UAL Diploma Level 2 - Unit 8 Assessment Stourbridge College Student Name: Assessor(s): Does the work submitted for assessment provide evidence that the learner can: Not evident (tick each criteria met in the appropriate column and note that ALL grade criteria must be achieved to attain that grade) Evidence supports pass criteria Evidence of HIGH LEVEL supports merit criteria Evidence of VERY HIGH LEVEL supports distincti on criteria State how the grade criteria are evidenced below. Research: Identify and use research material to support an art & design project. Assess the effectiveness of research materials in support of an art and design project. Problem Solving: Assess an art and design project against identified parameters and timescale. √ SB contains minimal contextual research however it has to some degree supported practical development. √ Planning & Production: Plan and develop an art and design project within agreed parameters and timescale. √ Practical Skills: Use materials, processes and technical skills to produce an art and design project within agreed parameters and timescale. Presentation: Identify and use professional presentation techniques for art and design project. √ The Final piece demonstrates problem solving skills and whilst supporting back up work is minimal it is evident that the making process has evolved. Project intention has been realised. Planning and production of the project is evident and it is pleasing that you attended college to use the 3D resource. Greater commitment throughout would have helped improve potential grade. 3D practical skills have been explored and utilised throughout the project. √ Work has been photographed and is well presented. Please circle final proposed grade: In the case of referral please complete a Referral Action Plan. R F P M D Assessor sign and date: Internal Verifier’s grade: (complete this line for any candidate included in the IV sample only) R F P M D Assessment Feedback/Referral Action Plan Grade: Pass ***** you have succeeded in producing a sculptural piece that depicts your concept of global warming. The final outcome has evolved during the making process but you have not recorded this in your sketchbook or research journal. It s pleasing to read that you recognise the weaknesses in your project and understand that you should have invested more time in experimenting prior to making the finished piece; from initial idea to the end product your work has not moved forward or altered significantly. You needed to invest time on your project to allow you sufficient experimentation with alternative compositions and to test different materials and processes to take place. This would have offered you potentially a range of different solutions enabling you to take the strongest idea forward rather than making your first idea. To have achieved a merit grade you needed to plan your time more effectively to allow for more thorough initial design development to take place. This needed to be informed by your research which is also very limited. Agreed referral deadline: Date retrieval work submitted: Retrieval grade R Signed/dated Assessor: Form 2 White F P M D