
Week of: April 2-6, 2012
Subject: Science
Intern: Jenna Morris Treherne
ALCOS: 3.2.) Describe
ALCOS: 3.2.) Describe
ALCOS: 3.2.) Describe
ALCOS: 3.2.) Describe
ALCOS: 3.2.) Describe
physical characteristics,
including landforms,
bodies of water, soil, and
vegetation of various
places on
Earth. Identifying
processes of Earth,
including continental
drift, erosion, natural
hazards, weather, and
physical characteristics,
including landforms, bodies
of water, soil, and
vegetation of various
places on Earth. Identifying
processes of Earth,
including continental drift,
erosion, natural hazards,
weather, and climate
physical characteristics,
including landforms, bodies
of water, soil, and
vegetation of various places
on Earth. Identifying
processes of Earth,
including continental drift,
erosion, natural hazards,
weather, and climate
physical characteristics,
including landforms, bodies
of water, soil, and
vegetation of various places
on Earth. Identifying
processes of Earth,
including continental drift,
erosion, natural hazards,
weather, and climate
physical characteristics,
including landforms,
bodies of water, soil, and
vegetation of various
places on
Earth. Identifying
processes of Earth,
including continental drift,
erosion, natural hazards,
weather, and climate
Objectives: The students
will increase knowledge of
volcanoes and their
structure and eruptions.
Objectives: The students
will increase knowledge of
volcanoes and their
structure and eruptions.
Materials: EMLO,
projector, volcanic
structure transparency,
volcanic structure labeling
sheets, construction paper,
extension word search.
Materials: experiment
materials (jar, small bottle,
water, string, red dye),
ELMO, projector, volcano
parts sheets (18),
construction paper (red,
black, orange, and yellow),
volcano diagram model,
extension crossword, and
weekly readers.
Objectives: The students
will increase knowledge of
Objectives: The students volcanoes, famous
will increase knowledge volcanoes, and volcanic
of volcanoes, what they structure.
look like, and how they
Materials: PowerPoint
Materials: PowerPoint
presentation, laptop,
projector, science text
books, guided reading
sheets (18), extension
Procedures: TTW display
the PowerPoint slide
with a picture of a
volcano and ask the
students to raise their
hands if they know what
presentation, laptop,
projector, guided reading
sheets (18), weekly reader
Week 14.
Procedures: TTW point to
the KWL chart from
yesterday and ask
volunteers to list the things
we “learned”. Then TTW
read the questions on the
KWL that could not be
answered yesterday and
ask volunteers to guess the
Procedures: TTW will show
a video of a volcano
erupting. TTW review
volcanoes and ask students
to give their answers to
what they think the inside
of a volcano looks like and
sharer their drawings. TTW
display the volcano
Procedures: TTW ask
students if they think all
volcanoes erupt the same
way. TSW give a thumb up
for yes and a thumbs down
Objectives: The students
will increase knowledge of
volcanoes and their
structure and eruptions.
Materials: Student
projects, student papers,
project rubrics, paper
Procedures: TTW have
students present their
model volcanoes and
summarize their papers
for the class. Each student
will be graded according
to the rubric. After all
students have presented,
TTW take the class outside
by the track and each
it is. TTW take
volunteers’ answers.
TTW display the Volcano
KWL chart and hand out
green sticky notes; TSW
write a fact they know
about volcanoes (2
minutes). TTW have
each person read
his/her fact and add it to
the “Know” section of
the KWL. TSW write a
question that they have
about volcanoes on the
purple sticky note and
TTW have volunteers
share and put their
questions under the
“Wonder” section on
the KWL. TTW explain to
the class that we are
going to learn about
volcanoes today and
listen to see if some of
the questions get
answered. TTW instruct
students to turn to page
226-227 in their science
text books. TTW cloze
read pages 226-227.
