Unit 1

Imagine It!
3 Grade Curriculum Map
Unit 1 Friendship
Suggested Dates: 8/26-10/16
* Extra days given for i-ready, Writing Assessment, and setting up routines
About the Unit:
This unit contains various fictional genres, relating to friendship. In this unit students study what it takes to make a good friend.
Big Idea: What does it take to be a good friend?
Focus Standards for this Unit: * means assessed in this Unit/Review the Assessments for this Unit prior to teaching the Unit. May need to supplement.
Reading Literature
Use stories from the “Red”
section but supplement using
stories and other media to
teach the standard fully
RL 3.1* (Assessment 1)
RL 3.2* (Assessment 1)
RL 3.3* (Assessment 1)
RL 3.4* (Assessment 1)
Reading: Informational Text
Use stories from the “Red”
section but supplement using
articles and other media to teach
the standard fully.
Reading Foundational Skills
Taught in the “Green” Section.
May have to supplement with
CCSS Handbook and other
resources to teach the standards
RIT 3.1* (Assessment 2)
RIT 3.2* (Assessment 2)
RIT 3.4* (Assessment 2)
RIT 3.9* (Assessment 2)
RFS 3.4* (Fluency)
RIT 3.5
RFS 3.3
RFS 3.3a
RFS 3.3c
RFS 3.3d
RL 3.10
Taught in the “Blue” , “Green”
and “Red” section. Many CCSS
Language Standards aren’t
covered in Imagine It. Use the
CCSS Literacy Handbook and
other resources to teach these
standards full.
L.3.1d* (Assessment 1)
L.3.2b* (Assessment 1)
L.3.5b* (Assessment 1)
L.3.4a* (Assessment 1)
L.3.2e* (Assessment 1&2)
L.3.1i* (Assessment 2)
L.3.2c* (Assessment 2)
The focus for writing is W3.3
(Narrative) the other
standards help support the
students through the writing
process. W 4.7 & W 4.8 are
met through research and
Inquiry projects.
The focus is making
sure students follow
discussion protocols,
contribute to class
conversations, and
work collaboratively.
There is also an
emphasis on speaking
clearly and developing
presentation skills
W 3.3*
SL 3.1 (a-d)
SL 3.2
SL 3.3
SL 3.4
SL 3.6
W 3.4
W 3.5
W 3.6
W 3.7
W 3.8
W 3.10
Required Assessments:
i-Ready 9/14-9/25
CCSS Narrative Writing Assessment (W 3.3) Date Given: 10/12-10/16
Imagine It! End of Unit Fluency Due: 10/12-10/16
Optional Assessments:
CCSS Assessment 1(Lessons 1-3) Date Given: 9/26-9/30
CCSS Assessment 2(Lessons 4-5) Date Given: 10/13-10/17
Narrative Writing Ideas: personal narratives, Friendly letter to a friend, Describe a friend, Describe a time you stood up for a friend, story about friendship
Inquiry Topic Ideas: What makes friends different from family? Why do people want friends? How do people make friends? What things can friends do for each other? How can
friends keep a long distance friendship?
Academic Services Department 2015-2016
*These Curriculum Maps are a work in progress
Imagine It!
3 Grade Curriculum Map
Unit 1 Lesson 1:
Read Aloud: Amos & Boris
Rugby & Rosie
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Social Studies Link: A Bright Idea
Third Grade
Language Arts
Content Objectives
Academic Vocabulary
Throughout each lesson teachers have Content Objectives
for each of the standards. These objectives show WHAT
students will be learning.
Reading Literature:
 I can ask and answer questions referring to a text for
an answer. (RL 3.1)* (ELD 1.6)
 I can determine how the central message is
conveyed through key details. (RL 3.2)* (ELD 1.6)
 I can describe a character’s traits and how they lead
to action. (RL 3.3)* (ELD 1.6-7)
 I can determine the meaning of literal and nonliteral
words/phrases in text. (RL 3.4)* (ELD 1.6-8)
 I can refer to chapters and scenes when referring to
stories. (RL 3.5) (ELD 1.6, 1.8)
Reading Informational:
 I can use identify and use captions when reading
expository text. (RIT 3.5) (Social Studies Link) (ELD
1.6, 1.8, 2.1-2)
Reading Literature:
 text
 key ideas
 details
 central message
 genre
 character traits
 literal
 nonliteral
 chapters
 scenes
 craft and structure
Reading Informational:
 captions
 expository Text
Reading Foundational Skills:
 I can read new high-frequency words. (RFS 3.3d)
 I can read irregularly spelled words. (RFS 3.3d)
 I can read grade level text with accuracy and fluency
to support comprehension. (RFS 3.4)*
Reading Foundational Skills:
 high frequency words
 accuracy
 fluency
 narrative plot
Academic Services Department 2015-2016
Getting Started Approximately 5 Days
Lesson 1 Suggested Dates: 9/8-9/11
Selection Vocabulary
Read Aloud
 immense
 luminous
 sounded
Rugby & Rosie
 chores
 patient
 ignore
 worried
 energy
 command
 especially
 permission
 grateful
 harness
 mood
 bother
 moped
 whined
 trainers
 graduate
 graduation
 nervous
*These Curriculum Maps are a work in progress
Common Core Literacy Handbook
Use these lessons to further align
Imagine It! to the Common Core
Reading Literature:
 1.1.A Show Understanding of
 1.1.B Recount Stories
 1.1.C Use Key Details
 1.1.D Describe Characters in
 1.2.A Determine Meaning of
Words and Phrases
 1.2.B Understand Literal and
Nonliteral Language
 1.3.B Compare Books from a
Reading Informational:
 2.2.C Locate Information
Reading Foundational Skills:
 3.2.A Fluency
 4.1.C Write Narrative Text
Imagine It!
