1 IPPLEPEN PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting held at Ipplepen Village Hall On Tuesday 3rd March, 2009 In attendance: Coun.Farrow (In the Chair) Coun.Tompkins Coun.Heath Coun.Mrs.Northwood Coun.Popham Coun.Maddicott Coun.Vallance Coun.Mrs.Calland Mrs.F.Olding Parish Clerk Coun.Elliott (District Councillor) 173) APOLOGIES – Coun.Smith PC Diana Ashley was present to introduce our new Police Community Support Officer John Borrit. John will be covering a very wide area at present, but hopes to be able to come out to Ipplepen as much as possible. 174) SPEAKER – The Chairman welcomed Sue Aggett, TDC Service Lead for Legal & Democratic Services together with Derek Phillips and Carol Robinson, Chairman & Vice-Chairman of TDC Standards Committee. Sue Aggett spoke concerning the Code of Conduct for Parish Councillors and in particular referred to Declarations of Interest and the procedure of the Local Assessment Process i.e. complaints received about the Conduct of Parish Councillors, is now referred first of all to the local Teignbridge Standards Committee, before the need to involve the Standards Board for England. Full details and a complaint form can be found on www.teignbridge.gov.uk. Various questions were put forward by the Councillors concerning the matter of Declaration of Interest, one scenario being that if 50% of the council were involved with a planning issue, then the Clerk should contact the District Council to request a dispensation. The Chairman thanked Sue and her colleagues for taking the time to come to the meeting and felt sure that the Councillors now had a better knowledge of when to Declare and Interest etc. 175) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No Declarations of Interest 176) PUBLIC QUESTIONS - No public questions on this occasion. 1 2 177) MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 3rd February, 2009 were approved and signed by the Chairman with the agreement of the ViceChairman who had been in the Chair for the said meeting. The Chairman gave a vote of thanks to Coun.Tompkins for taking the meeting in his absence. 178)) MATTERS ARISING - information from the Clerk 40d) Silver Street Service Road potholes – A letter had been received advising that having investigated all of their deeds and records and according to these documents the access road is outside of their border line. Therefore the conclusion to this matter they feel is that the access road belongs to someone else and not Teign Housing. Action: Coun.Vallance to contact and arrange to have a look at their Deeds. 76) Removal of Dead Tree at end of The Glebe – Work completed 90f) Biltor/Courtgate Close Footpath – Work completed, with regard to the ‘No Horse Riders Allowed’ signage, DCC have advised that this is not allowed in accordance with the Traffic Signs Regulations & General Directions who control what signs may be provided on the highway and the erection of signs not in compliance with this legislation are not permitted. However, it was agreed that Amenities would look in to some form of barrier. 90h) Bertram Fletcher Robinson – Mr.Spiring had delivered a number of books, for every Councillor and the Clerk in appreciation for all the work that IPC does on behalf of the local residents. The books were entitled ‘Aside Arthur Conan Doyle Twenty Original Tales’ and ‘On the trail of Arthur Conan Doyle’. With regard to the siting of the memorial seat, as soon as the foundations have been completed, the seat will be ordered. 140) Update Football Club Lease – A letter had been received from the Solicitor with a request for details of the floodlighting planning permission to enable a draft letter of consent covering all points can be done. 126b) War Memorial – A site meeting has been suggested by DCC for the 12th March. Action: To advise that this date will be ok, Coun.Vallance will attend and Coun.Smith will be informed also. 127) Millennium Centre Boiler – Work completed. 129b) Skatepark – Work completed 126h) Footpath from Clampitt Rd through to Luscombe Close – Work completed Christmas Tree – The Clerk had received further comments regarding the blue lights on the Christmas Tree following the magazine report with different colours being the favoured option for next year, with donations towards the cost offered. Catalogues have now been received which have been passed to Amenities. 162a) Play Park Grant – A letter had been received from Ugbrooke Environmental Ltd. They are minded to support the project, but there were insufficient funds available at the present time. However, they will re-consider at their next Board Meeting which is due in May 09. 