thirdquarterPLANNING Updated

3rd Quarter Planning Sheet- Grade 2
Reading (21-22)
Social Studies
January 28th (4)
1.02a-d Fractions
Craft of Revision
Lesson 1 Exploring Sounds -Identifying “mystery sounds”.
Making sounds with common objects.
Lesson 2 Comparing and Describing Sounds -Listening to,
comparing, and categorizing sounds.
Geography and
Natural Resources
January 31st –
February 4th (5)
1.02a-d Fractions
PostAssess: (# 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
Craft of Revision
Lesson 3 What is Sound? Sounds Made By the Body
-Making a variety of sounds with voice and body. Exploring
the relationship between vibration and sound.
Lesson 4 What is Sound? Exploring Vibrations -Observing
sound vibration with tuning forks.
Geography and
Natural Resources
February 7thFebruary 11th (4.5)
1.01 a, d, f (#1, 4, 6)
2.17 Retell fiction including plot,
major events, problem solution,
author’s message, setting,
characters, connections
-Model retells and have students
Identify elements to create a
2.17 Retell fiction including plot,
major events, problem solution,
author’s message, setting,
characters, connections
-Retell specific aspects of fiction and
add in Venn Diagrams
2.071 Discuss how characters and
events from different stories are
alike and different
Writing for Readers-Editing
Skills and Paragraph
Lesson 5 Characteristics of Sound: Exploring Pitch with
Drums - Raising drum’s pitch by tightening the drumhead.
Lesson 6 Characteristics of Sound: Exploring Pitch with
Rubber Bands -Continuing exploration of how tension
relates to pitch.
Geography and
Natural Resources
February 14th –
February 18th (5)
1.01 b, c (#2, 3)
PostAssess: (#1, 2, 3, 4, 6)
2.0199 Make inferences and draw
Writing for Readers- Editing
Skills and Paragraph
Lesson 7 Pitch and Size
-Exploring how the size of a vibrating object affects pitch
Lesson 8 String “Guitars”
-Making a string guitar with different pitches.
Geography and
Natural Resources
February 22nd –
February 25th (4)
1.01 e, 1.04 b
PostAssess: (# 5, 17)
2.0199 Make inferences and draw
Writing for Readers- Editing
Skills and Paragraph
Lesson 9 Other Characteristics of Sound: What is Volume?Exploring how volume changes with force used in
generating the sound.
Lesson 10 Changing Volume: Amplification -Exploring how
volume increases when the amount of vibrating material
Geography and
Natural Resources
February 28th –
March 4th (5)
4.01 Venn
PostAssess: (#21, 24)
2.0193 Ask questions
Writing for Readers- Editing
Skills and Paragraph
Geography and
Natural Resources
March 7th- March
11th (4.5)
1.03, 1.05
Problem Solving
PostAssess:(#13, 14, 15)
No Team Time
3.021 Make connections between
what happens in stories and your
experiences and what you know
Writing for Readers- Editing
Skills and Paragraph
March 14th- March
18th (5)
1.04, 5.02, 1.05
Problem Solving
PostAssess:(#7, 16, 18)
Writing for Readers- Editing
Skills and Paragraph
March 21st- March
March 24th (4)
3.02, 3.03 b
PostAssess:(#19, 20)
Writing for Readers- Editing
Skills and Paragraph
Lesson 14 Making Music
-Using knowledge of sound to create
Geography and
Natural Resources
March 28th – March
31st (4)
PostAssess:(#22, 23)
2.014 Read & understand skits or
3.024 Make connections between
what happens in skits & plays & your
experiences or what you know
2.014 Read & understand skits or
3.024 Make connections between
what happens in skits & plays & your
experiences or what you know
Reader’s Theater – March 24
2.14 Retell fiction including plot,
major events, problem solution,
author’s message, setting,
characters, connections
Lesson 11 Sound Travels
-Exploring how sound travels.
Observing how a variety of
materials transmit sound.
Lesson 12 Using Sounds to
Communicate -Identifying
materials that make the best
“phones”. Identifying and
comparing variables that
affect sound transmission.
Lesson 13 Other
Characteristics of Sound:
Quality -Exploring timbre.
Describing qualities of sound.
OPEN – start poetry?