3 Grade Curriculum Map
I can identify, develop and write a narrative text
about a friend (W 3.3)* (ELD 1.10, 2.1-2, 2.6-7):
o I can tell the story in order from beginning to
end. (3.3a) (ELD 1.10, 2.1-2, 2.6-7)
o I can use words to describe the characters
and setting in my story. (W 3.3b) (ELD 1.10,
2.1-2, 2.6-7)
o I can use a character’s thoughts, words,
feelings and actions to show how events
happened and how characters respond to
the events. (W 3.3b) (ELD 1.10, 2.1-2, 2.6-7)
o I can show changes in time by using
temporal words and phrases. (W 3.3c) (ELD
1.10, 2.1-2, 2.6-7)
o I can write a conclusion that sums up the
story. (W 3.3d) (ELD 1.10, 2.1-2, 2.6-7)
I can write a piece with appropriate task and
purpose. (W 3.4) (ELD 1.4, 1.10-12, 2.1-2)
I can revise my writing to make my writing clearer.
(W 3.5) (ELD 1.4, 1.10, 1.12, 2.1, 2.3-7)
I can participate in short research projects (Inquiry).
(W 3.7) (ELD 1.10)
I can provide brief notes from sources. (W 3.8) (ELD
I can write for various purposes and to various
audiences. (W 3.10) (ELD 1.10-11)
Speaking and Listening:
 I can relate information read to a discussion.
(SL 3.1a) (ELD 1.1, 1.3-5)
 I can identify agreed-upon rules for discussion.
(SL 3.1b) (ELD 1.1, 1.3-5)
 I can ask questions and listen to others. (SL 3.1c)
(ELD 1.1, 1.3-5)
 I can explain the topic in a read aloud. (SL 3.1d) (ELD
1.1, 1.3-5)
 I can identify information from a text being read
Academic Services Department 2015-2016
temporal words
4.2.A The Writing Process
4.3.A Use the Research
Speaking and Listening:
 rules for discussion
 listening effectively
 questions
 discussion
 responses
 main idea
 supporting details
Speaking and Listening:
 5.1.A Collaborative
 5.1.B Listen for the Main Ideas
and Supporting Details
 5.1.C Respond to Speakers
 nouns
 6.1.A Sentences
*These Curriculum Maps are a work in progress
Imagine It!
3 Grade Curriculum Map
aloud. (SL 3.2) (ELD 1.5-6)
I can stay focused on a topic and ask questions.
(SL 3.3) (ELD 1.5-8)
real-life connections
shades of meaning
Language: (Need to Supplement)
 I can explain the correct use of nouns, pronouns,
verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Imagine It! Only
introduces nouns in this lesson. Need to supplement.
(L.3.1a) (ELD 1.1-4, 1.9-12, 2.2-7)
 I can spell our list of spelling words correctly.
(L.3.2e)* (ELD 1.10-11)
 I can spell HFW correctly (L.3.2e) (ELD 1.10-11)
 I can use spelling patterns when writing words.
(L.3.2f) (ELD 1.10-11)
 I can use strategies to figure out unknown words or
phrases. (L.3.4a) (ELD 1.6-8)
 I can identify real-life connections between words
and their use. (L.3.5b)* (ELD 1.7-8, 1.12)
 I can distinguish shades of meaning among related
words. (L.3.5c) (ELD 1.7-8, 1.12)
 I can choose words and phrases appropriate for third
grade in writing and speaking. (L.3.6) (ELD 1.1-4, 1.612, 2.3-7)
6.1.B Nouns
6.1.C Verbs
6.1.D Pronouns
6.1.E Adjectives
6.1.F Adverbs
6.1.J Spelling
6.3.B Use Context Clues
6.3.F Make Real-Life
6.3.G Build Vocabulary
Imagine It selections Aligned to CCSS Packet from the Edmodo Basal Alignment Project
Launching the Theme: T4&T5
Concept/Question Board: xi, T35, T37,T47, T 69, T91, T93
Decodable books: Getting Started 1-10, Lesson 1 #11 Vic’s Big Chore
Leveled Readers:
Strategic Level: Keeping in Touch
Benchmark Level: Friends are Not for Me
English Learner: Franklin’s Friend
Advanced Level: No Walls in Friendship
Standards for Lesson 1:
RL 3.1: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.
Academic Services Department 2015-2016
*These Curriculum Maps are a work in progress
Imagine It!
3 Grade Curriculum Map
RL 3.2: Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson or moral and explain how it is
conveyed through key details in the text.
RL 3.3: Describe characters in a story (e.g. their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.
RL 3.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, distinguishing literal from nonliteral language.
