Maze Game Complexity Rubric (.doc)

Maze Complexity Rubric
Complexity Score
Enemies exist, but do not move.
They hurt the player if the player
is in contact with them
[2] Enemy moves back and forth,
patrolling an area
Enemies move around. There
can be a variety of ways they can
do this, each having its own
complexity score.
[3] Enemy follows a predefined
path, or switches movement
either randomly or when a
condition is met (“switch
directions after 1 minute”)
[4] There is some
design/intelligence behind the
enemy’s movement, such as
having awareness of how far
away the player is, or chasing the
[2] Enemy fires a projectile that
propagates along a straight line,
and disappears when it collides
with a wall, door, or other such
obstacle. The player is killed if
this projectile collides with him.
Shooting Ability
Enemies fire projectiles which
damage or kill the player.
[4] Enemy fires projectiles that
follow interesting patterns, such
as a sine wave, or these
projectiles ricochet along the
[+1] Player’s collision with a
projectile or melee attack does
not result in instant death, but
rather damage that can be
sustained up until a point (ex: hit
points, 3 hits to die, etc.)
Lock and Key
Parts of the maze are blocked by
locks or doors that can only be
opened when the corresponding
key is obtained.
Hole and Boulder
Holes are impassable cells in the
maze, but become passable
when a boulder is pushed into
them, causing them to fill up.
Explosives can be detonated to
change the level by blowing up
walls, doors, other obstacles,
and even enemies.
[1] There is one key system for
the whole level (ex: collecting all
diamonds opens any locks that
exist in the level)
[3] Different doors can be
opened by their different,
corresponding keys. (Ex: the red
key is needed to open the red
door, while the blue key is
needed to open the blue door)
[3] Boulders can be moved by
being pushed. If the player is
behind the boulder, and moves
towards it, the boulder moves in
that direction as well. Boulders
do not move if they are being
pushed into a wall, door, or
other such obstacle. Once the
boulder collides with the hole,
the boulder disappears and the
hole is now full.
[2] Detonation works correctly;
all objects in blast radius are
blown up and removed from the
[3] Timing of detonation is
critical; if the explosive is
detonated at the right time,
extra effects occurs (ex: wait for
enemy to get near to explosive,
then detonate to get rid of
[2] 1 Way Paths exist in the game
1 Way Paths
Certain cells move the player
automatically in a particular
[3] Movement on 1 Way Paths is
time critical – staying on one for
too long could result in danger.
(ex: Path leads directly into
enemy; if player does not
escape, he will die)
Special Areas
[3] These tiles look different, and
movement on these tiles is
There are tiles of the maze which different than normal tiles. (ex:
emulate physical properties
Ice tiles cause the player to slide,
sand tiles cause the player to
move slowly)
Objects that damage or hamper
the player if the player comes in
contact with them
[2] Traps kill the player instantly
such as a set of spikes, or a
bottomless pit.
[2] Gate warps player
automatically to another gate in
the level.
Warp Gates
Teleport the player from one
location to another
[4] There are multiple gates in
the level, and the player can
choose which gate to warp to
(ex: by clicking on it)
[2] Reasonable time limit exists,
and the remaining time is
displayed to the player.
Time Limit
Level must be completed by a
certain time limit, or player dies.
[3] Something in the level
changes with respect to
countdown. (ex: clock ticking
starts playing when there are 5
seconds left, or monsters start
moving 10 seconds after the
level has loaded)
[1] Every object has the same
point value
Score Objects
Objects increase score when
Time Extend Objects
Objects increase time remaining
if time limit system is being used
[2] Different objects have
different point values, and are
visually differentiable
Examples include: Sword, Bow,
Offensive Abilities
Defensive Abilities
Movement Abilities
Player has the ability to damage
Player has a defensive buff or
ability for protection
These abilities grant the player
positive effects for movement
[2] Player can do this from the
beginning of the level
[3] Player can only do this when
a certain object is collected. This
ability then lasts for a definite
period of time or number of
Examples include: Shield, Block,
Reflective Shield
[2] Player has this from the
beginning of the level
[3] Player can only use this when
a certain object is collected. This
ability then lasts for a definite
period of time or number of
Examples include: Speed boost,
move through wall, lunging
[2] Player can only use this when
a certain object is collected. This
ability then lasts for a definite
period of time or number of