MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TETNEY PARISH COUNCIL Held on the 13th May 2010 at Tetney Village Hall Present: - Councillors: B. Holden Y. Fletcher T. Powell C. Turner I. Horner T. Bridges (Dist.) S. Booth (Clerk) Public: - 36 APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Councillor Stannard due to work commitments, Councillor Maynard and Councillor Swinton due to other commitments, and Councillor R. Neul due to illness. CHAIR’S REPORT Vice Chairman Turner stood as Chair in Councillor Maynard’s absence. Due to technical problems Chairman Maynard’s report was not received by the Council. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Had been previously circulated. It was proposed by Coun. Powell and seconded by Coun. Holden. ‘These be adopted as a true record’ OPEN FORUM A resident asked the Parish Council if they were in favour of the affordable homes being built on the field adjacent to Bunkers Hill, or if they were in support of the residents who do not want the development. The Councillors stressed they supported the residents views, nothing formal had been passed to the Council from Planning Department so there was little the Parish Council could do at this stage. The issues of road width and weight limits on proposed access roads were also raised. Coun. Bridges read out a letter he had written to New Linx Housing and asked if everyone present agreed with it – all were in favour and the letter will be sent. A petition against the development signed by 200 residents was handed in by Coun. Bridges to the Head of ELDC. Residents were also advised by Coun. Bridges that the field could be sold privately. The Council was told it needed to advertise meetings and events better. A one off leaflet drop was suggested to advise residents of meeting dates and what the Parish Council does for the village. Flooding issues on Station Rd/ Holton Rd/ Town Rd were discussed, Coun. Bridges reported that it is still to be determined who was responsible for the problem. 1 CLERK’S REPORT ON MATTERS OUTSTANDING Posted Best Kept Village entry form. Wrote to ELDC re. Grass cuttings left on footpaths by contractors. Wrote to all unsuccessful Grounds Maintenance tender applicants. Spoke to New Linx Housing re. Hedge on boundary of 2 Wilmers Corner. Sent laptop in for maintenance. Reported mattress in Waithe Beck. Reported Village Hall entrance surface in need of repair. (ref. 947533) Reported broken manhole cover outside 18/20 North End Road. (ref 947541) Received insurance quotes for comparison. Successful tender applicant contract signed. Reported dead deer on Thoresby Road Reported eroded footpath edge outside Willowside, Holton Road. (ref 947535) Asked Coun. Blacklock for H-L-C Parish Plan survey questions. TO RECEIVE REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES FROM OUTSIDE Coun. Bridges reported the LDF settlement discussion to be held on 27th May. Parish plan and development needed to sustain village amenities. Details of other land to be considered for affordable housing can be obtained from Planning Office. Tetney unsuccessful with Lottery grant however a visit by the Officer in charge will take place around Tetney on 10th June to look at existing sporting facilities. Community Grants are now available with Coun. Bridges having £2000 to give to a community led group. Derek Turner spoke to the Council and Public about wind turbine proliferation. He advised that a pressure group of local residents, leaflet distribution and petitions would help the cause. The proposed turbines at Newton Marsh is currently waiting for a landscape assessment. BEST KEPT VILLAGE Clerk to chase up school re. poster design competition as judging starts in June. PARISH PLAN Clerk to ask Holton – Le – Clay Clerk for survey questions again. Clerk to arrange date for public meeting and advertise to form committee. INSURANCE RENEWAL Clerk to negotiate policies. FINANCIAL MATTERS – FINANCIAL REPORT 10. Expenses accrued in Apr/May 10 S. Booth Clerk’s Salary £ S. Booth Expenses £ J. Faulder Contractor £ C. Bovill Contractor £ PC World Laptop Maintenance £ 2 512.40p 15.35p 200.00p – not issued 262.50p 10.76p N-Power Lindsey Drainage Administration Tetney Lock Road Rates 11. Receipts in Apr/May 10 HSBC 793 Gross interest HSBC 386 Gross interest ELDC Precept Mr. Woods Townspiece Rent Mrs Brooks Allotment Rent Mr. Sanders Allotment Rent Mr.Sutton Allotment Rent 69.30p – not issued 15.53p £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 0.00p 0.00p 7000.00p 150.00p 4.69p 12.50p 12.50p 12. Bank Balance Treasurer’s Account 793 £ 3,071.17p Business Money Manager Account 386 £ 13,143.55p National Savings Account £ 7,431.89p Proposed by Coun.Horner, seconded by Coun.Holden. ‘These sums be paid’. Carried unanimously 13. Planning Permission N/178/00222/10 Mrs Peacock Planning Permission- Revised 7 Chapel Rd vehicular access, parking & turning. No observations. 14. Planning Decision N/085/00699/09 Mr Kirwin Grange Farm Station Road Two extra loose boxes, storage rooms and tack room. Appeal granted 15. CORRESPONDENCE ELDC - Improving communication and developing relationships ELDC - Northern Area Committee Meeting (8th June Grimoldby) ELDC - Town and Parish Assembly Keigar Homes - Church Lane Development – Street name. SLCC - Regional Conference invite. All Correspondence circulated. 16. TETNEY LOCK No report. 17. LIGHTING No report. 18. FLY TIPPING Clerk to report pram and baby seat on Tetney Lock Road. 19. CEMETERY AND CHURCH YARD 3 Coun. Turner to pass revised plan of land to be purchased for cemetery extension on to Clerk. Clerk to get quote for new bench in cemetery. 20. ALLOTMENTS DC Arborists completed agreed work on boundary hedgerow and Ash trees. However Clerk to ask for further crow lifting of Ash trees to be completed before payment made. Ditch needs clearing in wintertime. Hedging plants to be acquired from free trees for Parishes, in September. 21. FOOTPATHS, ROADS AND TREES Rapeseed needs to be cut down on New Delights corner, clerk to report. Bunkers Hill needs resurfacing edges breaking up. Holton Road edges eroding need replacing. Clerk to report. Clerk to write again to LCC re. horse manure on footpath and being used as bridleway. 22. DOG FOUL AND WASTE BINS No report. 23. POLICE MATTERS No report. 24. WEBSITE Coun. Bridges to contact John Warne to find out if any progress made in contacting Vince Cutting. Clerk to contact LCC re free website. 25. VILLAGE HALL No report. 26. NEXT AGENDA 27. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING, Thursday 10th June 2010, Thursday 8th July 2010 - cancelled Thursday 12th August 2010, in the village hall 7.30pm 28. COUNCIL’S OPTION OF CLOSED SESSION Council decided to go into closed session. Meeting closed at. 4