OLD BRISTOL HISTORICAL SOCIETY 2014 HISTORICAL TREASURE HUNT 20 QUESTIONS requiring 1-word to 3-word answers and an ESSAY, explained below. All answers can be found on our website/blog: http://oldbristolhistoricalsociety.wordpress.com/family-genealogies/ QUESTIONS: 1 What does the term "Old Bristol” best relate to? (select one letter and put it as your answer in the column at the right). A. Bristol during the early settlements at Pemaquid in the 1600’s to the 1800’s. B. The area communities formerly comprising the Old Township, for example, Bristol, South Bristol, Bremen, and parts of Damariscotta and Nobleboro. C. The Old Township of Bristol before Bristol became incorporated. 2 Who wrote the book, Downwind from Pemaquid and in what year does this historical fiction begin? 3 How many historic villages comprise Bristol? 4 What will the author James Nelson be speaking about in Pemaquid on July 21, 2014 ? 5 In what year was the Battle between the H.M.S. Boxer and the U.S.S. Enterprise fought off Pemaquid Point? 6 Name something you could learn by searching the Vital Records. 7 How did Alexander Erskine, an early permanent settler in Bristol, make a profit from our Pemaquid River? 8 What man from Bremen wrote a book about the history of Bristol and Bremen? 9 On what date did the powerful storm that sank the Angel Gabriel hit Pemaquid Harbor? 10 Monhegan Island will soon be marking what historical event that happened 400 years ago? 11 How did Peter Hope begin his research for Two Harbors and a Hill about local history? 12 Who is Wally Leeman and what did he purchase in the past at Sawyer’s Corner? 13 How many historic sites are listed on the history tour map of Bristol and in which village can the Samoset Monument be found? ANSWERS: OLD BRISTOL HISTORICAL SOCIETY 2014 HISTORICAL TREASURE HUNT 14 Who owned the steamship named the Anodyne? 15 If you had a family story of a historical nature to share, where on the website would be the best place to enter it? 16 From 1886 to 1899 Bristol had its own newspaper. What was it named? 17 What are the names of the two largest natural areas that have been preserved in Bristol? 18 The one-room McKinley School was one of at least how many schools that have been built in Bristol? 19 If your great-grandfather is buried locally, whose books could help you learn where he is buried and what is inscribed on his tombstone? 20 When did the citizens living in our area petition to incorporate as a town? ANSWER AS MANY QUESTIONS AS YOU CAN. [ EXTRA CREDIT = Please type your ANSWERS into this electronic eFORM found on our website http://oldbristolhistoricalsociety.wordpress.com/stores-of-fun/, SAVE it to the computer, then ATTACH it to an eMAIL to send to OBHS at paul.ring@roadrunner.com . ] The eFORM will not work on an iPAD and other tablets. ESSAY Please compose on a separate piece of paper your essay in response to the following question: Why should the Town of Bristol celebrate its Sestercentennial? Please support at least part of your response with published and/or oral historical information. Grades 5 & 6 - up to 350-word Essay Grades 7 & 8 - 350 to 500-word Essay SUBMIT TO YOUR CLASSROOM TEACHER BY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 2014 Sign your name and grade below and on your essay. Name:_____________________________________ Grade:_____________ The Old Bristol Historical Society thanks you for your participation in this historical treasure hunt. We would like to have another treasure hunt later on. Please share your ideas for making this activity challenging and fun. Kay Sawyer Hannah, Co-President and Paul Ring, Educator