Mathematics 10 Compa..

Mathematics 10
Curriculum Comparison Transition Document
This document connects the outcomes in Mathematics 10 with the outcomes and grade levels in the CAMET (formerly APEF) curriculum and will help with
transitioning to the WNCP mathematics curriculum.
Process Standards Key
[C] Communication [PS] Problem Solving [CN] Connections [R] Reasoning [ME] Mental Mathematics and Estimation [T] Technology [V] Visualization
Mathematics 10
Key Messages
Mathematics 7–10
Measurement (50–55 hours)
GCO: Students will be expected to develop spatial sense and proportional reasoning.
M01 Students will be expected to solve problems
Mathematics 7
• Do not rush through this unit. It will require time for
that involve linear measurement, using SI
proper development.
and imperial units of measure, estimation
Mathematics 8
strategies, and measurement strategies.
• Imperial units of measure are new to Mathematics 10.
[ME, PS, V]
Mathematics 9
• The SI expectations of M01 and M02 were previously
addressed in junior high.
Mathematics 10
• Work on referents, estimation, and personal strategies are
M02 Students will be expected to apply
Mathematics 7
expected as part of the conceptual development in
proportional reasoning to problems that
Mathematics 10.
involve conversions between SI and imperial Mathematics 8
units of measure.
B2, D1
[C, ME, PS]
Mathematics 9
Mathematics 10
No corresponding outcomes.
M03 Students will be expected to solve problems, Mathematics 8
using SI and imperial units that involve the
D7, D8
surface area and volume of 3-D objects
Mathematics 9
including right cones, right cylinders, right
D3, D4
prisms, right pyramids, and spheres.
Mathematics 10
[CN, PS, R, V]
C15, C24, D1, D10, D13, E1, E2
Mathematics 10
Curriculum Comparison Transition Document
This document connects the outcomes in Mathematics 10 with the outcomes and grade levels in the CAMET (formerly APEF) curriculum and will help with
transitioning to the WNCP mathematics curriculum.
Process Standards Key
[C] Communication [PS] Problem Solving [CN] Connections [R] Reasoning [ME] Mental Mathematics and Estimation [T] Technology
Mathematics 10
Key Messages
Mathematics 7–10
M04 Students will be expected to develop and
Mathematics 8
apply the primary trigonometric ratios (sine, D9, D10, E3
cosine, tangent) to solve problems that
Mathematics 9
involve right triangles.
[C, CN, PS, R, T, V]
Mathematics 10
C15, D2, D3, D4, D5, D8, D12, D14
[V] Visualization
Mathematics 10
Curriculum Comparison Transition Document
This document connects the outcomes in Mathematics 10 with the outcomes and grade levels in the CAMET (formerly APEF) curriculum and will help with
transitioning to the WNCP mathematics curriculum.
Process Standards Key
[C] Communication [PS] Problem Solving [CN] Connections [R] Reasoning [ME] Mental Mathematics and Estimation [T] Technology [V] Visualization
Mathematics 10
Key Messages
Mathematics 7–10
Algebra and Number (50–55 hours)
GCO: Students will be expected to develop algebraic reasoning and number sense.
AN01 Students will be expected to demonstrate
Mathematics 7
• The use of models, such as number lines, and concrete
an understanding of factors of whole
A4, A5
materials, such as alge-tiles, is an expectation in
numbers by determining the prime factors,
Mathematics 8
Mathematics 10.
greatest common factor, least common
A1, A2
multiple, square root, and cube root.
Mathematics 9
• Outcome AN01 is new to Mathematics 10 and was
[CN, ME, R]
A1, B6
previously addressed in junior high.
Mathematics 10
• Introduction to irrational numbers is new to Mathematics
AN02 Students will be expected to demonstrate
Mathematics 8
an understanding of irrational numbers by
• All developmental work on multiplication and factoring of
representing, identifying, simplifying, and
Mathematics 9
binomials now begins in Mathematics 10. It is expected
ordering irrational numbers.
