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Markethill High
Examinations 2015
Year 10 Revision
Observational work on various selected foods, sweets and wrappers in pencil
/ paint / pen and wash, use of viewfinders, design work.
A Warhol and various pop artists
Exams will commence the week beginning Monday 18th May for 10EY/the
week beginning Monday 25th May for 10ST/10HM/10GP/10RP
Each pupil will be given their exam script the week beginning April 25th
Script: ‘To bee or not to bee’ by Susan Kim
Exam expectations – strong line knowledge, enthusiastic performance skills
(fe/v/g/m), costume and props effort as well as a self evaluation task
Non-Literary Comprehension:
Purpose and audience.
Using evidence from the text to support answers.
Choice of words / phrases /language techniques for effect.
Forest grid used in ‘Persuasive Writing Unit’.
Layout of leaflet: headings/subheadings/pictures/ use of colour.
Plan and write on title.
Consider audience/purpose and show awareness of audience.
Use of words/phrases and language techniques for effect. (Forest grid used in
‘Persuasive Writing Unit’).
Writing in an engaging and interesting manner.
Basic punctuation: capital letters / full stops / exclamation marks / question
marks / correct use of speech marks
Neat handwriting and presentation.
Revision list for 10ST 10EY 10HM 10 GP
Travel plans
Information about travel/ buying a ticket
Parts of body/ what hurts or is wrong
Information about a French town eg Nîmes
Discuss going out
Perfect tense verbs with avoir and être
Mettre with clothing
Adjectives and agreement
Preparation for writing test
Describe yourself
Describe your family
Talk about your leisure
Talk about what you did last weekend
Talk about your future plans for holidays
What is development?
Indicators of development.
Trade – MEDCs and LEDCs.
TNCs – reasons for location of factories in LEDCs, advantages and
What is globalisation?
What are the different types of aid?
What is appropriate aid? Inappropriate aid?
Why do people move to urban areas?
Where are the world’s largest cities? Describe the location.
Describe and explain the growth, location and problems in a Shanty Towns
e.g. Kibera (Nairobi, Kenya)
Rocks and Coastal Landscapes
Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock: examples and their formation.
Weathering and erosion of rock.
Waves and the factors that influence them.
Destructive waves at the coast.
Processes of erosion at the coast.
Long-shore drift.
Headlands and bays- how do they form?
Features of erosion: wave cut notch and platform and cave, arch, stack and
Formation of a spit.
Coastal Management strategies: groynes and beach nourishment.
1. Why do we commemorate…?
“Holocaust Memorial Day 27th January”
2. How and why did the Nazis persecute the Jews?
And Holocaust 70th Anniversary Booklet
3. Why was Ireland partitioned in 1920-1921?
 Long term causes 1912-1916
4. Why was Ireland partitioned in 1920-1921?
 Short term causes 1916-1921
5. What were the consequences of the Partition of Ireland?
 How significant a part did Partition play in the Troubles in Northern
Ireland after 1969?
Consumerism– definition, who influences our purchases, factors influencing what
we buy, consumer rights, how to make an effective complaint, GCCNI, CAB,
advantages and disadvantages to shopping online
Money Matters– mortgage, rent, budgeting, methods of payment, poor money
management, tips for good money management money tips for shopping for food
Convenience Foods– definition, groups, examples of each group, advantage and
disadvantages, who finds them useful, why people purchase them
A-Z of Adolescence
All spellings on the front of all of the above booklets.
Processing data – calculations involving mean, median, mode and range
Presenting data including scatter diagrams/correlation and pie charts
General graph work and interpretation of data from a table
Percentage calculations including financial calculations such as VAT
Angle calculations including parallel lines, triangles and quadrilaterals
Algebra – simplifying expressions, expanding brackets, factorising, solving
equations, substitution and forming algebraic expressions
Scatter diagrams/correlation
Circles –parts of a circle, calculating circumference and area
Perimeter and area - calculations involving composite shapes
Ratio – simplifying ratios and sharing in a given ratio
Transformations – reflections, rotations, translations and enlargements
Probability – calculating probability, combined outcomes and estimating
Accuracy – rounding to a given number of decimal places or significant
figures and estimating answers
Stem and Leaf diagrams – drawing and interpreting
Calculating mean from a table
Estimating mean of grouped data
Formulae – including substitution into a formula and rearranging a formula
Calculations with 4 operations + − × ÷
Mean, median, mode and range
Bar charts
Stem and leaf diagrams
Line graphs
Types of angles
Measuring angles
Angle sums
Rounding numbers to the nearest whole, 10, 100 and 1000
Properties of triangles
Properties of quadrilaterals
Perimeter of 2D shapes
Area of squares, rectangles and triangles
Volume of cubes and cuboids
Calculating a fraction of an amount
Calculating percentages
The calendar
12/24 hour clock
Time calculations
Solving equations
Simplifying expressions
Solving equations
Expanding brackets
Your summer exam will involve some “Ear Tests” – namely, listening exercises
where you may hear: Instruments of the Orchestra played for you to identify
 Sequences of four or five notes, played one after the other, from which you will
have to select the highest or the lowest
 Songs during which you might have to list the instruments you can hear
playing, or the number of times a certain word or phrase is sung
 Spot the Difference - in which you will hear two recordings – two contrasting
versions – of the same song, and have to discuss both the similarities
and the differences that you hear
 Music From America – the composers and pieces that you listened to
 Music Technology – the various pieces of technological equipment used in music
nowadays, such as the Sampler, the Microphone and so on
 The Recording Studio and the Music Industry – the items of equipment used in a
studio, what each item is for, and how the Music Industry works and
supports itself; remember Careers in Music
 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – the life of Mozart and the film, ‘Amadeus’; remember
important events that occurred, and the names of important characters
 Musical Forms And Styles – be prepared to have to recognise any of these in the exam
– such as Ballads, Blues, House Music, Reggae, etc.; also revise the
Structures, page 68
Creation, Prejudice and Discrimination, Islam.
Biology –
The Circulatory System
The Respiratory System
Plants & Photosynthesis
Chemistry –
Chemical Reactions
The Periodic Table
The Environment
Physics -
Earth & Space
Heating & Cooling
Electricity & Magnetism
In addition to these topics there will also be questions for which you cannot revise
Drawing & interpreting line graphs
Bar charts
Fair testing
Also make sure you can spell and understand the meaning of the key words.
Helping at home
Daily Routine
Reflexive verbs
What you do at the weekend
Ir a + inf. (simple future)
Places in town
Asking and giving directions
Ordering food and drink in a café
The preterite tense
Holidays – where you went, where you stayed, how you travelled, what you did
Higher numbers
Pupils also need to know the vocabulary from Year 9 and Year 10 Term 1.
Environmental pollution
Types of motion
Types of Cam and Cam followers
Electronic symbols
Types of materials and tools used in project work