No Health Without Mental Health - Bristol City Council`s Progress

Bristol City Council’s Progress
Has the restructure effected progress?
• We have lost some key staff (Christina Grey, Richard
Nochar, Catherine Wevill)
Progress is being made
Structures are settling down and we are looking at
Need to look at rebuilding a strategic approach to this
Please bear with me!
CYPS (People)
• Refresh the 2008 Needs Assessment and to develop an
updated Emotional Health & Wellbeing Strategy for
Children & Young People; 2015-2020.
• As part of community child health services,
recommissioning the Child & Adolescent Mental Health
Service (CAMHS): in place by April 2016.
• Continued involvement in the Bristol Modernising Mental
Health Programme from a CYP perspective in order to
support effective transition pathways from CAMHS to
Adult Mental Health Services (AMHS)
Safer Bristol (People)
• Commissioned hate crime community support service, to
provide support to any victim of a hate crime incident.
• Dedicated CAMHS nurse within YOT, working closely with
school nurses. Clinical Psychologist works within team.
Housing (People)
• Homeless (accommodation) recommissioning using
Psychologically Informed Environment design.
• Housing Advice Team working specifically with discharged
from mental health services at risk of homelessness.
Training to build skills around mental health issues.
• Compass Health APMS (Alternative Provider Medical
Services) contract extended until 31.03.2016.. This allows
time for a thorough review, coming to the end of time
limited contracts
• Continuing floating support for people with mental health
problems to enable them to keep tenancies and live safely
and independently –four floating support services
have been tendered
Adult Social Care (People)
• Actively involved in modernising mental health including
assertive engagement service
Accommodation strategy for LD and MH supported housing:
looking to develop market both opportunistically and wider
market development
Social Prescribing Pilot with Second Step and wider social
prescribing group
Kept all Mental Health Floating support and recommissiong for
Discretionary spend eg Rethink protected in budget
MH social work teams coming back creates MH skills in
generic teams
Dementia: developing ECH for lifelong support, working
closely with CCG on Demetria strategy and dementia
friendly cities, Dementia design etc.
• 5 ways training delivered to 10 community leaders.
• Working with Knowle West Health Park to develop
informal activities to promote 5 ways with small groups.
100 people were trained as first mental health aiders in
the inner city.
Bristol Dementia Inclusion Programme is working to
integrate communities eg sporting memories;
reminiscence work between primary school
14 new social isolation projects that will give an evidence
Health Trainers working on social isolation
Fulfilling lives/ Golden key
Public Health
• Our stop smoking teams are actively working with mental
healthy services.
• Continue to support the self harm register which provides
essential data for service improvement.
• The Bristol Suicide Prevention Partnership continues to
deliver the local suicide prevention strategy. An annual
suicide prevention report is published
• Mental health Needs assessment work
In Summary
• NHWMH is being embraced across a range of Council
• Progress being made across the council
• Getting clearer after reorganisation
• Arguably needs a more co-ordinated approach