RL 3.5: Refer to parts of stories, dramas, and poems when writing or speaking about a text, using terms such as chapter, scene, and stanza; describe how
each successive part builds on earlier sections.
RL 3.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry at the high end of the grades 2-3 text complexity band
independently and proficiently.
RIT 3.5: Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently.
RFS 3.4.a: Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. *
RFS 3.4.b: Read on-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. *
RFS 3.4.c: Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary. *
W 3.3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences. *
W 3.4: With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task and purpose.
W 3.5: With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing.
W 3.7: Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic.
W 3.8: Recall information from experiences or gather information from print and digital sources; take brief notes on sources and sort evidence into provided
W 3.10: Write routinely over extended time frames and shorter time frames for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
SL 3.1.a: Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; explicitly draw on that preparation and other information known about the
topic to explore ideas under discussion.
SL 3.1.b: Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the
topics and texts under discussion.)
SL 3.2: Determine the main ideas, and supporting details of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually,
quantitatively, and orally.
SL 3.3: Ask and answer questions about information from a speaker, offering appropriate elaboration and detail.
L.3.1.a: Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in particular sentences.
L.3.2e: Use conventional spelling for high frequency and other studied words and for adding suffixes to base words.*
L.3.2.f: Use spelling patterns and generalizations (e.g., word families, position-based spellings, syllable patterns, ending rules, meaningful word parts) in
writing words.
L.3.4.a: Use sentence –level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
L.3.5b: Identify real life connections between words and their use (e.g. describe people who are friendly or helpful).
L.3.5.c: Distinguish shades of meaning among related words that describe states of mind or degrees of certainty (e.g., knew, believed, suspected, heard,
Academic Services Department 2015-2016
*These Curriculum Maps are a work in progress
Imagine It!
3 Grade Curriculum Map
L.3.6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate conversational, general academic, and domain specific words and phrases, including those that signal
spatial and temporal relationships (e.g., After dinner that night we went looking for them).
Unit 1 Lesson 2:
The Legend of Damon and Pythias
Genre: Play
Social Studies Link: From Athens To The U.S.
Third Grade
Language Arts
Content Objectives
Academic Vocabulary
Throughout each lesson teachers have Content
Objectives for each of the standards. These objectives
show WHAT students will be learning.
Reading Literature:
 I can ask and answer questions referring to a text
for an answer. (RL 3.1)* (ELD 1.6)
 I can recount myths from different cultures and
determine the moral of the each. (RL 3.2)* (ELD
 I can infer and analyze a character’s feelings and
motives. (RL 3.3)* (ELD 1.6-7)
 I can use context clues to help remember the
meanings of words. (RL 3.4)* (ELD 1.6-8)
 I can determine the meaning of a word or phrase by
the way they are used in a text. (RL 3.4)* (ELD 1.68)
 I can read and understand plays and dramas
independently. (RL 3.10) (ELD 1.6)
Reading Informational:
 I can use text features to locate information. (RIT 3.5)
(ELD 1.6, 1.8, 2.1-2)
Academic Services Department 2015-2016
Approximately Five Days
Suggested Dates: 9/14-9/18
Selection Vocabulary
Common Core Literacy Handbook
Use these lessons to further align
Imagine It! to the Common Core
Reading Literature:
 text
 moral
 myth
 character trait
 motives
 infer
 analyze
 context clues
 play
 dramas
Reading Literature:
 1.1.A Show Understanding of
 1.1.B Recount Stories
 1.1.C Use Key Details
 1.1.D Describe Characters in
 1.2.A Determine Meaning of
Words and Phrases
 1.2.B Understand Literal and
Nonliteral Language
 1.3.B Compare Books from a
Reading Informational:
 text Features
Reading Informational:
 2.2.C Locate Information
Reading Foundational Skills:
 multisyllabic
 fluency
Reading Foundational Skills:
 3.1.A Phonics and Word
*These Curriculum Maps are a work in progress
Imagine It!
3 Grade Curriculum Map
Reading Foundational Skills:
 I can read words spelled with ge, gi_, ce, ci_, a_e,
and e_e. (RFS 3.3)
 I can decode multisyllabic words. (RFS 3.3c)
 I can read irregularly spelled words. (RFS 3.3d)
 I can read with fluency and expression so the play
makes sense. (RFS 3.4)*
 I can reread a text accurately for better
understanding. (RFS 3.4)
 I can use graphic organizers to draft a personal
narrative in the form of a friendly letter. (W 3.3)*
(ELD 1.10, 2.1-2, 2.6-7)
 I can organize my ideas for a friendly letter. (W 3.4)
(ELD 1.4, 1.10-12, 2.1-2)
 I can use the organizational structure of a letter
with a heading, greeting, closing, and signature.
(W 3.4) (ELD 1.4, 1.10-12, 2.1-2)
 I can publish and share my friendly letter with
peers. (W 3.6) (ELD 1.2, 1.10)
 I can begin my group Inquiry report to inform my
class about my inquiry topic. (W 3.2) (ELD 1.10, 2.12, 2.6-7)
 I can work with others on a research project to
learn about a topic. (W 3.7) (ELD 1.10)
 I can write for various purposes and to various
audiences. (W 3.10) (ELD 1.10-11)
Speaking and Listening:
 I can contribute to a discussion building on others’
ideas. (SL 3.1d) (ELD 1.1, 1.3-5)
 I can identify agreed-upon rules for discussion.
