Chemical composition and bioenergy potentials of eleven species of macroalgae harvested in Danish and Greenland seawaters Anne-Belinda Bjerre1, Annette Bruhn2, Michael Bo Rasmussen2, Peter Daugbjerg Jensen1, Bodo Sake3, Jürgen Puls3 1 Danish Technological Institute, Gregersensenvej, 2630 Taastryp, DENMARK; 2Aarhus University, National Environmental Research Institute, Vejlsøvej 25, 8600 Silkeborg, DENMARK;3 vTI-Institute for Wood Technology and Wood Biology, Leuschnerstr. 91 b, D21031 Hamburg, GERMANY Background and purpose: Macroalgae represent a huge unexploited bio-resource of the sea including several thousand species. The production of macroalgae relies on sunlight for energy and assimilation of CO2 and nutrients, in particular N (nitrogen) and P (phosphorus) for biomass, with a production potential of more than 4-10 times that of land based crops. Macroalgae thus, serve as a sink to assimilate CO2, N and P, minimizing their influence to the environment and converting them back into valuable carbohydrate, proteins and lipids. Protein and carbohydrate content of species vary over the year and shows diverging tendencies due to the growth strategy of these organisms. The main constituents of macroalgae are sugar polymers of both C5 and C6 sugars. In their mono-saccharide form, those can serve as substrate for fuel ethanol, butanol and biogas (methane) production. The purpose of this work was to harvest different species from the Danish and Greenland coastal waters and analyze their chemical compositions of carbohydrates and protein in order to estimate their bioethanol, butanol and biogas potentials as well as their potentials in production of value added protein feed. Enzymatic hydrolyses of the dried untreated samples were done to evaluate the need of pretreatment before fermentation trials. Approach and results: Ten species of macroalgae were harvested from natural populations in Danish or Greenland seawaters. Their potential for utilization in future biorefineries for the production of animal feed and energy carriers was investigated. Five species of brown algae (Saccharina latissima, Laminaria digitata, Agarum clathratum, Laminaria longicruris, Ascophyllum nodosum), five species of red algae (Palmaria palmata, Odontalia dentata, Delesseria sanguinea, Cystoclonium purpureum, Dilsea carnosa) and one green algae, (Ulva lactuca) were used. The elleven species were analyzed for their contents of C5 and C6 sugars, protein and salts. Enzymatic hydrolyses were carried out on selected species for sugar hydrolysis. Based on the results, the bioethanol, butanol and biogas potentials were calculated, and the protein fraction was estimated, which could be a potential feedstock or supplemental protein source for fish feed. Scientific innovation and relevance: The interest for using macroalgae for energy purposes and feed supply has increased significantly during the last decades. Some of the macroalgae have a great potential for bioethanol production by means of simple yeast fermentation due to a significant glucose content, but other microorganisms can be used for butanol and biogas production. The results indicate that less severe pretreatment conditions is needed for improved enzymatic hydrolysis than seen for lignocellulosic plant residues. Main conclusions: The carbohydrate composition of the analyzed macroalgae varied between 9 to 59% of dry matter, some with high content of glucose others with high content of xylose and galactose. The ethanol, butanol and biogas potentials for some algae were in the range of terrestic plant materials like wheat straw, however the results indicates that additional enzyme will be needed due to different carbohydrate compositions and linkages. The protein contents were up to 20% of dry matter, with indicates that some macroalgae could serve as feedstocks for animal feed.