A3, A4, A5
that models and manipulatives will be used as part of
[CN, ME, R, V]
Mathematics 10
conceptual development.
A3, A4, A8
AN03 Students will be expected to demonstrate
Mathematics 9
an understanding of powers with integral
B4, B6
and rational exponents.
Mathematics 10
[C, CN, PS, R]
AN04 Students will be expected to demonstrate
Mathematics 8
an understanding of the multiplication of
polynomial expressions (limited to
Mathematics 9
monomials, binomials, and trinomials),
B10, B11, B13, B14
concretely, pictorially, and symbolically.
Mathematics 10
[CN, R, V]
B3, C35
Mathematics 10
Curriculum Comparison Transition Document
This document connects the outcomes in Mathematics 10 with the outcomes and grade levels in the CAMET (formerly APEF) curriculum and will help with
transitioning to the WNCP mathematics curriculum.
Process Standards Key
[C] Communication [PS] Problem Solving [CN] Connections [R] Reasoning [ME] Mental Mathematics and Estimation [T] Technology
Mathematics 10
Key Messages
Mathematics 7–10
AN05 Students will be expected to demonstrate
Mathematics 9
an understanding of common factors and
B9, B10
trinomial factoring, concretely, pictorially,
Mathematics 10
and symbolically.
A6, C35
[C, CN, R, V]
[V] Visualization
Mathematics 10
Curriculum Comparison Transition Document
This document connects the outcomes in Mathematics 10 with the outcomes and grade levels in the CAMET (formerly APEF) curriculum and will help with
transitioning to the WNCP mathematics curriculum.
Process Standards Key
[C] Communication [PS] Problem Solving [CN] Connections [R] Reasoning [ME] Mental Mathematics and Estimation [T] Technology [V] Visualization
Mathematics 10
Key Messages
Mathematics 7–10
Relations and Functions (70–75hours)
GCO: Students will be expected to develop algebraic and graphical reasoning through the study of relations.
RF01 Students will be expected to interpret and
Mathematics 9
• Slope now begins in Mathematics 10. It was previously
explain the relationships among data,
F1, F4
addressed in junior high.
graphs, and situations.
Mathematics 10
[C, CN, R, T, V]
• Some of the linear relation work previously addressed in
A2, A7, C3, C4, C5, C10, E8, F3, F11
junior high is now in Mathematics 10.
RF02 Students will be expected to demonstrate an Mathematics 7–9
understanding of relations and functions.
No corresponding outcomes.
• Some of the linear relation work previously addressed in
[C, R, V]
Mathematics 10
Mathematics 11, is now in Mathematics 10. Specifically,
C9, C21
forms of a linear relation and systems of relations using
RF03 Students will be expected to demonstrate an Mathematics 7
understanding of slope with respect to rise
C9, D4
and run, line segments and lines, rate of
Mathematics 8
change, parallel lines, and perpendicular
C3, C4
Mathematics 9
[PS, R, V]
Mathematics 10
C15, C28, C29, E8
RF04 Students will be expected to describe and
Mathematics 7
represent linear relations, using words,
ordered pairs, tables of values, graphs, and
Mathematics 8
C1, C2
[C, CN, R, V]
Mathematics 9
C2, C5
Mathematics 10
C2, C3, C4, C5, C8, C9, C10, C32
Mathematics 10
Curriculum Comparison Transition Document
This document connects the outcomes in Mathematics 10 with the outcomes and grade levels in the CAMET (formerly APEF) curriculum and will help with
transitioning to the WNCP mathematics curriculum.
Process Standards Key
[C] Communication [PS] Problem Solving [CN] Connections [R] Reasoning [ME] Mental Mathematics and Estimation [T] Technology
Mathematics 10
Key Messages
Mathematics 7–10
RF05 Students will be expected to determine the
Mathematics 8
characteristics of the graphs of linear
C2, C3, C4
relations, including the intercepts, slope,
Mathematics 9
domain, and range.