(SL 3.1b) (ELD 1.1, 1.3-5)
 I can formulate questions and responses based on
comments made by others. (SL 3.1c) (ELD 1.1, 1.35)
 I can explain the topic using personal ideas,
Academic Services Department 2015-2016
3.2.A Fluency
 Graphic Organizers
 Friendly Letter
 Organizational
 Heading
 Greeting
 Closing
 Signature
 Publish
 Audience
 4.1.C: Write a Narrative
 4.1.B Write to Inform and Explain
 4.2.A The Writing Process
 4.3.A Use the Research Process
 4.4.A Use a Writer’s Notebook
Speaking and Listening:
 Key Concepts
 Discussion
 Opinions
 Reasoning
 Expand on Ideas
 Pace
 Recount
 Appropriate
 Situation
Speaking and Listening:
 5.1.A Collaborative Discussions
 5.2.A Present a Report
 5.2.B Tell a Story
 5.2.C Recount an Experience
*These Curriculum Maps are a work in progress
Imagine It!
3 Grade Curriculum Map
opinions, and reasoning. (SL 3.4) (ELD 1.9, 1.11-12,
2.1-2, 2.5-7)
I can answer questions and expand on others’ ideas
using details. (SL 3.3) (ELD 1.5-8)
I can speak at an understandable pace while
(SL 3.6) (ELD 1.1, 1.3-4, 1.9, 1.11-12, 2.3-7):
o Telling a story
o Recounting an experience
 I can form and use regular and irregular verbs.
(L.3.1d)* (ELD 1.1-4, 1.9-12, 2.2-7)
 I can begin learning how to write in cursive.
(L.3.1j) (ELD 1.1-4, 1.9-12, 2.2-7)
 I can use commas in addresses. (Letter Writing)
(L.3.2b)* (ELD 1.10-11)
 I can spell our weekly spelling words correctly.
(L.3.2e)* (ELD 1.10-11)
 I can use reference materials to check my spelling.
(L.3.2g) (ELD 1.10-11)
 I can discuss real-life connections between words
and their use. (L.3.5b)* (ELD 1.8, 1.12)
 I and use third grade academic words and phrases
in conversation. (L.3.6) (ELD 1.1-4, 1.6-12, 2.3-7)
 Standard English
 Conventions
 Regular verbs
 Irregular verbs
 Context Clues
 Dictionary
 Glossaries
 6.1.C Verbs
 6.1.I Punctuation
 6.1.J Spelling
 6.3.F Understand Word
 6.3.G Build Vocabulary
Imagine It selections Aligned to CCSS Packet from the Edmodo Basal Alignment Project
Concept/Question Board:
Decodable books: #12 Gem is Missing
Leveled Readers:
Strategic Level: Keeping in Touch
Benchmark Level: Friends are Not for Me
English Learner: Franklin’s Friend
Advanced Level: No Walls in Friendship
Standards for Lesson 2:
RL 3.1: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.*
RL 3.2: Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is
Academic Services Department 2015-2016
*These Curriculum Maps are a work in progress
Imagine It!
3 Grade Curriculum Map
conveyed through key details in the text. *
RL 3.3: Describe characters in a story (e.g. their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events. *
RL 3.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, distinguishing literal from nonliteral language. *
RL 3.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry at the high end of the grades 2-3 text complexity band
independently and proficiently.
RIT 3.5: Use text features and search tools to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently.
RFS 3.3: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
RFS 3.3.c Decode multi-syllable words.
RFS 3.3d: Read grade appropriate irregularly spelled words.
RFS 3.4.: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.*
W 3.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. (Inquiry)
W 3.3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.*
W 3.4: With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task and purpose.
W 3.6: With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and
collaborate with others.
W 3.7: Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic.
W 3.10: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a
range of disciplines-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
SL 3.1b: Follow agreed-upon rules for discussion.
SL 3.1.c: Ask questions to check understanding of information presented, stay on topic, and link their comments to the remarks of others.
SL 3.1.d: Explain their own ideas and understand in light of the discussion.
SL 3.4: Report on a topic or tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant descriptive details, speaking clearly at an
understandable pace.
SL 3.6: Speak in complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested detail or clarification.
L.3.1.d: From and use regular and irregular verbs. *
L.3.1j: Write legibly in cursive.
L.3.2.b: Use commas in addresses. *
L.3.2.e: Use conventional spelling for high frequency and other studied words and for adding suffixes to base words.*
L.3.2.g: Consult reference materials, including beginning dictionaries, as needed to check and correct spellings.
L.3.5.b: Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., describe people who are friendly or helpful). *
L.3.6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate conversational, general academic, and domain specific words and phrases, including those that signal
spatial and temporal relationships (e.g., After dinner that night we went looking for them).
Academic Services Department 2015-2016
*These Curriculum Maps are a work in progress
Imagine It!
3 Grade Curriculum Map
Unit 1 Lesson 3:
Good-bye, 382 Shin Dang Dong
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Social Studies Link: Ellis Island- Immigration Station
Content Objectives
Academic Vocabulary
Throughout each lesson teachers have Content
Objectives for each of the standards. These objectives
show WHAT students will be learning.