2 3 162e) Dog Bins – TDC are not prepared to supply any further dog bins for the village as we do already have beyond our quota. However, it is now permitted to put dog foul in ordinary litter bins such as Beech Trees Lane & Moor Road. Action: The Clerk was requested to check which litter bins the Parish Sweeper empties when he visits the village. 166a) Allotments – An inspection had taken please, three tenants will receive termination letters. An email had been received from one of the tenants with various suggestions for improvements. This was passed to Amenities for discussion at their next meeting. A reply had been received from the owner of the land adjacent to the allotments, but unfortunately is not prepared to sell or lease part of the land to the Parish Council. RESOLUTION: It was proposed, seconded and agreed (one abstention) that Coun.Elliott would approach the owner of the field at the rear of the recreation ground to see if he is prepared to either sell or lease an acre of his land for use as allotments. 166b) Football Club Repairs – A list has been sent to the Football Club a further inspection will be carried out in Mid June to ascertain if the repairs have been done. 168a) Foredown Road Restrictions/Double Yellow Lines – A reply had been received from DCC advising they feel the parking on this section of Foredown Rd acts as natural traffic calming forcing on-coming vehicles to give way to one another and so bring down the average speed of traffic. Action: Highways to bring this matter up once again when they meet with DCC on the 12th March. 168b) Overgrown Hedge/Entrance to Village Foredown Rd – Work still to be done. 168f) Litter bin on Bus Stop – Still to be put back. 164) Parish Assembly Speaker – Coun.Hobden had written to advise that she was unable to attend due to a prior commitment. The Police have requested that they visit as part of the Cummunities Together (PACT) initiative. The Chairman & Clerk will be going to the Power of Well Being Briefing during March and will investigate whether someone could perhaps come along to the Parish Assembly to speak on this subject. 179) COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT – Coun.Cook - Absent 180) DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT – Coun.Elliott Coun.Elliott had nothing to report regarding Ipplepen at this meeting. 181) CORRESPONDENCE & REPORTS – Coun.Farrow Correspondence a) Items from Devon County Council: Boundary Review the Secretary of State for Local Government & Communities has now extended the deadline by which the Boundary 3 4 Committee must provide its advice on local government reorganisation in Devon to 15th July, 2009. b) Items from Teignbridge District Council: No items this month. d) Items from DAPC/CCD/DPFA: No items this month. Other items received: e) Cottage Garden Show – An email had been received requesting access through the gate into the allotments to Mr.Dando’s field which he has agreed to being used for extra car parking on show day 17th July. RESOLUTION: It was proposed, seconded and agreed (one abstention) to allow this to happen. f) Installation of Power to the Recreation Ground – It had been suggested that whilst the groundwork was being undertaken to replace the play equipment, it might be useful to include provision for an electricity supply from the Mill.Centre to the playing field for use at events being held at the recreation ground. Action: Amenities to look into this idea. g) Abbotskerswell Parish Council - An invitation had been received to their Beating the Bounds due to be held on 17th May, 2009. The meeting place for Ipplepen will be in Isaacs Field adjacent to Fermoys. h) Christians Together in Ipplepen & Denbury – A letter of thanks had been received for the PC’s continued support of the church village events and a special thank you to our Handyman, Ian Baker, for his efforts and persistence in keeping the parking area around the war memorial free of cars for the Carol singing at Christmas. Action: Thanks to be passed on to Ian Baker i) Items from the Police: Communities Together Seminar at TDC Tues.30th June 6pm-9.30pm;Police Authority Liaison Meeting at Methodist Church Hall, Fore St, Bovey Tracey, TQ13 9AD and finally the Teignbridge Crime Link Briefing. REPORTS: Parish Plan It was agreed to have a stand at the Cottage Garden Show Action: The Clerk to make a request to the Cottage Gdn Show Committee. Millennium Centre Roof Lagging Grant – The Clerk had investigated