TTW pass out the guided
reading sheets and have
volunteers fill in the
blanks (each student
answer of each remaining
question and hen give the
correct answer(already
written on a sticky note)
and add it to the KWL
chart. TTW have students
get out their guide sheets
from yesterday and display
PowerPoint slide 8. TTW
guide students through the
presentation and explain
and answer questions
about each slide. TTW have
volunteers fill in the rest of
the blanks on the guide
sheet. TTW tell students to
think about what they
think it would be like to be
inside a volcano and tell
them tomorrow and
Thursday we will learn
what the inside of a
volcano looks like. TWS
read the Weekly Reader
Issue 25: “mountain of
Fire” and answer questions
1-7 on a half sheet. TTW go
over the answers on the
Extension: TSW draw a
picture of what they think
a volcano looks like on the
diagram transparency and
hand out volcano diagram
sheets. TTW label and
explain each part of the
volcano and students will
label their own volcano
sheets. TTW ask students
to compare their drawings
and previous expectations
to the parts of a volcano
sheet. TSW complete the
Volcanoes Around the
World sheet. TTW go over
it on the ELMO.
Extension: TWS complete
the volcano word search.
Assessment: informal
teacher observation,
volcano drawings, volcano
diagrams, word search.
Accommodations: Student
with autism will receive
help from an aid.
for no. TTW take
volunteers’ explanations.
TTW tell students that
today we will find out. TTW
explain that yesterday we
talked about how
volcanoes erupt, and
Tuesday we learned that
volcanoes can be on land
or under water. TTTW ask
what an underwater
volcano is called
(submarine) and take a
volunteer’s response. TTW
explain the experiment’s
parts and what they
represent (large jar is the
ocean, brown bottle is a
submarine volcano, etc.).
TTW display the
experiment of an
underwater volcano
erupting (with a jar of
water, a small bottle, and
food coloring). TTW explain
that volcanoes look
differently when they
erupt, but basically the
same process is taking
place inside of all of them,
even submarine volcanoes.
TTW have students turn to
page 226 in the text book
and cloze read the last
student will get a chance
to erupt his or her volcano
by adding the baking soda
and vinegar to their
volcano’s magma chamber
(with help from the
Extension: TWS write a
response to the eruptions
of the volcanoes. Each
student will write about
what was surprising about
the eruptions and how the
eruptions were like those
of real volcanoes
(compare to video clip
form Tuesday).
Assessment: informal
teacher observation, 3-D
model volcanoes
presentation and paper
rubrics, student writing.
Accommodations: Student
with autism will receive
help from an aid, student
may verbally tell teacher
what was surprising about
the eruptions instead of
should fill in the blanks
as we go along). TTW
display the following
slides of the PowerPoint,
explaining and
answering questions
about each slide (slides
1-7). TTW have
volunteers fill in the rest
of the blanks on the
guide sheet. TTW pass
out yellow sticky notes
and have students write
what they learned and
add them to the
“Learned” section of the
KWL chart. TTW go back
through the “questions”
section on the KWL
chart and have
volunteers answer any
questions that they can
with their newly
acquired knowledge.
Extension: TWS color
the picture of the
volcano by following the
directions on the sheet.
Assessment: informal
teacher observation,
guide sheet, color sheet.
Assessment: informal
teacher observation, guide
sheets, weekly readers.
Accommodations: Student
with autism will receive
help from an aid.
paragraph. TTW explain
page 227 and display it
with the ELMO, tracing a
path the magma takes to
erupt. TTW explain that
today we will make our
own volcanoes out of
construction paper, but
first we must remember
the parts of a volcano. TTW
pass out the parts of a
volcano sheet and display it
on the ELMO. TSW follow
along and volunteers will
fill in the blanks. TTW
answer any questions and
correct misconceptions.
TTW show the model
volcano and explain to
students how to use the
construction paper to make
and label a volcano
diagram. TSW label the
magma chamber, conduit,
crater, magma, lava, and
one other thing of their
choosing (mantle, crust,
side vent, etc.). TTW
explain this will help us
tomorrow when we watch
our volcanoes erupting.
TSW make their own
construction paper
volcanoes and label each
Student with autism will
receive help from an aid.
Extension: TWS complete
the volcano crossword
puzzle with a partner. TSW
read Weekly Reader Week
11 with a partner and
answer the questions from
the board on loose leaf
Assessment: informal
teacher observation,
volcano diagrams/models,
cross word puzzles, weekly
reader questions.
Accommodations: Student
with autism will receive
help from an aid, he will
also have the option of
labeling a blank diagram
instead of making one out
of construction paper.