ED 315 LESSON PLAN Lesson #__2____ Format and Cooperating Teacher Feedback Form Name: Jacky Maliborski Date: 10/17/12 Content Area: English Language Arts Grade Level: 4th Use this template to plan, removing the notes in parentheses and this box. Give this form to your cooperating teacher for review and a signature before you teach your lesson. (Pre-assess Prior Knowledge – through observations, instructional strategies, talk with talking with cooperating teacher. Describe student characteristics that are relevant to your lesson) Pre-assess: To pre-assess the student’s knowledge of present tense verbs I am going to ask them use their whiteboards to write down their thoughts in regards to the topic of the lesson. I am going to communicate with my cooperating teacher about how the lesson on verb tenses the previous day went and how well students grasped the concept and met the objectives. Ask teacher about student’s ability to identify whether the subject is singular or plural. In addition, for my own use, I am going to ask students the following questions: Questions to tap into students prior-knowledge of what they learned the previous day about verb tenses: 1. What does the tense of a verb tell us in a sentence? (time of action) 2. What tense of a verb tells us what is happening now or always? (present-tense) (I am going to use my seating chart to make quick marks of whether or not students understand what a present tense verb is and what the tense does for a sentence based on what they learned previously) GOALS: (Based on the English Language Arts Common Core Standards) Objective(s): : Students will deeper their understanding that a present tense verb identifies what is happening now or always. Students will learn that if the subject is singular, you add es or s to the verb and if the subject is plural, you DO NOT add es or s to the verb. Students will identify the present tense verb in various sentences. Students will write the correct form of the present tense verb based on the subject of the sentence. Standards: English Language Arts Common Core Standards: Language Standards 4th Grade Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening. Assessment: 2008SP Formal: This lesson is day 2 of a 3 day lesson. The questions I ask the students in the beginning of the lesson along with what my cooperating teacher tells me about the success of the previous lesson will give me an idea of where my students are with the content at the begin of the lesson. I have made a sheet with the student’s names on it along with a key that will give me insight of how well students are meeting the objectives. I will make quick notes of student learning based on their responses on their whiteboards. If I ask any students direct questions, I plan to make note of their responses on my sheet for additional evidence of their learning. Looking over my notes after the lesson will give me additional insights as to how well my students understand the content as well as what needs to be addressed in future lessons. I will mark each time I ask students put their responses on their white board Key: + student identifies correct present tense verb - student identifies wrong present tense verb 0 student has no response or responds with an answer irrelevant to lesson I am also going to make quick check on a student’s name if I find they are having trouble identifying whether or not the subject is plural or singular correctly. This will influence future lessons as to whether or not students need additional practice with identifying whether a subject is singular or plural. Materials: - sheet for informal assessment of students learning present-tense verb worksheets with sentences for practice (provided by my cooperating teacher) White boards and markers Totaltime timeneeded: needed: Total ___ 20-30 minutes Procedures: Procedures: • Introduction: Remember yesterday how you learned about verb tenses and how they are used in a sentence? Today we are going to talk more about verb tenses but focus more on one in particular. Ask two prior knowledge questions and make note of student responses. • Steps for instruction - Present-tense verbs tell us about what is happening now or always in a sentence. - When the subject of a sentence is singular we add s or es to the verb to make it present tense. o Ex. The dog chase the cat. What is the subject? Is it singular or plural? shout out! What should we do to the verb? (write on board) If you need to change the verb write the new word, if you leave the word alone do not write anything) 2008SP - The dog CHASES the cat. When the subject of a sentence is plural we DO NOT add anything to the verb to make it present tense. o Ex. The dogs chase the cat. What is the subject? Is it singular or plural? shout out! o What should we do to the verb? (write on board-same directions) - Model sentences number 1 and 2 in part A. (circle the present-tense verb) - Make sure to have students notice the subject. Is the subject plural or singular? What happened to the verb to make it present-tense? shout outs - Do sentences number 3-5 as a class. Have students write their answers on their boards (take quick notes) - Model example sentence in part C for students. Think aloud how to look at the subject and based on what it is then change the verb to make it present-tense. - Do sentences numbers 11 and 12 as a class. Have students write their answers on their boards. Ask select students to explain how they knew what to do to the verb. (make notes for assessment) • Closure: Instruct students that they will work independently to complete part B and part C 13-15 as well as practice writing constructed math responses. Cooperating Teacher Signature: 2008SP Cooperating Teacher Feedback: 2008SP Lesson date: ___________________________