the possibility of obtaining a grant. Teignbridge advised that that as this was not a domestic building there were no grants available. However, it could be considered under the District Councillor’s Community Fund. Action: A quote to be obtained and passed to Coun.Elliott with the appropriate form for consideration by TDC. 4 5 The Tenancy Agreement between the Millennium Centre Management Committee and Devon County Council (Saplings) was duly signed by Coun.Mrs.Shirley Northwood as the Parish Council’s representative and member of the Millennium Centre Management Committee. Village Hall The Village Hall AGM is being held on the 26th March. Coun.Vallance agreed to be nominated for a further year as the Parish Council Representative. Action: The Clerk to inform the Village Hall Committee. A thank you had been received from the Village Hall Committee to the Councillors who had attended the recent New Car Park Opening celebration. Talc The next meeting is due to be held on 26th March when there will be an update from DAPC on the Boundary Review. 182) IPPLEPEN LIBRARY – Coun.Popham On-going 183) APPROVAL OF SPRING NEWSLETTER The Spring Newsletter was approved with a few minor adjustments. 184) AMENITIES: - Coun.Tompkins a) Play Park Project - The Groundwork has commenced and a vote of thanks was given by Coun.Heath to all those Councillors and Ian Baker who helped over the last two weekends to remove the old play equipment, this has saved the village an enormous amount of money. Coun.Vallance also gave a vote of thanks to Dave Corley for his assistance and who also kindly gave a donation to the project, also a thank you to the Contractor, Mark Prowse. Action: Letters of thanks to be sent. b) Grass Tenders – Five tenders had been received as follows: Tender ‘A’ Tender ‘B’ Tender ‘C’ Tender ‘D’ Tender ‘E’ £1100.00 £ 756.00 £35.00 for any additional cuts needed £1492.48 £1160.00 £1150.00 RESOLUTION: It was proposed, seconded and agreed unanimously to accept Tender ‘B’ with a clause written into the acceptance “Your work must be carried out to the satisfaction of Ipplepen Parish Council”. The successful Contractor is: J & P Cary from Teignmouth. 5 6 Coun.Popham requested that we request the contractor to cut the playing field, weather permitting, at least one week in advance of the Cott.Gdn.Show. This was agreed. 185) PLANNING & PLANNING MATTERS – Coun.Mrs.Calland a) There was no need for a Plans meeting during February. b) Planning Applications discussed as follows: 09/00484/FUL & 09/00485/LBC Detached double garage – revised scheme at Rosemount, East Street. Comment: No objection. 186) HIGHWAYS & RIGHTS OF WAY a) A letter had been received from Network Rail advising that essential track renewal work is being undertaken at Dainton during the month of March 09 and further contingency work and rail tamping during the month of October 09. b) Street Lighting – The Clerk advised that a resident in North Street wished to register an official complaint concerning the new lighting which has been installed by DCC. The lady concerned felt that it posed a security risk as the street was now very dimly lit. 187) FINANCE & PERSONNEL – Coun.Smith Bills received for approval: BT – Internet British Gas Ian Baker – Salary (1.5 hr P3) Ian Baker – Tax Rebate Masons – Mower & Strimmer Service Mastercare – Printer Insurance DCC – Fire Signs for Mill.Cent Postage Public Works Loan Board Safeheat – Emergency Plumber at Mill.Cent Clerk’s 3 month trav.expenses Clerk’s 3 month salary Office Hire for 3 months B & Q – MDF for P.Plan Board N.Heath – Hedge Trimming Devon Tree Services – Tree removal DAPC – Cllr.Training Safeheat – Deposit for Mill.Cent.Boiler £ 15.65 d/d £ 19.05 d/d £ 286.87 £ 43.20 £ 122.39 (already paid) £ 49.00 £ 41.83 £ 5.10 d/d £ 1,426.53 £ 122.50 £ 40.76 £ 2,141.98 £ 87.50 £ 5.48 £ 230.00 £ 138.00 £ 20.00 £ 304.75 (already paid) Total £ 5,100.59 Balance £14,512.72 6 7 Balance Reserve Account £ 58,989.77 Overall Balance £ 73,502.49 Items for Discussion a) It was agreed to transfer £5,000 from the contingency fund in the Reserve Account to the Play Park Project. 188) ITEMS LEFT ON THE TABLE – Available from the Clerk 189) OPEN FORUM No items for discussion 190) DATE OF NEXT MEETINGS Amenities Meeting: Plans Meeting: MCM Committee: Play Project Team: Full Council Meeting Parish Assembly 10th March, 7pm at Mill.Centre 18th March, 7pm at Mill.Centre 27th March, 4.30pm at Mill.Centre 31st March, 7pm at Mill.Centre 7th April, 7.15pm at Village Hall 23rd April, 7.30pm at Village Hall Meeting Closed at 9.50 pm. 7