UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA · FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Facilities Planning & Construction Department TURNOVER PROCESS May 11, 2010 SUBJECT: The turnover that occurs when operational and maintenance responsibility for a system, area, building or component is turned over from the UVa Project Staff to the UVa organization responsible for the operation and maintenance of that asset (depending on the project, this will be Energy & Utilities, Operations and Maintenance or Health System Physical Plant). This typically happens in conjunction with Substantial Completion and Beneficial Occupancy. PURPOSE: The Turnover Process is designed to improve the turnover of projects – new buildings, renovated buildings, partial building renovations, phased turnover, etc. It provides a set of standard procedures and protocols for the process. It is designed to be part of the independent commissioning process. APPLICABILITY: The Turnover Process applies to all systems, areas, buildings or components that are turned over in academic, utility or health system projects with a project value of $5 million dollars or greater (or as designated by FP&C). IMPLEMENTATION: This process is in full effect beginning on September 1, 2008 for all applicable new projects or projects where the construction activity is equal to or less than 50% complete as measured by the Contractor(s) invoices. Refer to Attachment 2, the Transition Plan for further implementation information. Turnover Process R4 (R4 changes underlined) Page 1 May 11, 2010 Turnover Process: 1. The Turnover Process is the means by which the Project Team works with the applicable O&M organization to: 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. Get their input to the design Have their participation in reviews during the construction and commissioning Conduct training Provide a Turnover Package 2. The Turnover Package is a record of the information required to properly operate and maintain the system, area, building or component that is being turned over from the UVa Project to the UVa applicable O&M organization. A properly documented turnover has the following benefits: 2.1. Provides the O&M organization the information required to effectively and efficiently operate and maintain the systems, areas, buildings or components that are being turned over. 2.2. Documents the status of the systems, areas, buildings or components at the point of turnover, including the status of any incomplete work. 2.3. Reduces warranty call backs that may arise because of insufficient training or documentation. 2.4. Supports energy efficiency goals and LEED certification. 3. Every project over $5 million, or otherwise designated, shall have an O&M representative, the Operations and Maintenance Liaison, who will be requested by the Project Team and assigned by the applicable O&M Management to be the liaison between the project and the O&M organization. This person shall be knowledgeable about the O&M organization and be empowered to represent (with appropriate consultation and approvals) the interests of the O&M organization. This person shall participate in key project meetings and reviews and assure that O&M participates and input is provided during: 3.1. Review of Schematic Documents 3.2. Review of Preliminary Documents 3.3. Review of Construction Documents 3.4. Pre-installation meetings 3.5. Commissioning/Systems testing 3.6. Training 3.7. Creation of Turnover Package 3.7.1. Work with the Project PM to define requirements from the Checklist for this project. 3.7.2. Manage package development for items that are O&M’s responsibility. 2 May 11, 2010 4. In conjunction with the normal document review process, the Office of the University Building Official (ASBO) will chair meetings at schematic and preliminary design where FM (O&M, E&U, HSPP as applicable) personnel will present their review comments. 5. All turnovers shall be defined and documented in a Turnover Package. As early as possible in the project, the turnover systems, areas, buildings or components and their sequencing shall be established by the Project Team. Refer to Attachment 1 for the Turnover Package Checklist. The turnover package provides: 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. 5.7. 5.8. Definition of what is being turned over Details of the status of the turnover Record of training performed Record of tests and commissioning performed Record of O&M procedures and status of Maximo input Status of key documents required for O&M O&M leadership’s acknowledgement that Turnover has occurred Status of all warranty claims including those initiated by the UVa organization responsible for operation and maintenance of the asset. 6. The Turnover Package will typically be assembled by the Commissioning Agent (where a CxA is used, otherwise by the Project Team) from the data supplied by various parties during the conduct of the project. A template has been developed showing the Turnover Process and Package in the draft commissioning specification for the Ivy Translational Research Building. 7. O&M manuals, submittals, TAB reports, and other project documents provided by the UVa Project Staff to the UVa organization responsible for the operation and maintenance of that asset prior to the final Turnover Package will typically be sent to the FM Resource Center with a copy of each transmittal form sent to the O&M Liaison. 3