Vikings Spellings 2014-15 Theme & Activity Spellings Term Week 1 3 15th Change each of these words to their plural and then write a sentence for 3 words of your choice. Your spelling test will be a mixture of 10 singular and plural words. What are the spelling rules? statue umpire bargain bruise career zone committee sign minor object saucepan suit envelope government knuckle blemish sandwich boundary industry jury majesty identity majority 4 22nd Change each of these words to their plural by changing the ‘f’ to ‘ves, s’ Then write a sentence for 5 words of your choice. Your spelling test will be a mixture of 10 singular and plural words. calf elf half leaf self thief staff puff sniff cliff knife wife life believe curve 5 29th How does each words spelling change? Most nouns add s. Nouns ending in hissing sounds add es. Nouns ending in a consonant + y change y to i and add es. Nouns ending a vowel + y add s. Review previous words. century coward decimal favour festival flavour fruit garage germ index inhabitant instrument opinion rhyme rhythm 6 6th Oct This is all about investigating irregular plurals and their spelling patterns. Your spelling test will be a mixture of these words. Complete 5 sentences to place the words in context. Next, use a dictionary and your own knowledge to find 3 more words to add to the list. person – people mouse – mice goose – geese die – dice louse – lice woman – women foot – feet child – children antenna – antennae formula – formulae 7 13th What is a homophone? Use the correct spelling in the correct context for each of these words and the word with the different meaning. Can you think of any other homophones not in this list? aisle, aloud, there, affect, heard, ascent, stationary, desert, past, bridal, cereal, complement, read, 8 Changing the tense of a word. What is a 20th suffix? Most words add s, ing, ed. ½ Words ending in e – drop the e add s, Term ing, ed. Words with a short vowel before the final letter double the final letter. Choose 5 words and write the words in context and their opposite meaning. believe celebrate challenge convince correspond create debate deceive demonstrate deprive develop emigrate encounter encourage endure blot clot crop ban benefit Term Week Theme & Activity 9 Again this is about changing the tense of a sentence. Use the words to show how this can happen in each sentence using 3 pairs of words (6 sentences) is – was write – wrote slide – slid drive – drove can – could make – made teach – taught catch – caught see – saw are -were 10 Investigate endings that sound like shun invention inflation action injection completion exception reaction affection explanation junction pronunciation – tion. tion is used when the root word ends in t or te. Take off the e before adding tion. tion words are nearly always Spellings nouns. What are the root words? Make a list because you may be tested on these as well! 2 11 To investigate endings that sound like shun – sion. sion is used if the root word ends in d, de or se. There are some exceptions. What are the root words? Make a list because you may be tested on these as well! Then write 3 sentences using sion. vision collision confusion transfusion infusion corrosion 1 First test date 13th Jan To investigate endings that sound like shun – ssion. ssion is used if the root word ends in a ss (express) which is a soft sh sound or in mit (permit). What are the root words? Make a list because you may be tested on these as well! Then write 3 sentences using ssion. percussion oppression recession repression possession 2 To investigate endings which sound like shul (cial, tial). cial is common after a vowel and tial common after a consonant, Exceptions – initial, financial, commercial, provincial. What are the root words? Make a list because you may be tested on these as well! Write a complex sentences using each of the different word endings. official special artificial partial confidential essential initial financial commercial provincial social special spatial sacrificial glacial judicial crucial facial beneficial potential martial celestial consequential credential influential 3&4 To investigate words ending in ant, ance and ancy. Use ant and ance/ancy if there observant observance (observation) expectant expectance (expectation) Term Theme & Activity Spellings is a related word with a clear ai sound in the right position – ation words often a clue. Can you change each word from verb to adjective and noun? From verb to adjective and noun, make three list to group each o these words. Write a complex sentences using each of the different word endings. hesitant hesitance, hesitancy (hesitation) nuisance distant distance import important importance assist assistant assistance abundant abundance converse conversation conversant conversancy conversance constant constancy defy defiant defiance brilliant brilliance brilliancy reluctant reluctance accept acceptable acceptant acceptance account accountant accountancy accountable relevant relevance relevancy elegant elegance elegancy fragrant fragrance vacate vacation vacant vacancy infant infancy apply application applicant tolerate toleration tolerant tolerance arrogant arrogance buoy buoyant buoyance buoyancy instant instance 5 To investigate words ending in ent, ence/ency. From verb to adjective and noun, make three list to group each o these words. Write a complex sentences using each of the different word endings. innocent innocence decent decency frequent frequency confidence confident obey obedience obedient independent independency influence permanent evidence evident violent violence silent silence different difference efficient efficiency absent absence patient patience agent agency exist existent existence competent competence competency consist consistent consistence consistency proficient proficiency silent silence translucent translucency translucence transparent transparency 6 To investigate words ending in ive. ic and ist. Before adding a vowel suffix drop the final e or y. Write 5 sentences that include a different connective with each word from the list. forgive massive excessive expensive native relative attractive horrific terrific comic electric scientific artist specialist extremist novelist 7 To investigate adding suffixes which begin with a vowel to words ending in fer. Write 5 sentences that include a different connective with each word from the list. refer referred referring referral prefer preferred preferring preference transfer transferred transferring reference referee transference confer conferring Week Term Week Theme & Activity Spellings conferred conference defer deferred deferring deference infer inferred inferring inference 8 To investigate how words transform when suffixes are added. Look back to earlier spelling rules when adding suffixes. How many suffix can you add to each root word? tion sion cian ssion ism ness ity ist ology ise ate ify s es d ed en er est ish 9&10 To investigate words which are often misspelt when prefixes or suffixes are added. Add or remove the prefix or suffix. How has the spelling of the word changed? 3 1 2 3 4 5 Resourses Year 6 Spelling Exersise book – available from the classroom to take home. tml pictures/teachers/ change class press child long educate reduce critic care age medicine kind compose decide help small legal happy mobile definite utter forbid destroy exaggerate excavate interfere interrupt introduce investigate operate organise prefer protect realise restore revise terminate disappear disappoint beginning business necessary necessarily enrol especially jealous mischief mischievous equip tremendous marvellous relevant regret recent recommend remove request resign resemble tomorrow