C2, C3
[CN, PS, R, V]
Mathematics 10
A2, C3, C13, C15
RF06 Students will be expected to relate linear
Mathematics 7–9
relations to their graphs, expressed in
No corresponding outcomes.
 slope-intercept form (y = mx + b)
Mathematics 10
 general form (Ax + By + C = 0)
C14, C33
 slope-point form (y – y1) = m(x – x1)
[CN, R, T, V]
RF07 Students will be expected to determine the
Mathematics 9
equation of a linear relation to solve
C4, C8
problems, given a graph, a point and the
Mathematics 10
slope, two points, and a point and the
B1, C13, C14, C15, C24
equation of a parallel or perpendicular line.
[CN, PS, R, V]
RF08 Students will be expected to solve problems
Mathematics 9
that involve the distance between two
D9, D10
points and the midpoint of a line segment.
Mathematics 10
[C, CN, PS,T, V]
No corresponding outcomes.
RF09 Students will be expected to represent a
Mathematics 7–9
linear function, using function notation.
No corresponding outcomes.
[CN, ME, V]
Mathematics 10
C3, C21
[V] Visualization
Mathematics 10
Curriculum Comparison Transition Document
This document connects the outcomes in Mathematics 10 with the outcomes and grade levels in the CAMET (formerly APEF) curriculum and will help with
transitioning to the WNCP mathematics curriculum.
Process Standards Key
[C] Communication [PS] Problem Solving [CN] Connections [R] Reasoning [ME] Mental Mathematics and Estimation [T] Technology
Mathematics 10
Key Messages
Mathematics 7–10
RF10 Students will be expected to solve problems
Mathematics 8
that involve systems of linear equations in
two variables, graphically and algebraically.
Mathematics 10
[CN, PS, R, T, V]
C16, C17, C18, C19
[V] Visualization
Mathematics 10
Curriculum Comparison Transition Document
This document connects the outcomes in Mathematics 10 with the outcomes and grade levels in the CAMET (formerly APEF) curriculum and will help with
transitioning to the WNCP mathematics curriculum.
Process Standards Key
[C] Communication [PS] Problem Solving [CN] Connections [R] Reasoning [ME] Mental Mathematics and Estimation [T] Technology
Mathematics 10
Key Messages
Mathematics 7–10
Financial Mathematics (40–45 hours)
GCO: Students will be expected to demonstrate number sense and critical thinking skills.
FM01 Students will be expected to solve
Mathematics 7
problems that involve unit pricing and
currency exchange, using proportional
Mathematics 8
A9, B2, B4
[CN, ME, PS, R]
Mathematics 10
No corresponding outcomes.
FM02 Students will be expected to demonstrate
Mathematics 7
an understanding of income to calculate
A10, B2, B3, B4, B5, B7, B9, B10
gross pay and net pay, including wages,
Mathematics 8
salary, contracts, commissions, and
Mathematics 10
[C, CN, R, T]
No corresponding outcomes.
FM03 Students will be expected to investigate
No corresponding outcomes.
personal budgets
[C, PS, R, T]
FM04 Students will be expected to explore and
give a presentation on an area of interest
that involves financial mathematics.
[C, CN, ME, PS, R, T, V]
No corresponding outcomes.
[V] Visualization
Mathematics 10
Curriculum Comparison Transition Document
This document connects the outcomes in Mathematics 10 with the outcomes and grade levels in the CAMET (formerly APEF) curriculum and will help with
transitioning to the WNCP mathematics curriculum.
Process Standards Key
[C] Communication [PS] Problem Solving [CN] Connections [R] Reasoning [ME] Mental Mathematics and Estimation [T] Technology
Mathematics 10
Key Messages
Mathematics 7–10
Topics no longer addressed in the Mathematics 10 curriculum:
Non-linear Relationships
Linear Programming
Normal Curve
[V] Visualization