Reading Literature:
 I can ask and answer questions referring to a
text for an answer. (RL 3.1)* (ELD 1.6)
 I can discuss the events in the story and what
problems that are presented within it. (RL 3.2)*
(ELD 1.6)
 I can describe how characters feel based on
evidence from the text. (RL 3.3)* (ELD 1.6-7)
Reading Informational:
 I can use text features to locate information.
(RIT 3.5) (ELD 1.6, 1.8, 2.1-2)
Reading Foundational Skills:
 I can decode and use multisyllabic words.
(RFS 3.3c)
 I can read irregularly spelled words. (RFS 3.3d)
 I can read with appropriate feelings and
emotions. (RFS 3.4)*
 I can reread stories with intonation and
expression. (RFS 3.4)*
 I can write narratives to develop imagined
experiences and events. (Could use the writing
topic from the Theme Connections. Personal
Narrative “Describe a time when you made a
new friend.” Or the Fantasy in the blue
section.(W 3.3)* (ELD 1.10, 2.1-2, 2.6-7)
o I can use details when writing a
Academic Services Department 2015-2016
Third Grade
Language Arts
Reading Literature:
 Cultures
 Central message
 Characters
Reading Informational:
 Text Features
Reading Foundational Skills:
 Decode
 Appropriate
 Intonation
 Expression
 Narratives
 Experiences
 Events
 Details
 Setting
 Characters
 Planning
 Graphic Organizers
Approximately 5 Days
Suggested Dates: 9/21-9/25
Selection Vocabulary
*These Curriculum Maps are a work in progress
Common Core Literacy Handbook
Use these lessons to further align
Imagine It! to the Common Core
Reading Literature:
 1.1.A Show Understanding of
Reading Informational:
 2.2.C Locate Information
Reading Foundational Skills:
 3.1.A Phonics and Word
 3.2.A Fluency
 4.1.C Write Narratives
 4.3.A Use the Research Process
 4.4.A Use a Writer’s Notebook
Imagine It!
3 Grade Curriculum Map
 Revising
I can create main characters for a
 Editing
 Rewriting
o I can create a setting for the characters.
 Reflect
o I can use descriptions to show a
 Projects
characters thoughts and feelings.
 Research
 I can use graphic organizers for planning writing.
(W 3.4) (ELD 1.4, 1.10-12, 2.1-2)
 I can edit my writing to make it better. (W 3.5)
(ELD 1.4, 1.10, 1.12, 2.1, 2.3-7)
 I can use the Inquiry Process to conduct
research projects. (W 3.7) (ELD 1.10)
 I can reflect on and revise writing projects for a
range of purposes and tasks. (W 3.10) (ELD
Speaking and Listening:
 Key concepts
 Formulate questions
 Topic
Speaking and Listening:
 Ideas
 I can discuss a story to demonstrate
 Opinions
understanding of key concepts. (SL 3.1a) (ELD
 Reasoning
1.1, 1.3-5)
 Complete sentences
 I can contribute to a discussion building on
 Appropriate task
others’ ideas. (SL 3.1a) (ELD 1.1, 1.3-5)
 I can identify agreed-upon rules for discussions.
(SL 3.1b) (ELD 1.1, 1.3-5)
 I can identify ways to listen effectively. (SL 3.1b)
(ELD 1.1, 1.3-5)
 I can formulate questions and responses based
on comments made by others. (SL 3.1c) (ELD
1.1, 1.3-5)
 Conventions
 I can explain the topic using personal ideas,
 Formal English
opinions, and reasoning. (SL 3.4) (ELD 1.9, 1.11 Informal English
12, 2.1-2, 2.5-7)
 I can speak in complete sentences when
appropriate to task and situation. (SL 3.6) (ELD
1.1, 1.3-4, 1.9, 1.11-12, 2.3-7)
Speaking and Listening:
 5.1.A Collaborative Discussions
 5.1.C Respond to Speakers
 5.2.A Present a Report
 5.2.B Tell A Story
 5.2.C Recount an Experience
 6.1.J Spelling
 6.2.B Differences between
Spoken and Written Language
 6.3.B Use Context Clues
 6.3.F Understand Word
Academic Services Department 2015-2016
*These Curriculum Maps are a work in progress
Imagine It!
3 Grade Curriculum Map
I can begin learning how to write in cursive.
(L.3.1j) (ELD 1.1-4, 1.9-12, 2.2-7)
 I can spell our weekly spelling words correctly.
(L.3.2e)* (ELD 1.10-11) Contractions aren’t a CCSS
for 3rd grade. Could use HFW as spelling words
which is a CCSS for 3rd grade.
 I can use spelling patterns when writing words.
(L.3.2f) (ELD 1.10-11)
 I can use context to figure out the meaning of a
new word. (L.3.4a) (ELD 1.6-8)
Imagine It selections Aligned to CCSS Packet from the Edmodo Basal Alignment Project
Concept/Question Board: T219, T227,T243, T277
Decodable books: #13 More Clover
Leveled Readers:
Strategic Level: Odd Friendships
Benchmark Level: Edward Lear: The Gift of Nonsense
English Learner: Edward Lear and His Friends
Advanced Level: Two Friends
Standards for Lesson 3:
RL 3.1: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.*
RL 3.2: Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is
conveyed through key details in the text. *
RL 3.3: Describe characters in a story (e.g. their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events. *
RFS 3.3.c: Decode multi-syllable words.