Geography and
Natural Resources
Ross 2010
No Team Time
2.04 Ask “how”, “why”, and “what
if” questions about what you read
Geography and
Natural Resources
Geography and
Natural Resources
3rd Quarter Planning Sheet- Grade 2
2.02, 2.06, 2.09—Integrate into
Social Studies and Science
Readers’ Theater changed to March
24th 3:00- 3:45
February 4th –
Grandparents Day10:00- 12:25
Math- 3Q
1.01a Connect model, number word, and number, using a variety of representations. QA
1.01b Read and write numbers. QA
1.01c Compare and order. QA & PT
1.01d Rename. QA
1.01e Estimate. QA
1.01f Use a variety of models to build understanding of place value (ones, tens, hundreds). QA
1.02a Use area or region models and set models of fractions to explore part-whole relationships in contexts: Represent fractions (halves, thirds, fourths) concretely and symbolically. QA
1.02b Use area or region models and set models of fractions to explore part-whole relationships in contexts: Compare fractions (halves, thirds, fourths) using models. QA
1.02c Use area or region models and set models of fractions to explore part-whole relationships in contexts: Make different representations of the same fraction. QA
1.02d Use area or region models and set models of fractions to explore part-whole relationships in contexts: Combine fractions to describe parts of a whole. QA
1.03 Create, model and solve problems that involve addition, subtraction, equal grouping, and division into halves, thirds, fourths (record in fraction form). QA & PT
1.04a Develop fluency with multi-digit addition and subtraction through 999 using multiple strategies: Strategies for adding and subtracting numbers. QA & PT
1.04b Develop fluency with multi-digit addition and subtraction through 999 using multiple strategies: Estimation of sums and differences in appropriate situations. QA & PT
1.05Create and solve problems using strategies such as modeling, composing and decomposing quantities, using doubles, and making tens and hundreds. QA
3.02 Describe the change in attributes as two- and three-dimensional figures are cut and rearranged. TA
3.03 Identify and make: Congruent figures. TA
4.01 Collect, organize, describe and display data using Venn diagrams (three sets) and pictographs where symbols represent multiple units (2’s, 5’s, 10’s). QA
4.02 Conduct simple probability experiments; describe the results and make predictions. PT
5.01 Identify, describe, translate, and extend repeating and growing patterns. QA
Ross 2010
3rd Quarter Planning Sheet- Grade 2
5.02 Write addition and subtraction number sentences to represent a problem; use symbols to represent unknown quantities. QA
Reading- 3Q
1.01f silent consonants- kn, gh
1.01 g r controlled vowels- ar, or, ore
1.01 h- final consonant clusters- nd, ng, nk
1.04 Ask yourself, “Does it make sense? Does it sound right? Does it look right?’ when reading new words.
2.02 Read to learn new information, to find out how to do something, or to enjoy a story
2.06 Remember facts and details you have read
2.09 Find examples in the text to explain your thinking
3.021 Make connections between what happens in stories and your experiences and what you know
3.051 Find examples of different kinds of sentences in stories (telling, asking, exclamations)
3.053 Find examples of different kinds of punctuation in stories (!, commas in dates, commas and quotation marks in dialogue)
2.0196 Examine the author’s word choices
3.06 Discuss the effect of an author’s word choices of nouns, verbs, adjectives, & adverbs in stories
Writing: 3Q
4.061 Create prewriting plans by using story maps
4.082 Write stories with characters, setting, and events
4.11 Write stories with beginning, middle, and end
Support & Elaboration:
4.12 Add multiple details to elaborate on events or ideas
Ross 2010
3rd Quarter Planning Sheet- Grade 2
5.043 Use adjectives & adverbs in writing
4.01 Write including some language that sounds like book language
5.013 Spell showing all the sounds that you hear in a word
5.015 Spell most of the basic 100 high frequency words correctly in your own writing
5.016 Spell more words correctly than those not spelled correctly
Week 1
Day 1-WFR-Identify Readable and Unreadable Writing and create checklist of criteria for readable writing
Day 2, 3 WFR-Punctuation, Capitalization, Editing
Week 2
Day 4-5 WFR-Punctuation, Capitalization, Editing
Day 6- WFR Writing for Partners (Session 10)
Week 3
Day 7- WFR Revising With Partners- Make a plan for revising (Session 11)
Day 8-9 AM-Discovering Small Moments (Session 1)
Week 4
Days 10, 11, 12- Stretching Small Moments
Week 5
Days 13- Studying A’s Wriing:Ellipses Create Dramatic Tension
Day 14- Learning from A: Writing with Ellipse
Ross 2010
3rd Quarter Planning Sheet- Grade 2
Day 15- Comeback Lines
Day 16- Writing Comeback Lines
Week 6
Day 17, 18, 19- Using Research Details
Morning Meeting- Studying one text
Week 7
Noticing a New Text Structure: A Many Moments story (paragraphs)
Trying a New Text Structure: Writing a Many Moments Story
Trying a New Text Structure: Writing a Many Moments story with Detaills
Studying New Authors as Mentors
Emulating Authors as in Ways That Matter
Turning to Authors in Ways That Matter
Turning to Authors for Specific Help
Editing For
Focus on Content: Small Moments
Writing More, and More Clearly
Writing for Partners
Revising With Partners
Writing a Many Moments Story-
Ross 2010