SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION A. Band diagram: The associated band-diagram is shown in Fig. S1. Here, the Fermi level of DTS-(FBTTh2)2 and PC70BM is assumed to be aligned with their HOMO and LUMO level, respectively. Though, the active layer is not completely depleted when no reverse bias voltage is applied, for simplicity this is not shown in this diagram. The work function of Al is assumed 4.3eV. The work function of 20 nm thick Ca is interpreted to be pinned at the 4.3eV which is also the LUMO level of PC70BM. Fig. S1. Illustration of the band-diagram of the complete device. The stated energy values are from the vacuum level. In donor material, exciton is generated from photon energy. The exciton gets dissociated into free carriers at the donor-acceptor interface. In the active layer bulk-heterojunction, the electron is transferred to the cathode from the LUMO of PC70BM. Similarly, the hole is transferred to the HTL from the HOMO of DTS-(FBTTh2)2. Finally, the hole is transferred to the anode (ITO) from HTL. The Schottky-junction created at the cathode-donor interface between metal and DTS-(FBTTh2)2 is illustrated in Fig. S2. LUMO Eπ2 EMidgap ET EF Eπ1 HOMO Metal P-type Organic Semiconductor Fig. S2. Band-diagram showing the Schottky-junction formed at the metal-DTS-(FBTTh2)2 interface. Here, EF is the Fermi energy level, EMid-gap the midgap energy level, Eω1 the demarcation energy level at high frequency, Eω2 the demarcation energy level at low frequency, and ET is an assumed trap energy level. At a lower small-signal frequency, the demarcation-energy level is higher as illustrated by Eω2 in Fig. S2. With this small-signal frequency employed, the trap states located between the Fermi level and Eω2 respond to the signal and contribute to the measured capacitance.1,2 Trap states above the demarcationenergy level can not respond to the signal as the frequency is higher than their trap emission rate. As the small-signal frequency is increased, the demarcation-energy level moves down to the Fermi level. At very high frequency employed, the demarcation-energy level is below the Fermi level as illustrated by Eω1 in Fig. S2. In this case, the frequency is too high for the trap states to respond.1,2 B. Nyquist plot from impedance spectroscopy Nyquist plots were obtained by plotting the imaginary part of the impedance with the real part of the impedance at small-signal frequencies ranging from 1 MHz to 100 mHz. The Nyquist plots of both regular and thick-film of DTS-(FBTTh2)2:PC70BM, derived applying forward bias equal to the corresponding open circuit voltage, are illustrated in Fig. S3. The Nyquist plot of the thick-film is right shifted compared to the regular-film. 2 75 -Zimaginary (ο) 60 45 30 DTS-(FBTTh2)2:PC70BM Regular-film 15 DTS-(FBTTh2)2:PC70BM Thick film 60 90 120 150 180 210 Zreal (ο) Fig. S3. Illustration of Nyquist plot of both regular and thick-film of DTS-(FBTTh2)2:PC70BM. The negative of the imaginary part of impedance (Zimaginary) is plotted with the real part of impedance (Zreal). Data points are obtained applying small-signal frequency ranging from 1 MHz to 100 mHz. The black arrows indicate the peak of the semicircles and the green arrows indicate the quasi-straight line portion of the profile. The IS measurements were conducted by applying a forward bias equal to the corresponding opencircuit voltage; this ensures no extra charge injection and no band-bending which results in no internal electric-field.3-8 In this situation, there is no drift mechanism in the system due to the absence of internal electric-field. The semicircle portion of the Nyquist plot is the signature of a recombination mechanism and the inverse of the small-signal frequency corresponding to the peak of the semicircles, indicated by black arrows in Fig. S3, gives the electron lifetime in p-doped DTS-(FBTTh2)2.3-8 The quasi-straight line portions, indicated by green arrows in Fig. S3, are the signature of a diffusion mechanism and the inverse of the frequency corresponding to the point where the straight line intersects the semicircle gives the electron transit time (τd).3-8 The electron diffusion-coefficient (Dn) and the electron mobility (μn) are obtained subsequently by,4 π2 π·π = ππ (S1) ππ = 3 ππ·π πΎπ΅ π (S2) The capacitance vs. frequency curves and negative differential susceptance vs. frequency curves obtained from impedance spectroscopy measurements employed on DTS-(FBTTh2)2:PC70BM films are shown below. Fig. S4. Illustration of (a) capacitance versus frequency curves and (b) negative differential susceptance versus frequency curves obtained from impedance spectroscopy measurements employed on DTS(FBTTh2)2:PC70BM films. C. Additional Material Conductance versus voltage curves for DTS-(FBTTh2)2:PC70BM and DTS-(FBTTh2)2 obtained from CV-profiling is illustrated below. 4 Fig. S5: Illustration of G/ω vs. voltage curves of DTS-(FBTTh2)2:PC70BM and DTS-(FBTTh2)2 regularfilms at different small-signal frequencies. References: 1. T. Walter, R. Herberholz, C. Muller and H. W. Schock, J Appl Phys 80 (8), 4411-4420 (1996). 2. P. Z. J. Heath, Advanced Characterization Techniques for Thin Film Solar Cells. (2011). 3. A. Kokil, K. Yang and J. Kumar, J Polym Sci Pol Phys 50 (15), 1130-1144 (2012). 4. G. Garcia-Belmonte, A. Munar, E. M. Barea, J. Bisquert, I. Ugarte and R. Pacios, Org Electron 9 (5), 847-851 (2008). 5. J. Bisquert, L. Bertoluzzi, I. Mora-Sero and G. 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