RFS 3.4.a: Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. *
RFS 3.4.b: Read on-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. *
W 3.3.a: Establish a situation and introduce a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally. *
W 3.3.b: Use dialogue and descriptions of actions, thoughts, and feelings to develop experiences and events to show the response of characters to situations.
W 3.7: Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic.
W 3.10: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a
range of disciplines-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
SL 3.1.a: Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied require material; explicitly draw on the preparation and other information known about the
Academic Services Department 2015-2016
*These Curriculum Maps are a work in progress
Imagine It!
3 Grade Curriculum Map
topic to explore ideas under discussion.
SL 3.1.b: Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the
topics and texts under discussion).
SL 3.6: Speak in complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested detail or clarification.
L.3.1j: Write legibly in cursive or joined italics, allowing margins and correct spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence. CA
L.3.2e: Use conventional spelling for HFW and other studied words and for adding suffixes to base words.*
L.3.2.f: Use spelling patterns and generalizations in writing words.
L.3.4.a: Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
Unit 1 Lesson 4:
Beauty and the Beast
Social Studies Link: Outlook is “Rosy for City Parks”
Genre: Fairy Tale
Content Objectives
Academic Vocabulary
Throughout each lesson teachers have Content
Objectives for each of the standards. These objectives
show WHAT students will be learning.
Reading Literature:
 I can ask a question and refer to the text for an
answer. (RL 3.1) (ELD 1.6)
 I can retell a fable or folktale and explain the
lesson in the story. (RL 3.2) (ELD 1.6)
 I can use the character’s actions to help me
understand what happens in the story. (RL 3.3)
(ELD 1.6-7)
 I can compare and contrast themes, settings,
plots, and characters in stories written by the
same author. (RL 3.9) (ELD 1.6)
**Use another fairytale to compare to Beauty and
the Beast.
Reading Informational:
 I can answer questions to show that I know what I
read. (RIT 3.1)* (ELD 1.6) Can use Social Studies
Academic Services Department 2015-2016
Third Grade
Language Arts
Approximately 5 Days
Suggested Dates: 9/28-10/2
Selection Vocabulary
Common Core Literacy Handbook
Use these lessons to further align
Imagine It! to the Utah Core Standards.
Reading Literature:
 Fairy Tale
 Moral
 Infer
 Analyze
 Illustrations
 Convey Message
 Setting
 Text
Reading Informational:
 Details
Reading Foundational Skills:
*These Curriculum Maps are a work in progress
Reading Literature:
 1.1.A Show Understanding of
 1.3.A Examine Illustrations in Text
 1.3.B Compare Books from a
Reading Informational:
 2.1.A Show Understanding of
Reading Foundational Skills:
Imagine It!
3 Grade Curriculum Map
Reading Foundational Skills:
 I can decode and use multisyllabic words quickly.
(RFS 3.3c)
 I can read irregularly spelled words. (RFS 3.3d)
 I can read grade level text with accuracy, pace, and
expression. (RFS 3.4)*
 I can write narratives with real or imagined events.
(W 3.3)* (ELD 1.10, 2.1-2, 2.6-7)
 I can use the writing process to strengthen my
writing. (W 3.5) (ELD 1.4, 1.10, 1.12, 2.1, 2.3-7)
 I can continue to do research for my group inquiry
project. (W 3.7) (ELD 1.10)
 I can take notes for my inquiry project. (W 3.8)
(ELD 1.10)
Context Clues
 Narratives
 Events of a Story
 Writing Process
 Characters
 Temporal Words
Speaking and Listening:
 Key Concept
 Discussion
Speaking and Listening:
 Formulate
 I can participate in agree-upon rules for a
 Topic
discussion. (SL 3.1b) (ELD 1.1, 1.3-5)
 Opinions
 I can stay on topic. (SL 3.1b) (ELD 1.1, 1.3-5)
 Responses
 I can ask questions based on the comments of
 Main Idea
others. (SL 3.1c) (ELD 1.1, 1.3-5)
 Reporting
 I can explain my ideas to others. (SL 3.1d) (ELD 1.1,
 Determine
 I can begin learning how to write in cursive.
(L.3.1j) (ELD 1.1-4, 1.9-12, 2.2-7)
 I can produce simple and compound sentences.
(L.3.1i)* (ELD 1.1-4, 1.9-12, 2.2-7)
 I can spell our weekly spelling words correctly.
Academic Services Department 2015-2016
 Spelling Patterns
 Simple Sentence
 Compound Sentence
 Conventions
 Reference Materials
*These Curriculum Maps are a work in progress
3.1.A Phonics and Word
3.2.A Fluency
 4.1.C Write Narrative Text
 4.2.A The Writing Process
 4.3.A Use the Research Process
Speaking and Listening:
 5.1.A Collaborative Discussions
 6.1.A Sentences
 6.1.J Spelling
Imagine It!
