Yes 3. What are some things that make you unique (such as interests, personality, family, life experiences)? 4. Do you believe that your ideas can make a positive difference in the world? (circle 1-10 for each question) (No, not at all) 1 2 3 4 (maybe) 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Yes, absolutely!) 5. How confident are you that you will be able to complete this project, with Aaron’s Presents? (Not at all) 1 2 3 4 (sort of) 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Yes, absolutely!) 6. Do you think this project will change how you see yourself and others, or do you think you’ll stay the same? (No change) 1 2 3 4 (maybe) 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Yes, big change) 7. Do you feel connected to your community (you want to help them and believe they will help you)? (No, not at all) 1 2 3 4 (sort of) 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Yes, very connected!) 8 9 10 (Very important!) 8. How important is it to you to think about other people and their needs? (Not important) 1 2 3 4 (sort of) 5 6 7 9. If you’re going through a hard time or having a bad day, do you think helping someone else could help you? (No, not at all) 1 2 3 4 (maybe) 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Yes, absolutely!) Application Part A, p. 2 3. AGREEMENTS AND SIGNATURES For YOU (the applicant) to sign: I promise that all of the information I am submitting on this application is true and as accurate as possible. As an Aaron’s Presents Participant, I understand that participating is completely voluntary and I am applying because I really want to see this project become reality and will give my best effort to make that happen! I give permission to Aaron’s Presents to use my first name, photograph, video image and/or voice recording for the purpose of publicizing/promoting Aaron’s Presents. / Your signature / Today’s date For your PARENT(S)/GUARDIAN(S) to sign: I am the above child applicant’s ☐ parent or ☐ legal guardian, and that I am at least 18 years of age. I give permission for this application to be submitted by the above child applicant and for him/her to work with an Aaron’s Presents Project Mentor to carry out the project described in this application (which may change). I hereby authorize Aaron’s Presents to use my child’s first name, photograph, video image and/or voice recording for the purpose of publicizing/promoting Aaron’s Presents. I understand that last names of children under 18 will not be included on the Aaron’s Presents website or other materials, unless consent is specifically requested and given by me or another parent/guardian. I understand that Aaron’s Presents does not provide liability or medical insurance coverage for my child or my child’s possessions while participating in this organization’s programs. This includes any property damage or personal injury to a third party that my child might cause or personal injury to my child as a result of participating. I agree that I am responsible for arranging and paying for any insurance to cover such events. I hereby release Aaron’s Presents, its officers, employees and agents from any and all liability, claims, or damages, medical or other expenses, losses of any kind which may arise as a direct or indirect result of participating in Aaron’s Presents programs and activities. / Parent/Guardian signature / Today’s date Parent/ Guardian 1: Male/Female: Relationship to child: First ☐M☐F Last Address: Street Home Phone: ( ) - Cell Phone: Town/City ( ) - Parent/ Guardian 2: State Email: Male/Female: Relationship to child: (Optional) First Zip ☐M☐F Last Address: Street Home Phone: ( ) - Cell Phone: Town/City ( ) - Email: State Zip Grant Application Part B, p. 1 PART B: ABOUT YOUR PROJECT (the FUN part!) Your First Name(s): Project Type: ☐ REACH OUT (help or serve at least one other person or animal) ☐ TAP IN (pursue a passion and then help or serve at least one other person or animal) Name Your Project (feel free to be creative!): How much do you think your project will cost ($500 maximum): Can your project be completed in the next 3 months? $ ☐ No ☐ Yes If no, please explain why: QUESTIONS FOR “TAP IN” PROJECTS ONLY 1. WHAT’S YOUR PASSION? A “passion” is something you really love to do, and want to learn more about so you can do it even better. What’s your passion? How did you first discover it, and what do you love about it? 2. WHAT DO YOU NEED TO PURSUE IT? Do you need more materials or equipment, lessons or classes, a teacher, books? How can we help you develop this interest? QUESTIONS FOR ALL PROJECTS 1. WHAT? What do you want to do? 2. WHO? Who will benefit in some way from your project? 3. WHY? What need or problem did you notice that made you want to do this project? 4. WHEN? When would your project start and finish? 5. WHERE? What places would you need to use? Do you need special permission? 6. This project is important to me because… 7. WHAT IF…? What’s one problem you could possibly run into? What would you do? Grant Application Part B, p. 2 8. What help will you need from adults? Have you asked anyone for help yet? ACTION PLAN BEFORE: Things I need to do to get ready (examples: make flyers, research something, find a place, schedule date/time, get supplies, plan activities, etc.) AFTER: How will you know how it went? How will you feel after it’s done? How will other people feel because of your project? BUDGET Just write down anything you think needs to be bought for your project. Don’t worry if you don’t know the prices or where to get them. We will help you! Description of Item/Service Source (store, company, etc.) Cost (including shipping/taxes) 1 $ 2 $ 3 $ 4 $ 5 $ 6 $ 7 $ 8 $ 9 $ TOTAL: $ Grant Application Part B, p. 3 YOU ARE DONE! THANK YOU FOR APPLYING! We can’t wait to meet you and help you bring your idea to life! After we receive your application, we will set up a time to meet with you to talk more about your project. Please mail or email your completed application (Part A for EACH member of your group and one PART B) to: Aaron’s Presents 180 Main Street Andover, MA 01810 Attention: Leah Okimoto, Executive Director Please contact us with any questions. We’re always happy to go through the application with you! Leah Okimoto Executive Director (all other locations) (978) 809-5487 Kimberly LaBonte-Kay Regional Director (North Shore) (617) 784-7131