Diet Supplement Fact Sheet

Domenic Dorisio
Nutrition For Fitness
Diet Supplement Fact Sheet
Product: Muscle Pharm Hardcore Series: GAINZ Raspberry Twist
1. The product described above is a post workout BCAA powder designed to support
muscle building. The active ingredients include 6 grams of BCAA’s in a 4:1:1 balance.
These include: 4 grams of L-Leucine, 1 gram of L-Isoleucine, and 1 gram of L-Valine. 3
gram of L-Glutamine is also an amino acid that is included. Carnosyn Beta-Alanine is
listed at 2 grams. There are 2 grams of Creatine Hydrochloride included. Finally there is
5mg of Bioperine Black Pepper (Piper Nigrum) Fruit Extract listed as the last active
ingredient. All ingredients above are listed per serving. There is 89 milligrams of
Calcium Silicate included.
The target audience for this supplement is athletes and or bodybuilders looking to
increase muscle mass and quicken recovery time after their workouts.
2. Carnosyn Beta-Alanine: This product is claimed to be the best powder to get you
through tough workouts, build muscle, and recover at your fastest potential. It is free of
artificial coloring and flavoring, contains no proprietary blends, and is certified banned
substance free. This product contains “2 grams of patented CarnoSyn Beta-Alanine,
which is clinically proven to promote the buffering of lactic acid while boosting
performance and muscular endurance during high intensity exercise” (,
3. “In humans, carnosine is found primarily in fast-twitch skeletal muscle, and is
estimated to contribute up to 40% of skeletal muscle buffering capacity of H+ produced
during high intensity exercise” (Hoffman, 2010). Training alone does not seem to have a
noticeable affect on muscle carnosine levels according to Hoffman as well. Anaerobic
athletes have a more advanced buffering (recovery) capacity since they are not expending
all of their energy over a long period of time. Supplementation of Beta-Alanine will
increase an individual’s strength, training volume, and buffer an athlete’s recovery period
times greatly (Wilson, Wilson, Zourdos, Smith, and Stout). It was found that the
appropriate dosage per day is 4.8 – 6.4 grams of Beta-Alanine or 50 – 60 mg/kg of body
weight, which would also include multiple feedings throughout the day (Hoffman, 2010).
4. “Considering that most of the available evidence to date indicates that neither short
nor long term high intensity training regimens can elevate muscle carnosine
concentrations, the method that appears to best increase muscle carnosine content is
supplementing with β-alanine” (Hoffman, 2010). Beta-Alanine combined with creatine
(which the full supplement above implements) will even more greatly increase the
aerobic or resistance-training athlete’s strength, training volume (intensity), and lean
body mass than would each supplement consumed by itself (Wilson, Wilson, Zourdos,
Smith, and Stout).
5. Paresthesia is the one side affect that is affiliated with Beta-Alanine supplementation.
This is the feeling of numbness and tingling throughout the skin. However, it usually
Domenic Dorisio
Nutrition For Fitness
disappears an hour post-ingestion and occurs mostly with high dosages. It was found that
when this supplement is consumed with a carbohydrate-electrolyte drink, the side effect
is negligible. Since Beta-Alanine is an amino acid and has an important physiological
role in the body, it is believed to be safe in daily dosages that would be normally
consumed through an individual’s diet (Hoffman, 2010).
6. I personally believe that this supplement is beneficial, especially after a workout.
Once you consume it on a daily or almost daily basis depending on if you have a workout
or competition everyday, it will build up in your body allowing you to have more
explosive workouts since it delays fatigue and increases strength. As for the dosage, the
two grams of Beta-Alanine combined with 2 grams of creatine will be plenty for your
body to handle even though the daily dosage for Beta-Alanine alone is 4.8 – 6.4 grams.
This is because your body can not handle the supplement at the full daily dosage all in
one sitting. Also, your body naturally makes creatine and Beta-Alanine itself as well as
consuming some of it through your food, so it is not necessary to overdose. As long as
you are not too sensitive to the tingling feelings in your skin that you may receive from
taking this supplement, I believe that it is a great product that will help an athlete build
muscle quicker and help you workout more often at a higher intensity by delaying fatigue
symptoms making the best out of every exercise session.
Domenic Dorisio
Nutrition For Fitness
Reference List
Hoffman, J. (2010, February). CREATINE AND [Beta]-ALANINE
2015, from
MP Hardcore: Gainz BCAA Powder To Support Muscle Building. (2015, March).
Retrieved April 28, 2015, from
Wilson, J., Wilson, G., Zourdos, M., Smith, A., & Stout, J. (2010, February). BetaAlanine Supplementation Improves Aerobic and Anaerobic Indices of Performance.
Retrieved April 28, 2015, from