3 Grade Curriculum Map
(L.3.2e)* (ELD 1.10-11)
 I can use spelling patterns when writing words.
(L.3.2f) (ELD 1.10-11)
 I can use reference materials when to
check/correct spelling. (L .3.2g) (ELD 1.10-11)
 I can use new grade level appropriate words and
phrases. (L .3.6) (ELD 1.1-4, 1.6-12, 2.3-7)
Imagine It selections Aligned to CCSS Packet from the Edmodo Basal Alignment Project
Concept/Question Board: T311, T319, T335, T369
Decodable books: #14 On a Train
Leveled Readers:
Strategic Level: Odd Friendships
Benchmark Level: Edward Lear: The Gift of Nonsense
English Learner: Edward Lear and His Friends
Advanced Level: Two Friends
Standards for Lesson 4:
RL 3.1: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.
RL 3.2: Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is
conveyed through key details in the text.
RL 3.3: Describe characters in a story and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.
RL 3.9: Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots of stories written by the same author about the same or similar characters. *
RIT 3.1: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.*
RFS 3.3.c: Decode multi-syllable words.
RFS 3.3d: Read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.
RSF 3.4: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.*
W 3.3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.*
W 3.5: With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing.
W 3.7: Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic.
W 3.8: Recall information from experiences or gather information from print and digital sources; take brief notes on sources and sort evidence into provided
Academic Services Department 2015-2016
*These Curriculum Maps are a work in progress
Imagine It!
3 Grade Curriculum Map
SL 3.1.b: Follow agreed upon rules for discussion.
SL 3.1c: Ask questions to check understanding of information presented, stay on topic, and link their comments to the remarks of others.
SL 3.1.d: Explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion.
L.3.1.i: Produce simple, compound, and complex sentences. *
L.3.1j: Write legibly in cursive or joined italics, allowing margins and correct spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence. CA
L.3.2e: Use conventional spelling for HFW and other studied words and for adding suffixes to base words.*
L.3.2.f: Use spelling patterns and generalizations (e.g., word families, position-based spellings, syllable patterns, ending rules, meaningful word parts) in
writing words.
L.3.2g: Consult reference materials, including beginning dictionaries, as needed to check and correct spellings.
L.3.6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate conversational, general academic, and domain specific words and phrases, including those that signal
spatial and temporal relationships (e.g., After dinner that night we went looking for them).
Unit 1 Lesson 5:
Teammates Genre: Biography
Social Studies Link: Guiding the Way to Freedom
Poetry: Two Best Friends; Since Hanna Moved
Content Objectives
Approximately 5 Days
Review/Assessment Week 5 Days
Suggested Dates: 10/5-10/16
Third Grade
Language Arts
Academic Vocabulary
Selection Vocabulary
Throughout each lesson teachers have Content
Objectives for each of the standards. These
objectives show WHAT students will be learning.
Reading Literature (Use Poetry Selections in
Imagine It):
Reading Information:
I can answer questions to show that I know what I
read. (RIT 3.1)* (ELD 1.6)
Academic Services Department 2015-2016
Use these lessons to further align
Imagine It! to the Utah Core
Reading Literature:
I can ask and answer questions referring to a text for
an answer. (RL 3.1) (ELD 1.6)
I can identify a stanza in a poem when writing or
speaking about a text. (RL 3.5) (ELD 1.6-7, 2.1-2)
I can proficiently read poetry. (RL 3.10) (ELD 1.6)
Common Core Literacy Handbook
Reading Information:
Key Details
*These Curriculum Maps are a work in progress
Reading Literature:
1.1.A Show Understanding of
1.2.E Parts of a Poem
Reading Information:
2.1.B Determine the Main Idea
and Supporting Details
Imagine It!
3 Grade Curriculum Map
I can locate/determine the main idea from a text.
(RIT 3.2)* (ELD 1.6-7)
I can explain how key details support the main idea.
(RIT 3.2)* (ELD 1.6-7)
I can describe the sequence of events using time and
order. (RIT 3.3) (ELD 1.6)
I can determine the meaning of specific vocabulary
words. (RIT 3.4)* (ELD 1.6, 1.8)
I can identify and comprehend key ideas, details in a
biography. (RIT 3.10) (ELD 1.6)
Reading Foundational Skills:
I can decode multi-syllable words. (RFS 3.3c)
I can read irregularly spelled words. (RFS 3.3d)
I can reread text for better understanding. (RFS 3.4)
I can read fluently with expression. (RFS 3.4)*
I can write a personal narrative about a time I stood
up for a friend. My narrative will include (W 3.3)*
(ELD 1.10, 2.1-2, 2.6-7):
o I can tell the story in order from beginning to
o I can use words to describe the characters
and setting in my story.
o I can use a character’s thoughts, words,
feelings, and actions to show how events
happen and how characters respond to the
o I can show changes in time by using temporal
words and phrases.
o I can write a conclusion that sums up the
I can use graphic organizers to develop my writing
ideas. (W 3.4) (ELD 1.4, 1.10-12, 2.1-2)
I can edit my narrative to make my writing clearer.
