Classifying Metamorphic Rocks 2014-15 Use the above chart to answer the following questions. 1. What type of metamorphic rock has very fine foliation with excellent rock cleavage ? ____________________________ 2. What type of metamorphic rock has distinct alternating bands of light and dark minerals ? _________________________ 3. What is the parent rock of phyllite ? ____________________________________ 4. Which rock has undergone more metamorphism, schist or gneiss ? ____________________________ 5. What type of metamorphic rock has micas dominate ? ______________________________________ 6. What is the relationship between amount of metamorphism and grain size of foliated metamorphic rocks _______________________________________________________________________________ 7. Which is harder, anthracite coal or bituminous coal ? ____________________________________ 8. What two basic characteristics are used to identify metamorphic rocks ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9. What 2 characteristics are used to classify metamorphic rocks ? _______________________________ Classifying Metamorphic Rocks 2014-15 • Rocks that have recrystallized due to heat and pressure are called metamorphic rocks. There are 2 processes which create enough heat and pressure to metamorphose a rock. During mountain building large amounts of rock are bent and strained. This can cause the requisite heat and pressure over a large area causing regional metamorphism. Secondly, is the heat and pressure created when magma is squeezed through preexisting layers of rock. This type of metamorphism is called contact metamorphism. There are 2 general categories of metamorphic rock, foliated and non-foliated. • Foliated metamorphic rocks take on 2 different appearances. In the former, all the recrystallized minerals form layers and are easily separated along those layers. The later type forms a visual banding of the minerals. • Non-foliated metamorphic rocks have no layering or banding. • Look at the examples of metamorphic rocks. List them by the following categories: foliated, non-foliated M-1 _______________________ M-4 _______________________ M-2 _______________________ M-5 _______________________ M-3 _______________________ M-6 _______________________