September & October 2015 Spelling Homework

September & October 2015 Spelling Homework
Directions: For each 6-day cycle you will complete 3 activities below and a cursive worksheet
for homework due the day of your Spelling Test. Please “X” out the activity you completed.
You should try to complete each activity at least once! Please staple the three completed
activities and your cursive worksheet together and hand in on the day of your spelling test.
Keep this paper with you AT HOME or in a BINDER. Have fun!
Words without Vowels: Write your
word list once. Now, write your word
list again removing all the vowels from
each word and replacing them with a
Ex: exaggerate exggrt
Colored Words: Write your spelling
words in different colors.
Vowel Graph: Make a list of your spelling
words and circle each vowel. How many
words used the vowel “a”? How many used
“e”…etc.? Next, make a bar graph that
displays how many words used each vowel.
Words in Words: Write each word
once. Then, think of all the words that
you can make using the letters in each
word. Write these words under each
spelling word
Savvy Sentences: How many spelling
words can you correctly use in a
sentence? Write 5 sentences and see
how many words you can use in each.
Syllabication: Write a list of your
words. Now, put a slash mark in
between the syllables in each word.
Ex: tel / e / phone
Telephone Words: Write your word list
once. Now, translate your words into
numbers using a telephone keypad. Your
words are now written in code!
Alphabetical Order: Write your word
list in alphabetical order, starting with
all of you words that start with A’s.
Free Choice: Choose any of the spelling
choices listed on this sheet to complete
for a second time. **Please write Free
Choice at the top of your homework**
Hidden Words: Draw a picture and hide
your spellings words in your drawing.