(W 3.5) (ELD 1.4, 1.10, 1.12, 2.1, 2.3-7)
Academic Services Department 2015-2016
Main Idea
Sequence of Events
Reading Foundational
Writing Process
*These Curriculum Maps are a work in progress
2.1.C Read Historic Text
2.1. D Read Scientific Text
2.1.E Read Technical Text
2.2.A Understand Precise
2.2.B Use Content Words
Reading Foundational Skills:
3.1.A Multisyllabic Words
3.2.A Fluency
4.1.B Write to Inform or Explain
4.2.A The Writing Process
4.3.A Use the Research Process
Imagine It!
3 Grade Curriculum Map
I can use technology to publish my writing piece.
(W 3.6) (ELD 1.2, 1.10)
I can share my published work with others. (W 3.6)
(ELD 1.2, 1.10)
I can participate with others on short research
projects. (Inquiry Project)( W 3.7) (ELD 1.10)
We can present our groups inquiry project. (W 3.6)
(ELD 1.2, 1.10)
Speaking and Listening:
I can identify agreed-upon rules for discussions.
(SL 3.1b) (ELD 1.1, 1.3-5)
I can formulate questions and responses based on
comments made by others. (SL 3.1c) (ELD 1.1, 1.3-5)
I can tell a story, recount an experience with relevant
facts and details. (SL 3.4) (ELD 1.9, 1.11-12, 2.1-2,
I can speak using complete sentences when asked to
provide details or clarification. (SL 3.6) (ELD 1.1, 1.34, 1.9, 1.11-12, 2.3-7)
I can cursive write letters I, t ,l, e ,o and a. ( L 3.1j)
(ELD 1.1-4, 1.9-12, 2.2-7)
I can use commas and quotation marks in dialogue.
(L.3.2c) * (ELD 1.10-11)
I can spell this week’s spelling words correctly.
(L.3.2e)* (ELD 1.10-11)
I can use spelling patterns when writing words.
(L.3.2f) (ELD 1.10-11)
I can use reference materials to check my spelling.
(L.3.2g) (ELD 1.10-11)
I can determine word meanings in context. (L 3.4a)
(ELD 1.6-8)
I can identify real-life connections between words
and their use. (L.3.5b) (ELD 1.7-8, 1.12)
I can choose grade appropriate words and phrases in
Academic Services Department 2015-2016
Speaking and Listening:
Formulate Answers
Relevant Facts
Reference Materials
Grade Appropriate
*These Curriculum Maps are a work in progress
Speaking and Listening:
5.1.A Collaborative Discussions
5.2.C Recount an Experience
6.1.J Spelling
6.3.E Understand Literal and
Nonliteral Language
6.3.F Understand Word
6.3.G Build Vocabulary
Imagine It!
3 Grade Curriculum Map
writing and speaking. (L.3.6) (ELD 1.1-4, 1.6-12, 2.37)
Imagine It selections Aligned to CCSS Packet from the Edmodo Basal Alignment Project
Concept/Question Board: T403,T409, T425, T455, T473, T479
Decodable books: #15 Bike Races, # 16 Too Cold
Leveled Readers:
Strategic Level: Pet Friends
Benchmark Level: An Unexpected Friend
English Learner: A New Friend
Advanced Level: Almost Moving Day
Standards for Lesson 5:
RL 3.1: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.
RL 3.5: Refer to parts of stories, dramas, and poems when writing or speaking about a text, using terms such as chapter, scene, and stanza; describe how each
successive part builds on earlier sections.
RL 3.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, at the high end of the grades 2-3 text complexity band
independently and proficiently.
RIT 3.1: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.*
RIT 3.2: Determine the main ideas of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea. *
RIT 3.3: Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language
that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect.
RIT 3.4: Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area. *
RIT 3.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend informational text, including history/social studies, science, and technical text, at the high end of the
grades 2-3 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
RFS 3.3.c: Decode multi-syllable words.
RFS 3.3d: Read grade appropriate irregularly spelled words.
RFS 3.4: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.*
W 3.3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details and clear event sequences.*
W 3.4: With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in which the development and organization are appropriated to task and purpose.
W 3.5: With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing.
W 3.6: With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (use keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate
with others.
W 3.7: Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic.
SL 3.1.b: Follow agreed upon rules for discussions.
Academic Services Department 2015-2016
*These Curriculum Maps are a work in progress
Imagine It!
3 Grade Curriculum Map
SL 3.1c: Ask questions to check understanding of information presented, stay on topic, and link their comments to the remarks of others.
SL 3.4: Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking clearly at an
understandable pace.
SL 3.6: Speak in complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested detail or clarification.
L.3.1j: Write legibly in cursive or joined italics, allowing margins and correct spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence. CA
L.3.2.c: Use commas and quotation marks in dialogue. *
L.3.2e: Use conventional spelling for High Frequency words and other studied words and for adding suffixes to base words.*
L.3.2f: Use spelling patterns and generalizations in writing words.
L.3.2g: Consult reference materials, including beginning dictionaries, as needed to check and correct spellings.
L.3.4.a: Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
L.3.5.b: Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g. describe people who are friendly or helpful).
L.3.6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate conversational, general academic, and domain specific words and phrases, including those that signal
spatial and temporal relationships (e.g., After dinner that night we went looking for them).
Academic Services Department 2015-2016
*These Curriculum Maps are a work in progress